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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Havent the faintest mate. To many valves and too many cc's for me. Put you in the right place though. Workshop type questions want to be in the workshop. Hope you sort it.
  2. Hell if you have the time and the want. Crack on. As to what will be a problem who knows. Be prepared for some disasters. The motor will most likely be dead but the rest. Cant say. Your climate is different to ours. Everything rots, cars, politicians etc in the uk. Tear it down and see what you got. Nothing to loose by trying.
  3. 3 or 4 hundred yards...... :-) Its up to the owner but unless your going to run it at 100 per center max attitude everywhere just ride it normally.
  4. You can do it but it really isnt a lot more work to do a full build. There is an o ring under the primary gear spacer that can break. Other than a flywheel puller you need no special tools and if the piston and bore are good you could cange every bearing seal and gasket save for the crank for a little over 100 quid. As a rule if the crank seals leaking its as likely to be movement on the crank bearing as wear on the seal. On a bike as young as yours unless its been abused and thats difficult with dts I would be looking at the float height and or the valve before yanking the engine to bits. Oh. dont bother with a new carb. unless you get one direct from yam its almost certain to be a cheap copy or more knackered than yours. Its easy enough to swap the parts that wear.
  5. One thing. People fitting overide switches to opperate the fan seems quite common on tinterweb. May be an idea for piece of mind.
  6. Check your coolant level too that could have caused the temp spike. Told you to go classic. I dont have a fan to fail......
  7. Bude to Penzance will be a good run. From Bude you could cross over the moore which is cracking on a clear day you can see coast to coast in places. As well as not being able to see your hand on a bad one....... There are no motorways in Cornwall there are 2 main drags only really the A38 thats a bit dull but if your heading for Bude you will miss it anyhow. Bude is great. Going down there in a couple of weeks and im counting the days.
  8. Ok for impact but its always the slide that bothers me more. I wouldnt trade my textile for it. I have broken bones and had gravel rash as a teen. The gravel hurts more in the hospital. Esp the " sympathy " they show cleaning it........still makes me cringe.
  9. Heh heh. You gotta love a kickstart...... Seriously check your voltage while the bike is running. Batteries can die but it could just be a fuse.
  10. oooooooohhh winter jacket in this......f me! I use the sauna at the gym to sweat like that....
  11. Hot is nothing more than inconvenient. All my gear is all season. At the moment its liner is minimal. Enought to keep the armour from rubbing. The vents are open. Granted. I will let the trousers stay on the rack for work sometimes. In the hot. Just after dawn the motorcycling is superb. The roads are still warm. The air is crisp and the roads are clear. Waiting till midday is just daft. Even so. No ice. Or more so no black ice. No numb hands etc is fine by me.
  12. same ol same ol. To hot too cold. Remember these words when the fog is freezing on your visor ff sake. I will take hot all day long.
  13. nah tailpipe makes little difference on a 2stroke apart from noise. Its the front bit that makes the power. The noisy can just makes it sound faster thats all.
  14. they stick the ticketz on the seat or tank and WONT pay for repairs. Leaving it on the path will get you a fixed penalty and car spaces will cost you the same as a car unless specified to the contrary. Be careful....
  15. uh oh. Crank build coming?... 40k+ its due. Or is it still top end with the spare pot .
  16. Cynic


    Dont take this the wrong way but that is stupid. When, not if that seal fails you coolant and oil will mix into a nightmare gloop that can need an engine strip to clean. You going to spend more in coolant flushing that often. Which if your honest you wont.
  17. Cynic


    4stroke mentality tch. The head gasket was fine. Oil in the rad and oily smell when you pull the head will be the water pump seal. Fix it quick before it emulsions the oil, (becomes white sludge like off emulsion).
  18. Me either havent the slightest idea.
  19. You do need to know how to ser up a drum brake. The position of the brake arm is a deal breaker. Set the brake arm so the cable will pull it upto but not past 90 degrees to the cable. Then adjust the cable to suit. Don't forget you need to clean the drum and the shoes a couple of times a year. Doing that and that drum brake will better any disk on a 125 dirt bike. Till you overheat it obviously.
  20. Cynic

    Counter steering

    One thing that you should remember when starting out with counter steering is your throttle control. Go through a corner on a neutral or a trailing throttle. It will feel truly awful.
  21. been there done it. There is no benefit as already said it is a great brake on the front of the dt. With propper care of course.
  22. I would sooner spend 4 or 5 grand on the rd than 6 on a new bike. in 5 or 6 years time the rd will be worth 3 and the new one will be worth nothing. which money is better spent?
  23. tough everywhere. I have been on basic money for the last month because my average working week was over 48 hours. very skint at the moment
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