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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Bad alignment will make the chain jump, thing is chains don't WANT to jump the sprockets. Their very design means they pull themselves onto the sprockets. I have had chains that were absolutely worn to their limit, like 17000 miles (scotoiler) and it stayed on. Slack as a prossies chuff but stayed on. Tight spots don't free off either, the tight spot is something that forms in a chain from use. Something to do with frequency, tension and power transfer effects on the chain. There will always be one and you having a big tight spot, big enough for the chain to jump says adjustment. Unless your packing more weight than the average brit, (according to Yamaha that's about 80Kg) which will affect how you adjust your chain.I'd say the chain adjustment was done wrong at the replacement and now the chain is, well. Knackered really, wouldn't be the first time a garage has done a chain up a little tight so that its right when the owner checks it a few weeks later.
  2. When the piston is on its downstroke there is some of the charge from the crankcase gets pushed back up into the carb before the reeds have time to close. When the engine is off the pipe this effect is even worse because of bad reflections. This blowback ends up in the airbox and pollutes the next charge in older 2 strokes. The boost bottle gives this somewhere to go as during the cycle when the piston is on the upstroke the pressure in the bottle is low. When the piston is on its way back down the very second the reeds can pass charge its on its way. Without the time it takes for more fuel to travel from the carb. Sounds good but it doesn't make a huge difference, maybe a bit of bottom end torque. It was called Torque Induction on the RXS 100. Ironically a lot of the lads I knew who had them took the bottles off and blanked the manifold. Works much better on twins as each cyl can scavenge the other, 350's have a pipe linking the manifolds together. Take that out and you DO notice.
  3. What make c+s? The chineese have some interesting ideas of what 'quality' means.
  4. Did you not find those forks really limited the bike. I fitted a set then went back to the originals. The loss of turning circle and the twitchy ride off road was not worth it.
  5. Show me where i blame the biker. The car caused the incident. Im not disputing that. Im calling him an idiot for not doing something about it. The rider did nothing to save himself. With a squirt of throttle it could have been out of harms way. Hell he is filming the car. Therefore looking at it. Would the "now what are they going to do?", thought not pass through your mind. I know it would mine. Closely followed by "shit if he hits reverse!". I am as jaded as motorway cops as to just what people are thinking about when these things happen. Pound to a penny he was thinking he would have some juicy footage of an accident. Just didnt figure on it being his.
  6. I stand by the 50/50. Its a scooter too so in less than the time it took for his attempt at backpedaling he could have moved foreward 6ft. He is quite happy to stand with his arms wide out in front of the car. So as that is still not in the traffic there was clear space for him. The more disturbing thought. The car did not have to come back that far to clear the junction. Also the car turning towards the bike. The fact that they did not stop at first impact but proceeded to give it some more gas to push right over. THAT is the scary part. Who's to say the car wasn't doing what it intended to.
  7. Cynic

    Missed TT now

    Dont worry ITV4 will repeat it before the end of the week.
  8. Test it again in the new member's section and we might forgive you. Might!
  9. As soon as the lights went on for reverse i would have been looking for a way out. I do not trust or expect anything other than the worst from todays motorists. Mobiles, stereo, stress. The fact that cars are too damn safe to keep us alert. Nope nothing to do with hindsight. He expected the car to stop, car did not consider anything would be arrogant enough to be in their way. 50/50 but the car started it.
  10. Sorry but their both idiots. Bike could have done something toward getting his bike out of the way. Not just sit there.
  11. Sorry dont know. What i do know is i would pay good money for the older one. How you make sense of the new one in the stresses of riding a bike god only knows.
  12. Would not be the forum it is if we did. We want you to enjoy bikes forever. Your Dt is the appetiser. If got a go on my TDR250 you would be booking your test tommorrow. You dont realise just how good bikes get. Little temperance now will pay off later.
  13. You should be a politician. Insurance ask for ANY modifications. That is the coverall to catch workarounds like yours. I could declare that switch with little most likely no cost penalty. Surprisingly i tuned my old 600 a lot. Crossed my fingers and confessed. Added about 20 quid to the premium. Apparently due to its looks being unaffected. (Yep i know gsxf 600's were never regarded as pretty). You on the other hand cannot declare a modification that gives more power. Full stop. No matter how you spin it. End of the day its your bike. We have been there and done it. KNOWING THE CONSEQUENCES. Thats all were trying to say. You can make it do 100mph
  14. Agree to differ. But im right.
  15. 1981 taco and your looking for broken wires, isn't it a spedo like cable from the rocker cover, or maybe from the back of the clutch cover?
  16. No. The certificate would have been 1 page of the 19. All the others were red tape.
  17. Were not wrong kev. You said it yourself. "I wring its neck everywhere i go". That is why its not causing you problems. I have been to squires 5 or 6 times now. When i rode with Dirty and his sv i used 3l of oil. We were at 9/10 the entire weekend and the TDR averaged under 30mpg. When i rode with Andrewelvisfan and his Sr. Max cruise that time. Bike still only did 45mpg. But i did the whole trip without filling the oil tank. The oil i took with me i brought home. Used less than a litre for 500+ miles where i used 3 with you and Numan.
  18. Me included. I have been riding 2strokes for (OH SHIT!) nearly 30 years and the pump is generally blamed for failures. When its working fine. I know of one instance of a pump failing. Considering the hassle of pre mix its a no brainer for me.
  19. Its what it starts. I gave my 50 a few tweaks. Ended up with porting so severely it would barely run below 4k. Flat out was over, well whatever a stock rxs100 would do plus a bit as i was quicker. Next you will fit a pipe, then reeds, then.... None of us are saints but in this day and age we have to give the proper advice. Following it is up to you. Same as it was for me in 87.
  20. The dont bother with a cover. Once dirt gets under it it will do as much damage as it saves.
  21. Dont know for certain if the it stator will work. If it is the same visually the as long as the resistance values for the coils tally (use that to work out the correct connections) i dont see a problem.. Failing that refitting the stator with the correct coils is not expensive. A hard backfire from a 175 is not unknown when there ok. Good ones go off like a shotgun lol.
  22. Easy tiger. Its not THAT forum.
  23. Looks like a terminal problem....
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