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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. You do understand how a 2 stroke engine works. The gearbox should have oil in it. That should not affect the engine proper at all. Constant idling of big 2 stroke singles (175 is a big 2st cylinder very over square) they will not generate any heat in the bottom of the engine. Heat is needed here to keep the oil as a mist within the charge. Also to clear any oil left from when the engine was last run. This is why 2st smoke so badly from cold. The mixture goes to crap and back clearing the oil. Then there happy. What do you mean the carb "should be clean by all accounts" it was a really small amount of crap shut my 250 down at the weekend. Used a tiny copper strand to clear it. Lastly you may not realise but the jetting differences between a 79 and a 1980 dt are HUGE like 40 points on the mains. So 2 questions. What side is the 2st oil tank. What size is the main jet.
  2. Wow. Brave man putting a 2stroke on a dyno. Good info though.
  3. More threads on the same problem don't help. Locked
  4. For a bike do they ARE superb facilities. Try the rock and blues Outlaws do. You camp on a hill and the only 'facilities' saving the odd chunder box be you man woman or animal were make do seats leading into a fkin great cess pit. Guess where the outlaws chucked the few that complained. No im not joking. They did.
  5. Old brake nipple fixed into the top of the brake fluid bottle. Fill from the caliper end first. Then bleed normally. That master cyl only moves 5 or 6cc of fluid. About equivalent to a drop of water hanging on the end of your little finger. Dont take much to spoil it.
  6. I hope it shows SOMETHING. I have had blood tests, poo tests, pee tests an ultrasound (starved for 8hrs for that bst) seen 3 different docs and now have the ct. They all agree something up. Just what the something is thats got em guessing. Been going on since January so no rush eh.
  7. Well, today I decide to pop out on the bike for a bit. The kids were cranky, the missus too. My old lady is still knarked I missed mothers day, c'mon. Docs want me to go for a CT scan after the ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. Yep, with that lot I figure grab the keys and destroy a few more ozones. Nope, 2 mile out the village she goes all flat then drops on to one cyl on all but flat out, great! the bloody idle jets AGAIN. Something she seems prone to. Get home, (exhausts have to come off to remove the carbs unless you have double jointed hands that work backwards) exhaust gasket knackers its self and I don't have a spare......(&*$$) lh carb idle is blocked but the ruddy float bowl sealing rubber broke too, (£^*%£$**). Net result, no therapeutic blast and the bike is out of use till next weekend at least. Sucks.....
  8. It is regarded as good practice to keep the same make and type. As said tyres generally run 2 rears to a front so if you are swapping the rear think on the front too. True it doesent affect a 125 that greatly but you are still asking that tyre to keep you wheels down. Personally I regard them as a very important part.
  9. An introduction would help your reply prospects, so to would a proper description of the problem. Carb leaks a bit from the air jet. That makes NO real mechanical sense.
  10. It was a suzuki tuned to over100 bhp at the rear wheel and showed on the dyno as maxed at around a 150. Ear plugs and practice to deal with the buffetting and a helmet that fits. Fairing helps but its ultimately down to how strong your neck is. I still say keep it down is best. Too many camera's.
  11. Here's a thought. Stay under 90. Its the reason i traded down to a 250 from a 600. I was finding myself riding faster and faster untill i was finding the limiter in top on my fav roads on my old 600. That was 40% faster than your talking about. I figured i would run out of luck or talent ( pretty easy on that last one), so now have a 90mph max personal limit. Bike does not like more for more than a mad moment either.
  12. Just a tip. I got hold of a 25l container. A scrap one that had oil in it from the garage at work. Nice handle on the top and means old coolant, oil, brake fluid even bad fuel can go in with use of a decent funnel (wide neck for lumpy bits). Good lid to seal and easy to empty when im going to the tip anyway instead of a special trip.
  13. it will but if left you may hole the piston.
  14. Definitely, the Dt175 has a big bore for the metal in it, the head is relatively soft too. Its easy to take off though, bit of 500grade wet and dry on some flat surface. Rub in a circular motion and it will flatten out. The head gasket should stand re use. Be sure to check all the head studs are secure, they have a nasty habit of pulling out of the barrel.
  15. Its why i WONT. Way to intimate for me. An oily rad wanting to get the job done in x minutes to keep his boss happy. No chance.
  16. Maybe but you are using your brakes wrong if you spanked the rear pads in 5k.
  17. Whoopie. Were not allowed to celebrate anything remotely English. Scots can be Scots. The Welsh can be Welsh. I can only officially be British or 'other'. Probably an article somewhere about cruelty to dragons..
  18. You know in 25years of riding motorcycles including 3years of full time year round riding. (Not to be repeated by choice). I have never worn out a set of rear pads on any bike. Even the suzuki i put nigh on 40k miles never needed pads.
  19. Cynic

    TomTom map updates

    Tom tom rider is a rip off. Its just a tom tom with a bike mount. Total rip off.
  20. Are you sure you need the wheel out to change the pads? Normally a couple of pins at most a locking bolt..
  21. He wants to try getting the carbs off my tdr or a fzr400 or a gsx 600 or a........ Fj. No bother.
  22. Where everybody bangs on about torque wrench. It needs to be a small one. Its very difficult for most people to over do 17mm stuff. Its the little stuff that people break like clutch spring bolts. Good quality fine ratchet with multi spline sockets. A vice and a paddock stand would be my list.
  23. Numbers on the side and knobbly tyres?
  24. It may be 3k, what actually is your budget? How much work do you want? Anything that runs ok and has mot and tax will be the high teens. Shitters needing tax and ticket will be a grand most likely. There are TDR250's out there in similar nick to mine for well over 4k (checked after the insurance thread by DDT) now. A couple are over 6!! .5years ago I paid 1100quid.
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