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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Mildly but at the end of the day the big bore will only knacker its self and you will have the stock parts to put back. On the 600 I had to have the carbs dynojetted at a tuners, a guy did it by hand. No new jets just used a really fine set of watchmaker like drills in a small hand drill to open airways and jets as needed. The old boy told me before he did it. "You sure son, once this is done these carbs are never going to work on anything else." All I know for certain is it worked. Took 2 days and 28 duno runs and another fuckton of cash. I forget how much but didn't want to tell the wife.
  2. Cynic

    My Auld Triumph

    It may seem silly but the primary purpose of the pin board is to get the proper length and location for the wires and connectors. Personally when I built my first loom I would never have believed just how much wire was in even a basic loom. Its metres of wire just in a DT, 2 indicators, brake and tail is probably 10m alone. Trying to build a loom on the bike will end in nightmare too as you just wont know whats where. The separate sub looms makes sense, I did much the same on the dt. You should have the pin board laid out like its a bike that's squashed flat with locations marked on, headlight, battery switchgear etc, in the correct distances. That pin board will keep you sane, trust me.
  3. Cynic

    My Auld Triumph

    Looking good so far. I take it you have a peg board made up?
  4. There is room, you have to cut through the plastic top hat bushed that are between the frame and the sw arm. That gives just enough clearance to get the blade through. The sw arm bushes are brass so cut easy. The spindle is just case hardened so once you get through the skin so to speak that's ok too. You will be using the proven highly accurate engineering tool known as a hacksaw blade wrapped in insulation tape.
  5. Heat wont work, the crap holding it runs the full width of the sw arm. Either try what airhead said that might work or cut it. I had to with mine. With a decent hacksaw blade it doesent take too long and only damages whats already knackered.
  6. You do realise with secondary evidence that is enough to nick you. You need an 'allegedly' in there at least.
  7. Fair play for having a go. You do need to be aware that these things very often turn into money pits, not to mention the licence element. I know the odds of being caught these days are very low and your not going to be doing 90mph on a 4st 125 like we were in the late 80's on the TZR's. The 125 restriction hype came from those 125's, in Europe they were not restricted and made around 30hp. For the uk the makers just neutered them with basic stuff. Webbing in the carb, exhaust washers, even, longer throttle slides that didn't open as far. You will have to do proper tuning, there is no easy power. That is what people are warning you about. The work you do and the money you spend getting power do the same to a 4 or 600 would get you far more for your buck. That said there is a member on her supercharging and XS tracker because he can. Good luck with it, I took a 600 Suzuki GSXf from 62hp to 95hp as a Q bike, (there was more to come but some stupid bugger got his missus pregnant and the money vanished) lots of fun, a fuckload of money (exhaust was a grand) so go for it.
  8. Actually I thought it was pretty good. The first helmet I have used on the TDR I can ride without earplugs, I had an aria in the past and that was too noisy as well. Think its something to do with the screen/riding position on the TDR. Its also the most comfortable lid I have had with my glasses too. The ventilation is really effective as well, very positive cooling with the vents open, to the point of being uncomfortably cold at times. I may just have hit on the perfect size for me I suppose but by the time I got home after putting 300 miles on the lid I could have happily done 300 more, my arse may disagree. My only negative would be that it seems to mist up VERY quickly but as a chronic asthmatic I breathe heavy which wont help. I am genuinely very happy with it.
  9. My money is on whichever you pick last.
  10. Sounds like a plan Pat, I'm up for a blast out west.
  11. Same for me, without the brum (or Sheffield eh Slice?, great weekend, when is the next one.
  12. At 5 years old its fkt anyway. Gone for an agv kv3 in the end, very comfy. First proper trip this weekend. Many years ago I went over the bars on the bike and effectively landed on my head, I was fine pretty much, bike not so much. I know it shouldn't matter but the really low cost lids I just don't feel comfortable with. Esp as my mate broke one with his bare hands a few years back, (the shell split at the chinpiece).
  13. Depends what time, I have an early mark at work but when I will actually leave may be a bit hit or miss. Prob 6. Im at bugbrooke, J16 m1 Too bloody right, that dt changes direction like a housefly, stops like its hit a wall (you have the same front brake as I do on the 250). Everything you lose in a straight line you get back at the first corner.
  14. I said earlier my lot would not let me off the Friday either. have booked an early finish though so will be up Friday. sometime.
  15. Cynic

    the phone!

