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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. If you dont touch the exhaust or the air filter the jetting really wont change by much. The kit supplier, if the kit has been reasearched properly should be able to give you reliable base figures. You run an engine in by riding normally. All that '500 miles at 4000rpm' slowly crap does is take time. Dont have a 'whats it do' blast for a bit and stay away from constant wide open throttle, but that goes for 2strokes anytime. Adding more oil can be bad, if you increace the oil your taking space for petrol or air. That can lean the mixture to dangerous levels. An extra 50 cc will make no difference to the oil needed. Still all the same bearings etc. Piston is only a little bigger. It will be under a lot more load though so dont skimp on the oil QUALITY, with a 170 your asking a lot of that bottom end. So long as you get a nice puff of blue when you crack the throttle open its about right. Once done avoid using normal unleaded, you dont want the ethanol causing you to hole a piston (been there). 98 makes my 250 run massively better. Its not worth the risk.
  2. The packing makes a little bit of difference but not much. Just softens it a little. Certainly has no affect on performance. Cleaning the inside is far more important. Its all to do with reflection and gas movement, carbon build up disrupts that. Badly coked pipes can cost you 10hp easily. As well as fudging that awesome 7000 rpm punch.
  3. My TDR runs cooler and cleaner on the good stuff. I put a tank of 95 in and drained it back off to put in the car, really noticed after a week of 98.
  4. Had 2 today, I will see nothing entertaining for years now. While in a monumental traffic que, first one entails a nice german made cabriolet, top down. Nice car, made the 40 something look a bit of a tit. Recon thats what the cattle thought alongside it. Big jet of pee sprays through the grating over said car. I could hardly breath for laughing. The second, a woman desperate for a pee decides if her mate parks across the front of a truck she can go out of sight. Well ladies, there is a mirror to look down the front of the truck. Pedestrians and such crossing etc. So yes I saw a woman relieve herself right infront of the truck. Saw the lot, one of them summery top and trouser things. Yes Steve breifly nekid. I still dont believe it. An I saw it. That stuff always happens to others. And no I DID NOT take pictures, (damit)
  5. I had the same experience as ttask. Lot of premadonna hero's. I pulled out of the group because I would not ride in line. There are some insights but their blinded by their own egos. The polic on the other hand, wow. If you even get half a chance to have one of those guys give you advice take it. I did one at the mcn (I know) Skeggy do. I learned more in that hour than I thought possible. 5 of us with him. We get out to some proper empty roads and he pulls us up. ' Ok lads stop fucking about, dont take the piss but your riding the fastest point to point transport so prove it', Were all on some sort of sportsbike and he makes us look like teenagers. Within a couple of miles he is way ahead, hasnt crossed a white line, stuck knees out nothing. Not a lot of braking and glassy smooth, observation everywhere. It was 10 years ago and I still ride the way he told me. (I hope).
  6. If you really must we can and will help if we can. Its by no means the daftest idea put up. Its just those starters generate a lot of torque. You may be doing more than you thought to get it to work. Not to mention the associated electrical needs, incuding charging, battery etc.
  7. I will never forget getting caught with the engi.e cases at gas mark 6. She went off the charts haha.
  8. Sorry, your nuts. Why saddle an engine with all the extra work. Crack on if you must but its lots of money/time for nothing. Be interesting to watch but I have never had my leg not work due to a bad battery.
  9. Cynic

    New toy :3

    Surely even you wouldnt touch one of them....?
  10. Depends if its bubling because its disolving crud, or. Its bubling because its disolving the aluminium.
  11. Good news, can you add some pictures to clarify the infomation. These starter/generators come up pretty regular. This is the kind of info they need. Never know, if its good it might get pinned.
  12. One of the things I really envy. People who do jobs they really love. My job pays the bills, if I could earn the same another way I would swap in a heartbeat. I turn up cos they pay me. I would do what you love, no real money difference makes it even easier.10 years on the boat or a desk, hmmm. That choice may need 2 maybe 3 hundreths of a second.
  13. Why mess with the timing? Air filter? air leaks on intake? exhaust leaks? carb settings? changed plug/cap? checked electrical connections in ig? There are plenty more. If a dt400 starts and idles ok the timing is rarely out.
  14. Do the crank anyway, for an extra 100pounds you will be mad not to. You would spend 100 to save another 420. As I said dont scrimp on a stroker rebuild, when the bike comes on song you WILL nail the throttle, its the law. That is when that crank will make you pay twice.
  15. Let em soak in coke or vinegar. Both are aggressively acidic which wont affect the carb parts in the slightest but should clean the gunk. Certainly brighten up the ally.
  16. After watching my neighbour, and saving him from himself with his endless chain I think they should be sold without a split or with a split link. Diy soft links? Im amazed its legal when you think of the possible consequence.
  17. Nope, gaskets are just dearer than most 2strokes. Bout 15quid but very worth it as they seal perfectly. They are the same on my TDR. Reccomended.
  18. You dont need a rivet on a lc. Makes less go than my TDR250 and that uses a split link. Wonder if road speed is a bigger factor.
  19. Those motors are bomb proof, the ONLY thing that kills them so long as they contain at least some oil is constant wide open max throttle. That will kill any engine
  20. Depends on what they bought. Can be either on a 350. Have you looked at the back of the chain. Sometimes OCD types will put the link with the clip on the wheel side of the chain. If it is endless, either pull the sw arm. Which on that 350 should really be done to grease all the pivots. Or angle grind it off.
  21. You really should post an intro in the new members area. We have very few restrictions and pretty much self police but not posting an intro is seen as bad form. May limit your replies. Me, sounds like the sprocket carrier bearing on its way out, on the overun its unloaded and cause noise. Mine screeched pretty good when it went. Doesent affect the handling much either if the wheel bearings are ok.
  22. Thought your being a military sort changed what they did. Granted I dont much fancy a chat with a knarky mp either or a trip in the glass house. I thought you lot were delt with by others? in house like..
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