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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Precisely as Gas-Up says. Personally, I like the Cabergs. Good, cheap lids with a surprisingly high safety rating and lots of cool extra features. But first and foremost, above everything else, it must fit properly.
  2. Carole Nash always do me the best price, despite being reputedly one of the most expensive in the business.
  3. These things, or rather the brackets that they affix to, often make for useful tie-down points for luggage.
  4. Can you not add on some kind of cowl to make the pipes look fatter? TBH, I think they suit the 650 just fine. It's not a big bike and even with modded pipes on, it doesn't sound like a big bike. In fact, even with the baffles out and the pipes going straight through, it just sounds louder rather than bigger. In fact, they look about the same diameter as the first HH ones pictured on this page: http://www.metriccruisers.co.uk/acatalog/exhausts_xvs650.html PM box was full. Emptied out, so now the world can PM me about... stuff.
  5. If that's all they are and cost is that much of a concern for you, you could make this set yourself for a lot less than even these guys are charging. 'Tilt feature'? Looks like just an elongated bolt hole to me... Easy enough to make yourself.
  6. My first thought is a shorted/loose connection or some further corrosion somewhere. Wires *can* rust out inside their plastic sleeves, so this could be a full top to tail check of the wiring. Check teh alarm, yes, but pay particular attention to all the earthing points as well.
  7. You might be best off taking it to your friendly local mechanic. I don't know what to look for myself, but I can tell you that a restricted 650 Drag isn't much different to an unrestricted one. All out it only has 40BHP anyway.
  8. I have no new PMs in my Inbox. Yes, they are the Italian ones on eBay for £210. I went for the straight ones. Yes, I have fitted them. I think they sound very growly under revs, but with an appreciated, relatively quiet idle. Re-jetting is required, else your fuel consumption goes down along with your power and top end speed. Take the baffles out and you will go deaf. Looking thin is nothing. The actual pipes on original Drags are about the same diameter as the handlebar anyway. The rest is all cowling and heat shielding. These are single-walled and about 2" diameter. But then, I don't care about looks... I needed the bike to work and these were less than a quarter of the price of OEM pipes from Yamaha.
  9. Was it a 650 Classic, heavily painted up with lots of blue artwork? If so, the bike is called Elvira and was the ride of choice for Goff here. The exhausts are Geminis and quite popular among members. Even I have a set, now
  10. If you want FECKING LOUD, get a set of Gemini exhausts like me. They're straight-throughs, but come with removable baffles to quiet it down properly.
  11. You should not need to stop for the engine to cool down. It's air-cooled, which means so long as you are moving in the 30-60mph range, it will be perfectly fine. Only times you should be overheating is when stationary with the engine running for long periods, or if you rev the nuts off and go everywhere at top speed. 70 miles is merely a good run out and one you'll soon find yourself able to manage in one hit.
  12. Lidl surprisingly good for the money. They even do disclocks with my favourite disc detainers!!
  13. Yeah, I got a comment... several, in fact. The first is that TYPING EVERYTHING IN CAPS IS THE INTERNET EQUIVALENT OF SHOUTING AND IS VERY FUCKING RUDE!!!!! Don't do it. Second - a 2007 Classic 650 Dragstar, which is still brand new??!! Are you sure it's new? If not, then there is no breaking-in period and you should be able to get a good 48MPG easy enough, unless you live in one of those countries/states where they must have restriction devices by law. If all is well and you're still getting low MPG, check your idle and fuel mixtures are set correctly, the barbs and cylinders are balanced, spark plugs are in good nick etc.
  14. If your Drag is revving noisy between 60 and 70, then I suggest changing up to 5th gear. If it's still racing, then something needs adjusting. 5th on a 125 Drag just eases the revs and allows for gentler consistent cruising and should not be full of rev.
  15. I still prefer my M1A1 Bazooka.... It's even more fun than the flamethrower.
  16. Just Google it. You'll find hundreds. Many of them will be US-based, but there is a LOT of them around!
  17. I'm not aware of any major differences between models, so there probably wouldn't be one. You could always check their webshite and likely order direct...
  18. You're asking if a Cruiser is built for long-distance cruising??!! Oh my me, YES!!! I did Reading to Cornwall on my 125 Drag. Brilliant fun!! 70+mph all the way, regular stops and refuels, loads of adventure, great riding roads and then home a week later. Long periods in the saddle will cramp you up a bit, especially if you're tall or long limbed, but that's what regular stops are for!
  19. Yes, but why would you want to? Are you adding different end-cans?
  20. Why would you want a Harley, even if you could afford one? Here's an important Harley-related quote for you: Sonny Barger Hells Angels MC.
  21. Tyre manufacturers' websites will tell you what sizes to fit. If you ride all year, I strongly recommend Avon Venoms. Also, you'll find Classic and Custom Drags have different tyre sizes. You haven't said, but I'm guessing you have a Classic?
  22. 48mpg is a reasonable expectation.
  23. Probably, but I don't know of a single person who's been done for using a bike cover under such circumstances. I also believe that it's illegal for the traffic warden to lift the cover off...
  24. I swear by leather myself, but I did have a few tries with Draggin' Jeans... HORRID!! Biggest problem for me is that the rise (measurement from crotch to top of waistband) isn't high enough. You put them on and either they cut you straight up the middle, or you end up wearing them as if they are a pair of Low-Riders. Low-Riders are GREAT for the girls, but look very, very wrong on a bloke.
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