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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic

    hard as feck

    More 'the last straw' don't you think.
  2. Honest answer......? No, it is incredibly effective as an ecconomical, incedibly reliable and easy riding machine. The performance it has is limited but that to be honest is a low priority considering the market the bike is aimed at. Your best option is the one i always reccomend, get yourself up to speed. The performance of the bike generally makes up for lack of skill in the rider. Get aome advanced training under your belt. The police do some very good observed rideing courses as well as the likes of the BMF. There are also track instruction days, like track days but you use their kit and you have an instructor, although your own leathers are reccomended. That way you can learn how to ride a bike fast properly on a properly fast bike. I have done these myself and the difference they make to your riding is beyond your wildest expectations. How much better would you feel scything past other riders scraping your pegs and shredding the tyres on your stock 125 on a knarly road you 'own'. Than burping along on a poor running mongrel worth half what the std bike would have been worth. You may scoff, I have embarrresed many a 600 with my 250, hell i have upset a couple on my 175 but i have been riding for 20+years. Just because people have the kit don't assume they have the talent.
  3. Nope, engine is totally different, same design family if you like but totally different in scale if nothing else. The YBR125 could never handle 20+hp either, the brakes, tyres, chassis would all be too weak to safely cope.
  4. Sorry paul you have a spelling error there, you need an 'ra' instead of the 'o'.
  5. Cynic

    Wild Hogs!

    Yes but he braked hard enough to lock the rear
  6. What like all of it, there is little or any common parts save maybe the bulbs.
  7. Cynic

    Wild Hogs!

    lets be honest ANYTHING japaneese would either have been able to stop or make the corner at those speeds I have ridden some of those 'big hogs' at a demostration do at the MCN skeggy rally years ago and those bends are wwwwaaaaayyyy out of their league. I got chucked off in the end for grinding the undercarriage on a 16something electraglide, look at a corner, choose line and peel in 'scrreeeeeeeeeeech'. cant have had more than 10degrees lean.
  8. Cynic

    hard as feck

    Forever to be known as 'flop'. I tried that viagra once but didn't swallow it properly. Had a stiff neck for ages
  9. Everything i have highlighted in red rings alarm bells in my head, the blue is the contradictions that ring even more. Its never been registerd but it has insurance and is on the dvla website, so it must have documents. The insurance company web sites say it doesent exist, that could cost them business so i would be cautious again. As to the new engine pah for £450, it won't be a new motor it will be a 'rebuilt' or another motor at best, not new. It stinks, really it does. Do what you can to get out of the deal, give him a deadline or claim missrepresentation, hell just tell him your skint and tyrekicking, and shop properly with someone who's opinion on M/C's you trust. A bad first bike is the worst, like a bad first date.
  10. Scotoiler or something similar, if the bike is in everyday use you will forget. Or 'do it tommorow'. I have never got less than 20k from my chains using a scottoiler. An automatic system whichever you choose will save most people well above what it costs in the long run. Set properly they can give surprising horsepower benefits as well.
  11. Run away.......fast, there are SO many sr 125's out there, or any other bike leave the 'bargins' alone. Chap next door to me has spent hundreds fixing up an ebay bargain, he may as well have bought a good one and spent more. Have you looked at 100cc bikes, the performance is almost identicle but insurance can be quite a bit less.
  12. Cynic


    Kev don't trust the sucker it will come away from the rev counter screen. Once it dries up.
  13. done it the TT, would you believe the MC club i was in moaned i wasn't a commited biker cos i missed their rally posted over mad sunday weekend. HUH. I quit there and then idiots. 2 days in a field in Northants or 10days in the mecca of british motorcycle racing. You can never get the full effect of the tour, you would only see a little bit then its gone. Traveling all the time. TT days are wake up, shower off hangover, watch race, drink. As a couple without kiddies me and the wifey had a rare old time, were still surprised we did'nt have a kiddy nine months later, nudge nudge the bikes wasn't the only tank that was running low by the time we got home. I'm almost tempted to not do the TT again cos it would never be as good.
  14. Cynic


    Sounds like the reed blosk work was worthwhile, metal/fibre, maybe make a difference on an rd500 but a low tune 175 single. Maybe a little. The little end bearing sounds likely esp as pinking only occuers under load. Float height......... Can be a pain in the arse to get right. Firstly the float needle isn't suppost to support the floats with that little spring it stops the floats applying too much presure to the tiny valve sealing area. The float height is measured with the carb upside down, with the float bowl removed hold the float untill it is just touching the float needle. The base (top at the mo)of the float should be 21+_1mm from the gasket face of the carb (without the gasket)
  15. Age and condition of battery would be my first port of call. And Death Magnetic was a pile of smelly shite,
  16. It would have been the air con condensate, it was probably just bad timing that you were following as the system kicked in to cool the poor souls inside. Tis only water
  17. Cynic


    The tom tom i use on the bike has a completely knackerd battery, only works for 2-3 minutes if it isn't plugged in. Do for the bike though it is over 6 years old
  18. Cynic


    Best you'll get kev is about 2hrs max, they are designed for vehicles and so ment to be plugged in. I just have a fag lighter dobbed on the battery under the seat for mine. That doesent affect the bike at all, and for walking around use your phone, or god forbid a map
  19. Cynic


    Noise like little end wear and feel of piston slap, thats 'pinking', pre-ignition or detonation choose your favorite name.. She's either lean or has something awry in the ig. Could be as simple as a dicky plug.
  20. To meet emmision rules the engine runs so efficiently, like 100mpg being entirely possible. An exhaust will not help, the only real way for performance is extra cc. Back in the good old days bike manufacturers made 125 bikes go, then restricted them so we'd junk the restrictors. Now they are made to produce the horsepower they make. There are no 'restrictors' to remove. The best you will realistically get with home tuning unless you really know your stuff is maybe 5-10% extra, on 12.5hp is that worth the cash...?
  21. Yes plenty of 'strokers' on here........ Welcome
  22. unfortunately there is no easy way, the bike is running on the pilot jets then when you open the throttle the pressure change as the butterfly's open cause more fuel and air to enter the motor, when it isn't running properly or there is a jet blocked the upsy downy nature of the cylinder vacume causes the problems your discribing.
  23. +1 Don't envy you taking the carbs out though they are snugged in pretty tight.
  24. Fowlers...... Good a place as any for genuine stuff.
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