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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. If fuel is coming from the overlow pipes no matter how you say it there is something wrong with the float/float height/check valve. Pick any or all but thats the problem to fix first. Then worry about the rpm when the fuel stays on the inside.
  2. A proper intro without the question would have helped no end. If you still have the cantilever rear end on your newer bike i can see No reason for it not fitting. I can measure my spare if you want.....
  3. There is the greatest mass but it will heat up slower because of that mass so will still be smaller than the skirt. As well as the steel pin being a pretty good heatsink slowing it further. The front skirt runs against the hardest under power. The sides should float with the little sideways play on the pin and have little contact with the bore. I still feel its got a lube issue. (matron) The other part making me think oil is that i have had some shocjing carb cock ups over the years, crsnk seals, no filter even rode back from work with the front of the exhaust at the motor having a kin great hole from corroded metal failing. Know what, no sieze. Hanging on the throttle for miles on a fast road. Yes heat sieze. So fly is either ridung flat ooot or there is a lube issue.
  4. Best advice is start from the beginning. In your own post after poping an intro up. It will make a huge difference to the replies you get. Here you may well get this and nothing more.
  5. I can't help the feeling that your siezure issues are more to do with oil. Do you get any smoke, if its about right running in heavy traffic and trafic lights should cause a 'love puff' as you power away onto open roads. Smoke for the first mile or two on start up too. The blueing on the pin is pretty normal TBH just in my exp heat siezure generally scores the piston front and rear not the sides. Its not a load area unless there is some movement on the mains/ big end.
  6. Oh no you should have got a 5w/21w. Yours will never work. Tis a black day.
  7. I°m in the dark here. Anybody torched on any flash ideas.
  8. Thats really good info. Its that kind of stuff that can really get someone out of a tough problem. Glad its sorted.
  9. One every 3 years ouch. Welcome to help.......:-D
  10. I dont think the coils are the issue. I think the lighting is trying to earth back through the ig coil. Therby weakening the spark. How good is the earth for the headlight and the voltage regulator/resistor. What are the tested ohms values on the new coils.
  11. No you not understanding. Its the common point in the system. The earth just shuts the engine off. If the lighting circuit which is ac is tracking across it will kill the primary voltage in the coil as that needs to be dc. See what happens if you bypass it.
  12. I know exactly what you mean. Im younger but the only thing my grandfather would say on the war unless very very drunk was. "I lost very good friends in very nasty ways." That from someone who joined in 40 and came home in 47. Respect to tgem all.
  13. The ig and lighting should be completely separate. The lighting switching to charging when the lights are off. The common link is the ig switch. I would look there and double check the mag for any tracking issue first.
  14. Pop over to the new members area and introduce youself properly. A lot of posts get passed over like the one above simply for a lack of introduction. There are plenty of folk need help of all kinds. Some just want a bit of banter. Its a common sight. No please, thank you or second post. Nobody wants that.
  15. Crikey. Lot of info req. First off pop into the new members area and say hello. Let people know who you are. What the bikes actually were you have had. Where you are etc. Makes a big difference to the amount of responses. Best thing going on the above would be to buy a manual. You will understand your bike a lot better after a good read through. You will also be able to ask concise questions and understand the replies. Me? Never owned a yz. Fell off one though. I know they can be expensive if badly maintained but they are a lot of fun. My only advice on maintaining it would be to use top spec oil. Always.
  16. Everybody suffers from numb arse on mbike you would think with all the tech on a bike they would have it better. Nice bike by the way.
  17. Do you still want me to dig out the 26? I have the cable and twist grip as well if it helps any.
  18. Bovine excrement could be manifest in expediently manifesting a comensurate solution to conversation becoming mundane.
  19. Cynic

    OOOOps my bad....

    True its the longest i've been dry i think. I'm back into the tricky season again. Going to work at 4am means 5 or 6 degrees c at the moment with the clear skies, then coming home in 20+ of sun. I either freeze in the morning or roast in the afternoon.
  20. Succinct kev. Mine's android and to be quite honest it makes the iphone look like a toy. Pull em apart and there is no contest the apple is a far better piece of engineering. But software wise the android is far more fluid and open the systems are updated far more often. In use my phone beats the I phone hands down for my needs. Do we still talk shit?
  21. Heh, got totally carried away coming home today. Really got into the point and squirt traffic killing tactics of the TDR. So into in fact that the last car i passed was only about 200yds from where i turned into my street. I may have detected a small amount of emnity from the traffic....... Hey ho.
  22. Cynic


    All that RAF training is showing its worth eh.
  23. The actual gap at the top of the piston stroke is really quite small, it is possible with a badly flooded motor for there to be enough fuel to fill the gap and some. Fuel as water is not compressable. ie it maintains its volume under pressure. So if you have more fuel than space you have rods bending and cranks failing due to the piston not being able to pass top dead centre causing the motor to stop cold, no slow down so all that momentum in the crank etc becomes destructive force and bang. Its why motors flooded in fords and floods are in most instances dead, if they were running when the water got them they have rods out the side, snapped cranks. Not good.
  24. Have you actually proven the spark on cyl 3? You need to dry off the fuel in the cyl too. If it hydraulics you will be looking for a new motor.
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