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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Do they have accelerator circuits like my tdr250, sticks some extra juice in when you open the throttle hard to stop the engine balking..
  2. Cynic

    TomTom map updates

    Tom tom updates.. Been using em for the last million years and NEVER bothered with updates. Roads dont change that much and used daily like mine is they dont last more than 2 or 3years. Cheaper to replace the tom tom.
  3. Dont be daft. If that key was bad IT WOULD STOP AND STAY STOPPED. If all the wiring is good then it has to be carb. Your going to have to be honest and accurate if were to go further. What is your idea of 'cleaning carbs'?
  4. Try disconnecting the servo at the closest point to the cdi without cutting stuff.
  5. That sounds bloody complicated. I have an old policy through cia insurance that nobody has ever bettered. Both bikes are on it. TDR for 2k and the dt for 500. Neither are used for transport now so the classic restrictions, mileage etc are irrelevant for me. Been with them for years. Cost me 130quid this time round. Just have to threaten to cancel every renewal and your a winner. My breakdown cover, covers ME! Any vehicle. Far simpler.
  6. That must be where the magic tool fairy beams all my tools.
  7. Definitely possible. You say it happens at high and low speeds, but starts right up. A wire touching will do exactly that. The cdi connection to the kill switch being my first call.
  8. I think those ladies could render any of us broken wreckage. I was referring to the dress code. Makes Foamies mankini moment seem almost normal.
  9. That makes it easier, checked the (most likely using the term wrapped) wiring from the cdi
  10. Check any interlocks too. Things like sidestand switches and such. They are classic causes of this type of problem. Esp the sidestand.
  11. Don't think it will suit you kev,
  12. Got a picture? Sounds like one of the earlier linkages. There is a short shaft behind a plate then part of the selector mech. Connecting a cross shaft to the rest of the selector mech behind the clutch drum. Google Ty trials in the uk. This is a common problem on the Yamaha Ty175 (same motor) and they have an off the shelf upgrade.
  13. Haha very funny. That bike is far harder to find than its uk RD version. ANYTHING worth looking at will be overpriced. You got to look and not rush. I got lucky with my TDR as the seller didn't know what he had. I still had a 350mile round trip to pick it up. After looking at rubbish for 6mths. Patience. Maybe the Rd owners clubs may be worth a look.
  14. Some add air to the exhaust. Some rebreathe some of the exhaust gasses. Depends. Its normally done to reduce Exhaust emmisions. People do remove things like this but it can play havoc with your fueling and any catylitic units in the exhaust.
  15. Nor us. Its what you got to suffer for having the senic rides on your doorstep.
  16. Them rhinestones wont wear down fast, council will prob charge you for the road damage..
  17. You been somewhere else grouch. Hottest year since long way back, mildest winter for a while too. No snow for us southerners and not a lot if ice and frost. Now spring comes in with a bang. Long may it last.
  18. Nope, with drewpy on garden duty shifting rubbish preparing to terrace the current tip and turn it into a second patio area as its a 100% sun trap, plus service the car, plus fit the caravan mover (needed because of replacing the car) then today now got my jobs done, were going out for the afternoon. Bike, er, that black thing covered in dust in the garage?? Be glad to get back to work for a rest.
  19. Plug colour? Fuel supply to carb? Are to things you havent mentioned. What do you consider to be cleaning the carb. I have seen people wipe out the float bowl and consider it done. I have heard stories of people wiping the outside. Strip the carb right down. Lay some clean paper on a table and take it down to its component parts. Clear every airway and jet with copper wire/compressed air. Reassemble with care and refit.
  20. John, your not the one having to work in the rat hole. Pop in for a visit, fine, for the tourists (for which 12 quid is an inconvenience but little else considering it wont buy you a pub lunch in the sq mile.) but unless your soaking up the historic parts or museums it sucks. The parking, the drivers, the bloody awful restrictions that change hourly The nightmare estates you have to find and get in and out of. An example, a glass company when you are close you ring up and a bloke stands at the entrance with a bucket. The bucket of water gets thrown on the cobbles so the trailer will slide against the building and fit into the gap used for loading. Or another, builders merchant on a red route, I have to ring up for permission to park on said route or I have to pay the penalties, where do you park to ring up. If it fell into the Thames I wouldn't miss it.
  21. Its a nothing but politics smoke (pun intended) and mirrors move. Really how many people have bikes that will travel into central London, like central, central London. That are 14 years old now. Exactly not many. The income of those that do, exactly they wont care. Net result its a nothing they can dump or modify as needed. I for 1 can say I have NO interest in riding round that shit hole. Full of arrogant drivers and most of it stinks of food or rubbish.
  22. Brass brush in a power drill does the job nicely.
  23. Cynic

    a good idea

    Mate, people don't see my fkin truck at work, that's in town traffic. If they can miss a 50ft long, 15ft high, red, permanently lit (our lights are set to perm on) monstrosity just what do you think will make the car drivers 'see' us. Cars are so safe nowadays people feel safe, when they feel safe they relax, when they relax they think about stuff, that makes them distracted. That distraction becomes their main thought as driving is 'so easy' so they forget they are doing it. By this point they are fully immersed in their thoughts and their brains only recognise risk, which in their safe car their isn't any. Don't forget we cannot judge the speed of something viewed head on till it reaches less than 30 or 40 feet (blame evolution for that one, traveling at over 8mph wasn't in our biology). Net result, you could have a WW2 searchlight on your bike and it would make little difference, we have lights now that are too bright. I think main beam can be whatever the makers want but dip should be just basic light to be SEEN by. The current crop of light blind, that makes the illusion of a long distance car more believable. It also makes that little green strip utterly fkin useless. Most of the outer graphics on my shoe lid are hi viz, the same stuff used on M way signs,(my lid is eu legal with no modifications) it glows in the dark fer christsakes and people still pull out on me. That little green strip doesn't come close to making a difference. Gimmick, that may well be abused by the Anti's, be warned.
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