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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Obviously caused problems then if it only lated 12 months or so.
  2. Hmmm, that how yours is set up Paul? TBH i thought yours was on the frame too.
  3. All the neg from the battery needs to do is connect to the frame, with maybe a flylead onto the motor to ensure good ig etc. The regulator, by this i'm thinking you mean the silver matchbox sized ally block above the rear brake light switch earth's to the frame. If on the other hand you are talking about earths from the flywheel generator then they are separate as some of them are to do with the ig system.
  4. Cynic

    what was that

    That sets off a few alarm bells TBH. It may be a good buy but!. No mention of the sale on the TDR forum and anybody with a hapeth of sense is going to post it on there, as well as asking advice on the resto. Its tidy, but it may be a paint job and a bolt kit. Any proper TDR resto to any reasonable quality will be 1500quid+. Christ brakers are selling spares repair for 8-900quid and shifting them. The final part, TDR nuts are just that. Nuts. I would be expecting a great long list of all the stuff thats been done.
  5. Cynic

    what was that

    Imagine that engine in a DT125, that is a TDR250. Myself and merv both have them and they are giant killers of the highest calibre. Performance bikes said that even Sir Cliff could get points on one. More importantly 500 miles in 2 1/2 days was no bother, you wont do that on a TZR without medical help. Trouble is they are also rarer than a straight talking politician these days. I'm in Northampton and as far as i can tell i've the only one in the county. I certainly havent seen another on the road save for the squires meet, considering i do 1500 miles a week More disturbingly in good nick that 250 (the TZR not the TDR) will have the legs to hold on to your 600 even in a straight line
  6. The poor lorry was tired thats all, needed a lie down. Wonder what happend when he phoned the boss to say his door would not open and the mirror was broken
  7. Hmm, i've got nothing on the later stuff but the regulator is rated at 10A so the same size fuse would be a safe bet. Fuses are cheaper than looms.
  8. Were not so lucky here, unless you have it as part of your policy somehow. Indicated by a 'protected bonus' or some other way of putting it, the insurance will rip your arse off next time. Even if it is not your fault and the 'other side' pays out totally negating ALL losses. We get loaded here in the UK due to being proven to be a risk of accidents happening to you. Can cost you 60% if your really unlucky and all your no claims goes up in smoke.
  9. This from a bloke................... And then this from a bird........... Oh you just gotta love motorbikes......
  10. I would offer caution here, standing up to someone is one thing busting windows is pretty lame. Brake fluid on the other hand or if its a diesel an old golf ball in the tank will cost a LOT more, and the golf ball will cause far more inconvenience, just remember to spit the outer skin so it works quicker, you may be happy to wait 6 months?. My parents were involved in a situation years ago when they were hit from behind, owner of said BMW swapped addresses and said they would send the details, with a witness. Sufficient damage to nigh on write off a 2 year old Metro. They ended up with nowt, the response from BMW man was 'Prove it', no damage to the BMW. Just the word of the witness, case busted. My old man is not the shy type (his claim to fame is being barred from every pub in northampton in his youth)to take things lying down so i would have been very surprised if this gent hadn't 'tripped on the stairs' at some point in time later. But he still ended up fixing it himself. I hope it goes well but i for one would not be holding my breath.
  11. Best you can afford, its that simple. Fully synthetic is best. Most oils are up to the respective standards but the forecourt stuff is getting naff. Only good for chainsaws and stuff. Stick with Castrol, Silkolene, Motul, Rock to name some of the more common 'good' oils. They will all mix too although some are sometimes marked as premix only and they won't pump properly, whatever you do avoid anything with the words mineral even HINTED at on the bottle. Mixed with regular oil it turns into an engine killing snot. As far as the pump/premix goes its the autolube for me every time, others prefer the premix. Both work.
  12. Welcome to the club, getting in takes but a moment and there are many good points and a few bad, its the cost of membership that really hurts. Oh and for what its worth, don't ask em to throw a couple of extra stiches in on the big day. They don't find it funny
  13. Nah its crap, one person and a mixing desk and they can make anything. Its just samples layerd on to of each other. Run it over boom boom boom, add a squeaky bird singing in a high slightly off key voice and ta daa, pop music. And if its so popular how come the chubby bird has had no1 and no2 in the album chart for a million years, thats not boom boom music.
  14. Ig timing is the one thing these engines need to be EXACT, i did mine with a piece of bar and some nuts with the head off. Tighten the bar till just touching at tdc then mark the timing using a feeler gague to get the distance BTDC. Not as gracefull as a dial gague but it works and is really accurate.
  15. Some people just don't read what they write PS have a try of an R6 she will never moan about the seat on the XV again, knees hips, ha more like knees are so much higher than your ears.
  16. She's tasty, but that is what they play in purgatory i'm sure of it. All that horror/devil films with sepultura or slipknot blasting away are all wrong.
  17. I wonder if they just don't have the brain cells to cope with words anymore. Half the kids near me if you stopped them using F and C bombs they would be struck dumb. Thats it! Its a modern version of the indian smoke language. Boom boom boom boooooooooom, "fancy a pint"? Bom bom booooooom boom, "mine's a fosters". What'd you think...
  18. Fair point, asthetics have never been something i lust after TBH. I can watch a large steam engine turning over for hours reveling in the sheer craftmanship and technical ability those mechanical pioneers had, working to thousands of an inch on bits of machinery weighing in some instances 40 tons. Paint, bit lost on me. I like to keep my bike etc clean and polished but thats it. The DT got a rattle can job 20 years ago and its still in the same paint
  19. So in real terms your happy to pay anything up to 200 quid more just for the paint job? For me it runs in a simple order, fit, ease of use, noise, cost, looks, I have a black Shoei at the moment my last one was an Arai i was glad to be rid of, it was noisy and made my head itch. The visor mech wasn't brilliant either. It had to be open or shut no 'little bit' to keep the visor clear. The Shoei is OK but has its faults, the vents are pants, the visor never seals properly and unless your on a road rocket the shape causes a draught over your cheeks that can make your eyes water if its cold. I'm going to be looking at the latest Cabergs myself this year i think as mine is 5 years old now and really should be changed. Visors last well though and the pinlock works ok on non sports bikes.
  20. That being that its generally done on Yamaha's?
  21. Thats more like it, proper music, got drums and guitars. AND NO BASS LINE. Anybody figured out yet if Dave Grohl sings or screams?
  22. Please, i can't be the only person in the country who is sick to death of the bass music people are 'playing' these days. A dull repetitive thud that can be heard half a fucking mile away but isn't actually loud. Still bores into your head like the mother in law though. I could clearly hear it over my DT yesterday, and the lads car was a good 50 meters away thud, thud, thuddity thud. Its brain killing. At least black sabbath used words.
  23. First question, going on the picture of course. Where would you put the cylinder nuts? No holes.....
  24. Did you end up singing "Stopped the pigeon, stopped the pigeon etc" from the wacky races
  25. I don't see the point of the question, you gotta pay to play. Hagon will be the best cost option. You may be able to get it rebuilt, google it there are plenty of choices. Probably cost the same as the Hagon though. You just can't run a 1000cc superbike on peanuts, doing that could quite litterally kill you.
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