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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. If the DT and your 400/4 are ever and i mean ever comparable on vibes the engine in the 400 is gonna blow. Singles always vib a bit, esp little strokers as there is no balancer . A buzz through the pegs and the bars is to be expected but if it sends your toes numb you need to investigate. Unfortunately you live in the real world , if you fancy the squires weekend we could all have a drink.
  2. Think of it this way, You cannot say for certain that you have it accurate enough with the alighnment if you don't send it off, like the site says 15thou runout is not possible to see without specialist equipment. After you have done all the rebuild, fitted the new piston, seals bearings gaskets etc. The engine's in and when you finally start it it vibrates, or runs for a week or two then quits . If you have all the parts send it away, 25quid for peace of mind is a bargain.
  3. Cynic


    I used diesel oil in a MK2 escort i had years back and ended up putting a set of rings in it. It has a very high detergent content. Be ok in a newer engine as my dad ran his cars on it from new, i knew no different and it was cheap (free) so i did the same. Trouble was the detergents cleaned all the crap from the ring groves etc and she smoked like a missisippi steamer within weeks of the oil change.
  4. Could have been worse, what if they sent you one of them magnifying shavng mirrors......
  5. And BWJ thought i'd raided the crackers.......
  6. Think of it being ridden by another woman, faaaaar better
  7. Oh dear, when i first saw that image i thought you were going to say it looked like someone slipping one in from behind, THEN i read the text.
  8. Just seen him, think he dropped this? HINT
  9. Two blondes walking down the street. One reaches into her pocket for a make up compact and looks into the mirror. "This picture looks like someone I know" she says. The other one has a look and says, "Of course dummy, it's ME...."
  10. I think you will find the big bore for the 80 uses a 125 piston on the 80cc crank. Try speaking to these people PJME they stock all the quality piston brands and do nothing other than bike engines. If they don't know they will be able to help.
  11. Check the chain and sprockets, especially the spring loaded tensioner as they sieze and the chain goes tight when you sit on the bike. Secondly check the engine mounting bolts are tight. Last time you checked the plug, etc Finally, is it when the revs come off or just the amount of throttle.
  12. Er alarm bells, thats synthetic 2 stroke oil (good quality too), as in for the engine to burn. What did you change it to. Or have you been using 2 stroke oil in the gearbox. More importantly comp 2 comes as injector or premix, not reccomended to get them mixed up ie premix in an injector system. If i had to guess i'd be thinking oil starvation myself.
  13. Unless you have some highly skilled engine know how (in which case you wouldn't be asking this question) don't try. Go here instead. PJME No brainer when you look at it.
  14. After riding it that far it will be 'in' the crack of your arse
  15. How about this if he's still got it....... http://tdr250.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6374 Ready made project.......
  16. UGGGGH for TDR's don't, leave that hideoust profiteering shite well alone. There are a couple on there now that are too dear. Have a look at TDR owners club. Not as busy as here but you will get perfectly useable runners for maybe 800quid. Just ask merv, Certainly good material to work with. As to seat height, you'd be surprised, it really isn't that high. Couple of inches more than an RD. Remember its not actually a dirt bike its just pretending. And yes i am biased,totally, i cannot think of a bike i would change the TDR for, it will do anything i need and doesent leave me needing a chiropractor after using it. Something to whet your appetite, http://tdr250.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6323
  17. Easyest question ever, TDR250 mate. Buy a ropey one that works for 7-800quid. Some rebuilding costing maybe the same of which the engine should be about 400, if you do it for less your cheating (may as well get StanStephens to do it for 500) and you have a bike with everything. You want to go nuts, fine its a race bred 2 stroke. Bimble, fine not really what there for but it will do it. That powervalve system makes the engine super tractable. Comfy, you bet did squires in one hit ( 180 miles, bar fuel) no neck ache, numb fingers etc. Only minor side is getting around 40 MPG from the pathetic 2 gallon tank. Oh and the other minor issue of finding one But hey you want a challenge........
  18. Wiring is the same as our DT's OG, you could damn near swap the looms straight over.
  19. Rubbish, if you have good quality tyres and the right riding technique you can take a GOOD TZR125 over far enough to worry a set of knee sliders quite safely. Bigger back wheels are about fashion, 99 times out of 100 it will ruin the handling as the bigger rear wheel makes the steering slower and, if you just squeese a big tyre onthe stock rim you can make the bike dangerous to ride. Spend the money on a track course/ track day instead. Will be far better than a bigger rear wheel.
  20. I've reached the top of the hill, apparently the fun really starts now. Cheers. Maybe i should have a mid life crisis and buy a motorcy, oh. Maybe a car with a big V8 engin, oh. Now what....
  21. Cynic

    RDD 11R

    Damn looks like its yours Merv, i can't stretch to a tin of soup.....
  22. Cynic

    RDD 11R

    I'll raise you a fresh cob with real butter, for the gravy duties.
  23. I'll be giving that a miss thank you, let me see, 150miles on a comfy fast 250 or a DT175, let me think for. Yep the 250 it is.
  24. +1 Aside from which the 175motor has the rear sw arm flexing, with the 400 And ok as the brakes are, stopping a 400
  25. I had me one of those, well the FS anyway. Never had that problem and rode it ice rain or shine for 4 years. Did use ONLY rock synthesis 4 in it. It must be said though, that oil may cost bodyparts to use and change every 6000miles but a neighbour/ friend now owns it and the engine is now on 40,000+ miles on just a couple of shims for the valvegear.
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