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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Nope pulling it behind a car is not a good idea if you have badly flooded it you could hydraulic the engine and damage god knows what. Best thing would be pull the plug out and just let it vent. She will smoke some when you get it running again as the oil wont evaporate but otherwise it should survive ok.
  2. Ive got that listed as a DT175 B Late 74 to late 75. The us model years run like this for some reason.
  3. Its an idea and in all probability its sound. I cannot think of a reason why it wouldn't work. BUT (you knew that was coming) If you are stripping the motor down that far with the intention of cleaning it up it is only slightly more to do a full rebuild. Worthwhile reasons being the output shaft bearing and seal which WILL be buggerd due to spending their entire life stressed and coverd in grit loaded sh1t. Also whilst its out you can fit new crank seals and bearings also well worth the effort. When i did mine it cost about 80quid for all the seals bearings and gaskets to do the job, thats genuine Yam stuff to from TY trials. While i'm about it. On ebay and such you will see bargain priced crank bearings and output shaft bearings AVOID. Any bearing supplier will be able to give you bearings the right size for about a fiver but bearings are speed and load rated like tyres and high stress bearings like the crank and output shaft bearing are up there with the best of em. They are listed as 'specialist automotive' in most cases.
  4. Cynic


    You mean that thingmy whatsit stuff that apparently damages your memory........
  5. Whats wrong with working it out properly? Struth its cheaper than rebuilding the motor, 30-1 = 30 parts fuel to 1 oil 3000ml (3L) fuel will need 100ml of oil.
  6. According to the numbers that motor is a US spec 1974 DT175A, the frame could be 125 or 175. My guess would be a 125 frame with a 175 motor. Need the number really. As far as modding for off road your already there, on road will be more complicated.
  7. People inbibe those chemicals on a daily basis, got a light? Seriously if they could do it with properly certified ink i think it looks interesting.
  8. Personally considering the real world difference between a 04 and an 07 R6 is sod all. Leon Haslam may be able to make the newer bike lap Donnington half a second quicker maybe? but on real roads ridden by real people. Even proper track day pilots doubt there is anything to split them. If you want the 07 get it if you want the R1 get it. But if you are not sure as this post is suggesting. I'd stay with what i've got especially at this end of the year.
  9. Thats not so pretty, no i was thinking where it highlights what you already have, or edging lettering and stuff, like the spider in the link.....
  10. If you are running without a autolube system then the small pipe to the carb would just be suppling air AFTER the carb venturi (where the fuel is mixed) which will massively lean out the mixture hence the need for choke. Blank it properly, you want to make sure it its sealed and that whatever you use as a plug cannot accidentally get drawn into the motor. Then she should run off choke.
  11. Still looks good though, if they can get it tested properly i'd be tempted.
  12. If russel savory tuned it then RS is the man you need to speak to, nobody else will give you parts that may or may not fit. You have picked an exclusive engine and you are going to speak to him for details. If he is any kind of tuner he will have build records and be able to tell you every last detail on the motor and the changes he made.
  13. Cynic

    carb icing

    Sounds more like the choke is not closing properly.
  14. Cynic

    carb icing

    Carefull up.yours when a 350 ices up it holds the throttle open cos the ice forms around the slide, i lost a set of rings to it cold day, the carbs froze at full throttle dont realise till i pull clutch for the gearchange, instant 12-13000rpm and bang.....
  15. Helped a bloke out on a Triumph Bonneville the other day with similar issues. Bike had been stood for some time whilst engine mechanics were sorted. He had taken it for a 'proper run' and had died backfiring and poping to the side of the road. He was not happy. Me and my Daughter pulled up to help, could not carry on past and leave him stuck on a DC with a clear concience. We used the car as a blocker. The cracks in his inlet rubbers between the carb and the engine were clear to see. Got it going but only on full choke and he nursed it home.
  16. Cynic


    If you have the skill to see what they did wrong, you have the skill to fix it properly. Go back by all means but i would be betting they will say you broke it when you took it to bits and you cannot really prove one way or the other. Buy a gasket and fix it yourself, then you know its done right to YOUR standards. I know mine are a bloody site higher than any dealer as they are paid to fix my bike. I fix it as part of my hobby,interests. BIG difference. Take it as an experience of just what w4nk3rs dealers/garages can be. I'm sure there must be one or two good ones.
  17. Why would you be with the equipment she's got, I'm with BWJ i'd love to play her set....
  18. Bit like Aviator sunglasses.
  19. Cynic

    Bike Modifying

    BBS would probably do you a fast road set for the price of another YZFR, yes, seriously leave the wheels alone they cost a bloody fortune for anything worth fitting.
  20. Well i can't help with finding a screen but do yourself a favour and get one you can see through. Sounds stupid but when you are trying to tuck in behind it, need i say more...........
  21. Nope they are Divvy wheels a 3.5 inch rim can only handle something like a 140section.
  22. Ahh the mist clears, off road 4 strokes are specifically designed to give you loads of low down stomp. The smoker will seem flat to one of those the off road stuff wont be restricted either. The dep pipe may make a diference if its the complete system but it will only push the power further up, the tailpipe will just make it noisy so you THINK its quicker . Bloody good service and de-coke will probably get more go than the pipe. Check the powervalve, it may not be connected up as the engine is in an older chassis. Look on the LH side of the barrel is there a round casting with a couple of cables going into the top?
  23. Cynic

    Bike Modifying

    First of welcome...... Now if your main priority is modifying why the hell have you gone for a spanking new bike. You would have been far better off with an old TZR. Otherwise its mini indicators, overpriced carbon rubbish and the halfords tat. Personally and i am probably 20 years out of date here. I think keep the bike mint, i mean spanking gorgeously mint sparkling clean, then buy some good quality kit to wear on it, decent lids/gloves/boots and maybe a set of 2 piece leathers will get a lot of repect from other bikers.One of the guys on this very forum was glad of his kit not so long back. THEN spend all the money you have saved on tat on road and track rider training. Believe me you will be the fastest kid on the block after that no matter what they have done to their bikes. Race schools like mallory do courses for nowhere near the price of a racy pipe if you ride your own bike and the IAM stuff is free (bar membership if you must). You could even do ol Rocket Ron's (ask your Dad) race/whelie school. YOU are the most effective tuning part on that motorcycle if you are spot on your bike will be.
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