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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. A bit of ropey video from the rideout. The view from the forecourt where we refueled. Although for the first time ever i didn't need extra fuel... http://youtu.be/IE64GIvqZ24 Bit shakey at first as it was a bit spur of the moment.
  2. 10 out of 10 on the intro. Welcome to the madhouse.
  3. Cynic


    No. I mean me too. Pist was sat at squires on sat. World was almost spinning when i got back to my tent.
  4. Kev was gutted CBD, he wanted a Chineese and no one knew which one you were on about......
  5. Posting in the new members area would really improve your options. A lot of people will not reply to people who haven't introduced themselves first. (edit. Have put it all in one place to save confusion)
  6. Cynic

    TZR 125 YPVS

    It is good form on here to post the intro. That doesent count when you post a question as an intro. You are asking a question that will take time to answer properly but have put nothing in. Many forums make you wait or approve early posts. That doesent happen on here but an intro is expected by the masses. Nothing extensive. Just a bit about you and your bike. Would you walk up to a group in a pub and bang straight in with a question.....
  7. Another one done, exactly 400 miles travelled. A few less than last year but used a load less 2stroke than fuel as was riding a lot faster last year all round. So Paul i think were right on the oil mix being a fluid thing and not a set number. Any way shit, shower and a coffee needed to feel human after helping john with his drinks.......hic Floor was a bit wobbly last night?
  8. Would you consider making sure the choke is doing what its supposed to as part of the usual things. Its certainly the place i would start from esp as you say she runs well once she's going.
  9. And in 2011 there was that much coming from the back of your 750 my coat was waterproofed for months.......
  10. Ohhhhh 7hrs.. its around 3 for me but thats cos the TDR will need at least 2 maybe 3 fuel stops depending on the way i go. I was looking at bouncing off the coast but it would be just as nice to run along the A6, take in Buxton and such, maybe bag of chips in matlock who knows. I'm just going to go with the flow. Prob be away by around 10 so should be there similar to you john i suppose.
  11. It is std practice on this forum to post an intro letting people know about you, your bike. General chat stuff. We do have a lot of one post wonders looking for parts or a quick fix. A proper introduction and then posting in the proper section will get you a far better response. Here is a good place to start,
  12. Bad luck Pat, your doing the right thing though. My missus had trouble when pregnant with both of our kids. I know how you feel, its one of those times that really shows what kind of bloke you are. you'll be missed. Always next year......
  13. Don't forget you need to loosen the brake torque arm as well.
  14. The roundabouts they are laying now have a smaller middle. Where the centre would have started before there is now a small kerb. Driveway height and then another band of tarmac.
  15. I think they are just another hazard. Things that i would say are worse is the latest fad of having a stepped middle ring on roundabouts. There are 2 on my run to work trucks that use the road are tearing the curbs up. Why it isnt just tarmac i dont know. Its less than 12months old and has already been repaired. Its a new roundabout too. Not a rehash. THAT can be corrected by road builders/planners.
  16. Sounds on target. You got to get it to squires now after all the work.
  17. Fine tuning, always fun. I fancy going single carriageway only this time. May even bounce off the coast on the way if its nice. I have all day. Like being 12 years old again.
  18. Nope, correctly fitted good quality all weather tyres of the right size work fine.. You think your going to fall because we all have a natural balance system we perfected when we learned to walk. If we lean over too far a default "i'm faling over, must correct" instinct kicks in. In truth unless you ride over ice for example a bike is more stable leaned over, it increaces the size of the contact patch and thanks to the laws of physics, equal and opposite forces etc. When the bike is lent over the tyre become the pivot point and as such the force trying to push you back to vertical actually ends up with the tyre pushing harder on the road giving better grip. If your at race track extremes your asking for trouble but the angles most of us ride at the bikes are fine.
  19. Thats the thing with classics though, it will cost around 2, and its worth is around 2. Good thing is the people it would appeal to still have cash so would sell. Kids left home etc.
  20. Why another 20 years its already nearly 40 as is. Its maybe a 73 (ish) and last ridden in 86, as a 2 stroke i'd say she blew and didn't get fixed. Thats why the motor could cost. Its all big chunky tech and bearings are still available if you scour the parts lists as a lot of rd stuff works (yamaha are lazy) but in that dry climate the metal should be good but i'd bet the seals are shot to buggery.
  21. Its a YDS3. 250 twin. They did several vertions, an off road one. A single seater. Worth money yes, cost money to fix up, OH yes. Worth it? Speaking for myself if i found something like that yes. As a collectable deffinately. Profit.?.........Doubt it unless you can do a lot of it yourself. Can't see you have it running cheap, esp if its siezed. Its all there though so it would make a real good progect. If you have 5-600 (not too much engine nasty's) to throw at it you could have a nice original classic, leave anything that has aged with honest grace and fix the mechanical problems it WILL have and it could be a real cool ride.
  22. As long as it can be classed as showers i'm not bothered. I like to get the tent up dry otherwise. Shit happens. Makes a message of the exhausts though.
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