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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Some of them have clean water, but it comes from WaterAid - A charity run by several water utility companies, including the one I work for. I get to see exactly how much of that money goes where and I can verify that the vast majority goes exactly where it ought to. I did the WaterAid Ball a couple of years back. They rented out and smartened up a knackered old warehouse that backed directly onto the Thames, with a lovely view of London. They had Michael McIntyre as the MC and very cool he was. They had several current name entertainers like Justin Timberlake and Gareth Gates, fantastic 3-course dinner and a load of winable stuff. You could go into the casino and get 20 chips for £200. £20 bought you a 1-in-5 chance of winning a lucky dip prize. £50 bought you one raffle ticket to win either a £21,000 diamond necklace or a Caterham Seven car!! They also auctioned off loads of experience days, like lunch with famous sports people, sailing trips and so on. The biddings all started at £1,000. Someone paid almost 10 GRAND for a trip down the Thames Water Victorian sewer network!! They got everything either free or at rock-bottom prices, with all the prizes being donated and I believe the entertainment was pro bono, too. The amount of money in corporate expense accounts that night was astounding and they raked in a fortune, ALL of which went directly to supplying and installing clean water and waste networks in the places that need them. THAT is how a charity should be run!!
  2. I am VERY picky as to which charities I support. Can rattlers and most collectors get told to fuck off, regardless of who they are. If they DARE to get high and mighty with me, I demand to see their accounts which is my right under [insert made-up act here] and they go all quiet. I believe there *is* an act that entitles me to see where their money is spent, but I can't recall the exact legislation and they never know anyway. Truth is, many of them do lose a lot of the cash before it reaches the people they're supposed to be supporting. I go for a lot of animal and forces charities, personally. In particular, the Gurkhas and Rifles Regiment get my vote, as do the RBL and HFH. I also love Otters, so they always win. Oxfam can fuck off - They've gone from "Just £2 a month" to now "Just £5 a month" and others are following suit. I *do* know where their money goes...
  3. New Dragstars include a small plastic pouch with a few tools in, as described above. Parts shops can get original pouches for about £60. But, as I supect you mean the cylindrical leather carrier usually mounted on the forks. The answer is yes, you can get them. Some even have the Yamaha Dragstar star logo on. They aren't really bike-specific, as they have adjustable straps to fit all Star models. Yamaha do OEM ones, other places also offer the same. Start with Googling Dragstar tool roll.
  4. I have Weisse winter gloves that are 100% waterproof. I also use a one-piece waterproof suit from Lidl's bike special days (I bought 2 for about a tenner each). These usually last about a year before replacing, but for the price it's pretty decent. My expensive Lewis Leather waterproofs failed at a crucial moment - Main zip bust right as I was suiting up for a major downpour!
  5. HAVE???!!! Or purchase? Coz I *will*, ya know... I'm a pedantic bastard like that!
  6. Propper Job!!!!! Nice big saddlebags too, eh!!
  7. Cor, that silver one looks so 1980s futuristic tech.... I want one!!! Are you going to get some lovely big boxy panniers too?
  8. See those rings at the back of the top rail, where it curves round? That is where you relocate the indicators to. You will likely need longer wires, but do check beforehand. There's sometimes quite a bit, as I found when I relocated my Drag indicators. I expect your wires will have those little knobbed connectors shaped like a little willy, that fit into a socket inside a clear plastic sleeve. Should be an easy enough switch-out - Just wire in short extension wires and remember which wires go where. Wrap a small tab of masking tape around each wire end and write notes on it - ie A to A, B to B etc... Might also be worth running the new wiring through a conduit to help keep the water out. Shout if you need further advice
  9. http://www.maisters.demon.co.uk/
  10. In full: With the bike switched off- Squeeze the clutch lever in and out. See how stiff it is? Now let it go completely. See how the lever has a bit of back-and-forth wiggle between where it is fully out and where it starts to get stiff? That is your freeplay. Same for the throttle. Alles Klar?
  11. You'll need a flanged end of some kind, with another piece that sits around the pipe and sandwiches the flanged end into the cylinder port. The Dragstar uses a sort of diamond-shaped piece, with two holes for the bolts.
  12. That one's done by the French, isn't it? Exercise Tiger, wasn't it? Not at all - You want to go there, you get there however you are able. The fact that even a bunch of dirty, greasy, granny-bashing, child-eating bikers can make the effort to travel all the way just to pay their respects will still be appreciated just as much!!
  13. He'll think you're an 'orrible little scrote who needs pulling over and giving a good hassling.
  14. S'pose I'd better contribute - My other 'hobbies' include ... Drumming Leatherwork Film and TV Prop building WW2 Living History (NOT re-enactment. Big difference) English Martial Arts Hiking, camping and all that. Locksports The occasional bike rally
  15. Can't be too different from most Cruisers.
  16. Get them serviced by a pro. Have him strip them down, replace the fluid, replace any worn parts - Full overhaul.
  17. Be ready for your position to be very odd when turning, especially around full lock. Some straight bars are quite a stretch, even for us long-armed types.
  18. Mine never had that connecting tube... The covers were the same, but it was just a blank insert that rested between the two like an acroprop.
  19. They will. You just need to unbolt them and slide them off. Normally you'd put then just put a Custom set of silencers on, which is why they're called 'slip-ons'. In your case, you'd then slip on the ones you made and affix the same way.
  20. Bollocks to all of it. Buy the Hagon and fit it yourself. Looks like I saved myself a bloody fortune doing that!!
  21. Create a legally binding union betwixt it and a RoyalStar. The title may then be assumed by the CT and voila!
  22. You won't get too deep a sound from a 650, I'm afraid. It barks nicely, especially when you whack it on full chat from low revs, but the really deep stuff comes from the big boys. Best I can suggest is either finding existing silencers, or modelling yours on one. A nice narrow, short one sould be OK. Failing that, my own are surprisingly quiet - Gemini exhausts from Italy. The 'silencer' supplied is basically a short sleeve insert that fits just inside the end of the pipe, with a single bolt bolted through a hole in both walls. The insert end that goes in first is pinched into a cone, with small holes of varying sizes drilled along it. That's it. Does a surprisingly good job and is simple as!! I think Leatherat took photos of his...
  23. *Tips helmet, waves like a mad'un, stands up on teh pegs and flashes arse at you* Welcome!!
  24. Most decent local parts shops should be able to source original Yammie ones and/or find decent aftermarket replacement ones. Yammie dealer can do originals too, but they will cost...
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