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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. That something a bit more special has been a wanna do for me for a long time. Rd200 realisticly fits (kinda exhausts hit the frame) or a 250 with more work. But if the 250 fits, well the 400 for shits and giggles would be epic for the pub car park. Of course all life insurance would be void lol. Ho daydreams again............
  2. Sounds about right, you want to try it on the tdr, two of everything. But they are adjusted as one. There are official ways to set them up but ear and experience is best. Be the same with yours, it prob is making a difference your just not sure what your listening to. Why is she not happy when you turn it off.
  3. Wanna mke mi Dt do 100 "like powrvave boost yeah first post
  4. Great, looking carb related then, the half choke bit may be some latent fuel wafting around in there. You have checke the filters and such. Have you ever stripped and cleaned a carb before, im not patronising but people get it wrong sooooooo many times it could have its own section.
  5. Leave the plug out tonight, or if your brave enough heat the base with a blowtorch or such till its too hot to touch. Stick it in quick and kick with no choke. With all the bumping it will be pretty well flooded out. Leave the plug out overnight if the above dont help.
  6. My only solace to Dirtys bike situation,(you know his uniquely understanding missus is even tidy to look at), is I own the kryptonite. VGC low mileage original TDR 250.
  7. Not dissagreeing with the cdi, that is plausable. Ther rest? It is possible, just very unlikely. I think its just bad timing.... bdoom tish...
  8. Go on Tommy, beat him to the TDR. He will love you for it honest........ By the way I am not remotely envious of his fleet, not, at, all.....nope, not interested in 400s , nope.
  9. Woah. Just check the regular stuff first. If that key has bust, and the bevel has slipped AND the nut was loose maybe. Bent valves. C'mon That wont hurt the spark. Its an sr, they are as hard to kill as dt's. The clutch would slip and absorb the big shocks. Try the plug and see what it does to the spark.
  10. So does this mean that resto 250/400 thingamy summat is now a parts bike for this one.
  11. A chiain needs more than a soak. What type of chain is it? Plain, o ring. The o rings seal the chain, dont forget they will seal oil OUT too. You can soak a plain chain but you need the right stuff for o ring chains. You need to clean it too, again the wrong stuff can damage the seals in a chain.
  12. You cant con the conners. Any chain that snaps has long forgotten what lube is. Tut tut.... Just think a bad chain can cost you 10 to 15 percent of your hp if its bad. Thats a lot to lose on an sr. Glad your ok
  13. All the specs are out there, just get busy with the measure. The pistons are marked and good engines dont generate that much carbon build up. Hell 2strokes dont cake like that. If someone stripped and honed it in sept any concientus mech or diy man would have cleaned the piston crowns. Measure twice spend once....
  14. Nope, you need to change your dash light arrangement. The warning lamp on the dash earths though the dark side of the bike when using the indicators. Right ind flashing dash light earths left. The led will light using that little bit of power where due to the properties of electic, fillament bulbs wont. You need some diodes or a relay for the dash light. There are some kits I think. Check with the indicator supplier. Or if you have the skills tap into the output from the relay its self and fit a single earth on the dash light. Although till mot time, just pull the bulb.
  15. You need to be members to camp at the bmf. Would need to find a localish campsite. Unless, of course there is the club stand option. But you would need your own food for the evening and beer as the bmf rally and the show are separate. Either of the 2 shows a ok. The first one is better I think. The tailender always seems, bit of a tagged on affair.
  16. Hmmm, Steve I can see kev neither creeping nor cuddling. More rip the doors off and bang it home type of guy...... He might bring some axle grease if he is feeling gentle. Whatever you do don't gulp, might give him ideas......
  17. Guess I say bring on the virgins as I have never run anything in bar avoiding WOT.
  18. Just ride em, just stay away from wot or extreem low rev high gear. Did the same with our car, thats at over 140000mls now with nothing much.
  19. There is a weird halfbreed set up like this on some dt's. If screw 28 is fudged you could be due some more tea and rollys before its sorted as they can be very reluctant to come out. The end of the screw wears through lack of lube/grease then bends letting the shaft lift, sometimes jamming it solid on the clutch pushrod. Careful with it, 50p screw (er?) could get pricey if you get angry.
  20. Cynic

    ya6 125

    LAD, wahhaha ha ha... I laughed so hard I considerd a 4stroke.
  21. Its going to lose value anyway. Riding it away cost you a small fortune, dont forget on a new bike you paid the vat. So the top possible value of your bike is already down 17.5per cent. You can chop another 15 off for it being second hand. Add a few bob more cos everybody wants a bargain. End result when you rode away as the new owner, that experience cost you some 40per cent of your bikes value. Now your worried about service. Trade descriptions mean you can use any competant garage without penalty (basically loss of warranty) why lash out for nothing..
  22. Ahh but I wear the tinfoil to protect THEM from my mind.... WHAHAhaha.... hack....cough...cough..
  23. For them or you lot. I spend enough toime down dere to be nigh fluent y see.
  24. I dont mind squires, something more to the south west (bristolish) would help with mervin etc. Depends whats about, prob be the same crowd.
  25. It needs the battery to run at low rpm. If its running without the charger it may be feeding some power. The broken armature wires are a worry and should be fixed as yam obviously wanted them connected. Try and sourse a good battery, then see what the voltages are. You will need a manual to check it properly.
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