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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Maybe if you swing on it for Spain it would be much more sucsessful
  2. I agree, just to add though. Yes a truck is blind to a degree at the front when bikes are filtering but most people would be mortified at the vision i have of the NEARSIDE of the truck. IE the kerb. I have a mirror over the door that lets me see some of the front wheel and the step and 2 mirrors that give a distorted view back (this is the important bit) from just behind the rear wheels of the unit. If cars can dissapear into this spot, bikes can. If you stop at the nearside of a truck or the far bigger worry, the off side of a continental truck and these are not always foreign registerd, you are in very real danger. Even more worrying there is the very real fact that you could be hit by a truck and the driver wouldn't even know he'd done it.
  3. Depends what set of keys i feel like grabing as i head for the door.
  4. Far as i know it is, can you not see a couple of turns on the shaft past the nut? Vez will be the man to know......
  5. Are you sure of the numbers, CT1 is a prefix that covers a few years.
  6. Couldn't really see the face with the helmet but i think he had brown eyes sorry.....
  7. The rules i follow, 1 is to treat every other vehicle on the road like its going to try and kill you. 2 On any blind bend assume a big spikey tractor is parked just round the corner unless you can see otherwise. My life was saved by that alone a few years back. I stopped with a couple of inches to spare (i'd shut the throttle on the way in cos of rule 4), face to face with what i think is a gizmo for carrying hay. 3 Look anybody at or on a junction right in the eye, not the stupid tenage i'm harder than you stare your looking for recognition, obvious when you know what to look for. Finally 4 Trust your insticts. By no means exhaustive but you have to look after number1 on the roads these days. Even other motorcyclists can be knobbers. I had one try to goad me into racing him, on a very ropey looking retro 550 i think. Wearing.....an england football strip trainers and a cheapo helmet
  8. Cynic

    new to forum

    And hello and welcome
  9. Cynic

    new to forum

    As i recall the YB100 had a fully enclosed chain? How do you know its rattling? It should be opend periodically and lubricated/tensioned.
  10. The bottom ends on engines can be ball, taperd roller or white metal bearings. White metal bearings don't use any kind of roller but rely on an accurate covering of oil ( in microns) to remove friction. They are excellent for diagnosing engine failure causes as an free material will be stuck to them and poor oil or lack of it also shows clearly. They are typically used as big end bearings where they have forced lubrication. The top end is more likely rollers as they are far happier with splash lubrication.
  11. The only thing pops to mind is you chopped the latest one about with some different bits and pieces like heads and such. That can have an effect on oil pressure, the sachs may have a bigger or more efficient pump. Either way oil starvation is still the most likely. If you can be arsed check the shells and see how they failed.
  12. I guess its a moderator that doesent know you and can't spell
  13. Sounds pretty good to me too, it costs me just under 160 a year for the DT and the TDR.
  14. Cynic

    hi all

    You should have bought a late TZR125.
  15. Bloody el, is there nothing further south? I'd be well through my 3rd tank of gas just getting there
  16. Shoei helmet, with pinloc Frank thomas leather trousers, a million years old but VERY comfy RST all season armoured textile jacket (different lining for winter) Something or other vented gloves Frank thomas winter gloves (dunno exact model) Also Full 2 piece RST leathers with armour and BP. Trousers will zip to above textile jacket. A pair of draggin jeans.
  17. Ok now i feel stupid, (don't all shout at once) the chain tensioner spring and the rear brake return spring are vey similar. ie similar enough to mix up. Stupid stupid stupid..........
  18. Oh you are a star Vez, i can see where the spring locates on the arm. Watch this space.......
  19. Its alright i'll get it in the end, hopefully OG will be feeling charitable after his aircooled weekend.
  20. Cynic

    76 dt175

    Can't see as taking out the extra coils will do you any good at all, save nothing in weight or performance. For my money i'd leave them there, at some point the people who have gone full dirt with these come back on with... "I want to do some night trails how do I......" So if you are going to wire the bike for running dirt, why not leave the basic mechanical parts like coils in situ so you have a lighting option should you need it. All you need to leave is some of the wire from the mag coiled up and insulated. From experience too you might want to make sure your airbox is absoloutly perfect where it seals and then run all the breathers/vents from the engine to it. If its all sealed up tight then your wading depth will be nearer 3 feet than 1. It works to my DT has been through water deep enough to have the gearbox under water and it didn't miss a beat.
  21. OHHH so close, any chance you could get a shot from underneath. Its the bloody spring that just wont sit right. The manual, ha when i looked in it, there in black and white. "Its important to note she spring position when removing the tensioner" My fault for not taking a photo, lesson learned.
  22. Odd, the vibration should be even across the bars. Have you adjusted the levers to make sure the back of your hand and the top of your forearm are aligned. This makes an enormous difference to the blood flow into your hands. Keeps them warmer in winter too. One other point, would just replacing the std ones not work just as well.
  23. Greetings people, got a bit of a problem, I can't recall how the chain tensioner goes together on my DT. Anybody do me a picture of one in situ so i can get mine on right. I know it doesent fit in an obvious way but when you have it right its a dodle but i just cant see it.
  24. Showing my age to a degree here but most of the old brit door stops, sorry vintage classics had a piece of garden hose running from the engine breather, routed right to the back of the bike behind the number plate to vent the gasses.
  25. Google is your friend........ DT 400 picture history And i know what a 400 looks like EDIT, folks over here would give very important parts of there body for a DT in the condition you have. I'd be inclined to give it a clean and make it a working bike before 'tearing it down'. With respect its an iconic bike but sensitive and tearing them down needs knowledge that you appear to lack add the rarity of parts that normally means they end up in a boot sale as a box of bits.
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