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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Buying a manual would be first and give it a good read through. Then a parts manual if you can get one. Then start on the smaller jobs and work up. Only nuts and bolts...honest.
  2. Dont assume anything. No washer and a powervalve apparently wide open. That is hardly stock.
  3. What like methane maybe. Comes from shit. One thing we sure as hell aint going to run out of. Work on processing that for the future then we can phase out the current cars. That thinking could work. Oh hang on. Oil companies would lose. Nother one burried. I may live up to my username here but untill some eco disaster happens NOTHING substantial will happen unless the oil companies have a very big piece of it.
  4. Be handy to know your mechanical understanding and where you are. Long time biker etc. Something in the new members would be good. Cant really help with the bike. 2 stroke man myself. Although i nearly bought a blue trx a long time ago. Basically a tdm so plenty of folk on here should be able to put you right. Hope we help.....
  5. I am still waiting for someone to produce an electric car that generates its own elec. Nothing going mechanically to the wheels. Something sensible sized. Running lpg or diesel. either can be produced indefinately if you use methanol to replace the lpg. No fancy gimmics or bull. Just a car. All the funky gimmiky bullshit left of. You know, grill vents that open to save drag (is anybody nieve enough to think that makes a difference). Self parking. Oh come on....bluetooth and satnav.....why? Make em efficient simple. Minimal impact. Oh and make them last. Bean counters will be the death of us all.
  6. You would be better off staying with the older thread keeps it all tidy. Have you actually tried the bigger jets. As i said in your other thread running an open pv needs the washer out of the exhaust and a 240 ish main. Sounds to me like she is trying but hasnt got the fuel. Till you have usedca bigger jet we cannot help.
  7. It always makes a big difference to the responses if you say a bit about yourself in the new members part of the forum. So many times people help only to find the folks are never back. Knowing where you are in the world also helps a lot with spares options. If you know which end of a spanner to use helps too. Hell someone with the same bike might be just up the road. So say hello. Worth it.
  8. Is it me or is that rear wheel really big. Or is it a trick of the camera.
  9. Starting the same thread again wont help. I agree with airhead check your spark. And stick to the same thread gets right confusing otherwise. So i will lock this one.
  10. Eh hem. Im the original. And i totally agree. Like the fact none of the oil companies are shouting about the ethanol they are adding.
  11. I just let her fast idle pulling the oil pump to max till there are no bubbles from the bleed screw. A very handy addition on any stroker is replace your oil delivery pipes for clear. So you can see the oil. The easiest way will be drain the tank with a syphon.(empty 2 stroke bottle with pipe attached). Then fill the tank. If you need to clear the system any more than that you will need an engine strip to clean ALL the oil from the engine and start with fresh.
  12. This will open a can of worms but. 50mile is about as far as i get running things in. Just ride it avoiding big throttle opening.
  13. I dont understabd the worry of weight. You solo. That in theory at least gives you min 60kg of luggage allowance. Just crank up the shocks and adapt your riding to the difference. As for it being tricky to load. My TDR takes some beating. Two high level off road exausts. One each side.
  14. Think you just need to work on the problem. Which isnt the bike. As far as i can see all you need is 2 lengths of 50x20 timber. Do 50x50 if your not sure on the strength. Make them 20mm shorter than the distance between your bar ends. Zip tie that to the rack. One front one back. Doubled the storage. Those 2 bags would sit side by side then. Still behind the sissy bar. Room for fresh.!..... Er another future ms..
  15. Thats cos its one of those f.f.four strokes.
  16. Wow you travel heavy. Could you not rationalise your kit down a few levels. Using crush sacs. Making items double and so on. I had a sort out due to work i can now not gaurantee the same truck. I can get everything for 3 to 5 days away save food into 1 rucsac. I ride a dt175 to work. Spread on the tdr it all fits on the cynic patented lol rac extender. Oh and the 12kg bit is arse covering by the makers. Load away the handling will stop you overloading it.
  17. I would imagine you make more than the membership fee difference going to a proper auction. Hell join and keep the bike. Its value will only go up. Just keep it running and clean. Bloody site better than money in the bank.
  18. Adding to the opinionated twaddle but.... Well..... Rubbish. I can pack everything i need for a week away on the luggage rack on my tdr. Paniers are a no no with the exhausts. I have made an extender out of timber that doubles as a stand pad on naff ground. I could not carry more if i wanted due to the weight. I even have room for beer.
  19. Yep got it for around 25 quid iirc pluss some postage. It was when i rebuilt the bottom end couple of years back before the prices got truly stupid.
  20. No my bore is a worn 0.0. I have a. 25 gen yam piston.
  21. Ha. No its a 0.0 bore and thanks to an eagle eyed bloke in some dodgy northern village. Who pointed me at one a while ago. Bit of an airhead apparently. I have one of them. Parts are on there way from Doug as we speak.(tytrials)
  22. Jammy bugger. Still not tempted to protortype the 'warmer' engine....
  23. What o/size is the 200 barrel. I feel a plan coming on......
  24. I remember them. Fast if you could afford/wangle de restricting them. Made them unpopular as the yam came and whupped it in the easy fast category. Like a baby 900r
  25. I remember a truly hideous red and yellow rxs from the dark ages that absoloutly flew. Looked like a reject from bollywood but god it was fast. Maybe that was done like that...... I would do it just to see if i could. I still have a hankering to lc the dt. Or with more finantial permission. See if a rd200 will go. Get the purists wound up....
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