    Your wife and sister may well be the same person too.
  16. Em, John. I thought Jimmy was further north than you were, ? Cheers alex.
  17. Oh, thanks for that I thought it just happened. When my CB goes back on the road that will be tax and mot free. Its a 71, a month younger than me! Should not be surprised, I still had to 'TAX' my old land rover. I just had a tax disc (remember them?) with historic written on it and didn't cost anything. Post office people always seemed really off when you did it though?
  18. Just on the mobile so far for me.
  19. Oops fog of age I thought it was a 12. Must have been one of the other bikes with a 12. I know several lads wanted the carb off my bike (a 50m) back then.
  20. My bikes are not quite in the same league chain wise but for what its worth. I go with the standard did chain. All the fancy bullshit comes to nowt in the real world. Top of the line is 120+ the standard chain 27, ask yourself this (I know you have to have softlinks where I can cheat with splits) will the 120 quid chain last 6 times longer than the standard units. Even their own bull says it outlasts standard chains by 40%. Little bit extra lube time and save a chunk of change? At the very most I would only go with the basic O ring.
  21. Have lifted this from the Renault Owners forum im a member of as I thought it would be useful. I checked myself and came up clean apart from an old email that is now dead. Thanks to Vapulabis for putting it out there. Check Yourself Out Ladies and Gents, I have been made aware today during the most boring security briefing I have ever sat through, the deliverer of the brief so was charisma free he was actually sucking in everyone in the rooms charisma away from them, he was a black hole for it. However he did mention a couple of good things for people to have a look at and see what other people have on them or whether their details are being used for nefarious reasons on the webPIPL dot COM - searches for and shows you any unsecured web sites that your name, email, username or phone number appear on and therefore are searchable by anyone to get the details. you may wish to contact any websites that it does find and get them to remove your details etc, thats up to you, but at least you will know.have i been pwned? - checks your email address(es) and sees if they have been used for nefarious reasons on the web and who/what server has been using it the image is for one of my email addresses, seems it is out there, hence the amount of junk mail that comes to it Attached Thumbnails
  22. Cynic

    My project

    Shock Shocks will build to suit you for around the 350 400 mark. So you could be a darts player or a national hunt jockey and it will work.
  23. No, unless something weird is mixed up. I thought the 50 had 12mm, the 80 had a 16. The DT50m had a 16mm carb and that was designed for 60cc, went bloody well on it too, at 60cc (quality bore kit) I was clocked by an RXS100 at 70mph. Looooong time ago now though. When MX's were brand new.
  24. Its been a while since someone blew the dust of this section so here goes. The Bahco S106 socket set. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bahco-Socket-106-Piece-2-Inch-Drive/dp/B000Y8OFI6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1526569717&sr=8-1&keywords=tools+bahco Got mine from Amazon, oh lovely, 3/4 and 1/4 inch drive ratchets with all the silly sizes like 15,16 and 18mm, the 1/4 drive are deep and normal. Some funky bendy jobs I haven't used yet. Full set of well fitting combo spanners. Plenty of extensions etc. Whole raft of posidrive and torx bits in a decent case with proper hinges so the halves wont separate and nothing moves in the box. Used them for the cam belt on the Mondeo and the glow plugs on the wife's car plus general bike maintenance and its already my new love. I had a teng set last and this tops it, certainly ranks as semi professional kit. Did think the orange handles on the ratchets was a bit daft, you can guess what colour they are now.
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