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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. The liquid cooled motors will go in without too much headache, (exhaust aside you'd need to cut and shut 2 to make 1). The LC certainly, i'm reasonably certain as well something around the late 90's like the early powervalve motors. I have considered it myself several times, and may still do it. (Gets ready to duck flying spanners.) I believe the ones later than that (post 2000) used the sw arm pivot as a mount.
  2. Lucky sod, my prescription means they can't do mine.
  3. Glad you are enjoying it, i have the 16 cog on the front and tbh 60mph is a bit of a fantasy i get around 45mph at 6k but living in the folds of the nene valley means i have those long, shallow, hp sapping hills to deal with and i can go nearly as fast on them as the flat so i think it'll do. It also means i can hike the front in the first 2 gears easily for a bit of sillyness .
  4. Thats clearer, are you sure the fuel is getting through from your temporary supply? From that disc i'd be looking more fuel starvation.
  5. Were they the sparks that caused the big bang....
  6. Best option i think would be to kick off a new thread, go to town on the first post. In as much detail as you can let us know; Has it ever run Rebuilt? Any replacement parts? Battery Ig system cond Carbs set/cleaned New fuel Really go to town, proper epic call it something like Dragstar starting/running problems and let the help flood in. Infomation is the key here and as accurate waffle free descriptions of whats happening as possible. There will be a lot of people that can help will think its just a starter issue and may skip past this thread. A new thread on the other hand.
  7. What rpm, any acid/water in the battery.
  8. I'm only trying to help you with a direction, it does sound ig related as i said i haven't had one of these to bits, but from what you have said its where i'd be looking. I'm sure some of the Drag fans, er that sounds wrong, will be on to help.
  9. As its a V surely there must be 2 ig pickups as the cyl fire at different parts of the rotation. My tdr fires at the same time for both pistons, just one is exhaust and one is power so it doesent matter. Your cylinders fire 90degrees apart, have to its a 90 degree twin so there must be 2 pickups, or 2 pulses at least. If these are going to the wrong place you will have weird stuff happen. It is not uncommon for the pulse coil (that is another name for the pickups) to be a bit flakey and that may also upset things. Get your nose in the manual. Never had one of these to bits but its how my dad's intruder works (2 points on the flywheel)
  10. It may well not be adjustable but it may be possible to fit it incorrectly or even connect the pick ups arse backwards. Does sound ignitionish, no airleaks carb side are there?
  11. What petrol or your sisters.................?
  12. Leads are the right way round? Front to front etc.
  13. Very few phones have a GPS chip, the phones use the transmiters to triangulate their position same as has been done since the war. Try taking an i phone to a bad signal spot and trying the 'gps' system. It then converts it to whatever your needing, a clever gps style co ordinate or a spot location on a map. The overlap between wifi providers means the uk is well covered, Providers like mobile me for example transmit the lost signal to your ipod globally like text messages. The important bit is the location apps cost money as the phone has to keep pinging the transmitters to check its location. The wifi system doesent cost but works the same way. Its also passive so uses minimal power on the i pod, and ultimately your bike i suppose. Have to admit it has got me thinking, i fix i phones and such, changing screens, lcd's battery's, general repairs that kind of stuff as a side thing and it wouldn't be a whole heap of trouble to bury one in the seat foam for example.
  14. Got paid to drive to the seaside with 20 odd pallets, had a bag of chips down on the sea front in the sun and then home. Ok by me.
  15. End of the day it works. I have used it 3 times as said, finding it in the grass 3 miles from my house along a field boundry used as a local dog walk. It doesent need a sim, doesent need a service provider. At the end of the day how it finds its position is irrelivent and busted i pods can be had for 15-20 quid. The whole set up could be hidden in the bike for maybe 40quid.
  16. Think dewps is showing his age with old skool dynamo's that needed flashing to work right. That starter will have permanant magnets and a central armature fed from a commutator, (segmented thing that the brushes run on) if its going backwards its either connected up weird as i think the case is ( - ) or a winding has gone.
  17. When i drained the TDR tank i thought the same, i thought it was bad because it hadn't the 'blow your head off your shoulders tang' that it used to. The fresh stuff was little different.
  18. Don't recall you on the boards for a while thats all. No show at the Squires do either. Thought you didn't love us anymore.
  19. You said...... I said...... And i stand by every word, a tidy FZ as an example will be a better ride in just about every single respect than the honda. By saving insurance, what would the quote be on a bike of the sort you were initially asking after? Same thinking i apply to myself, my range rover is a bit juicy but costs the same to run as any comparable vehicle. So do i have an anonymous korean tow car for 20K+ or a real tidy 4.6 rangy with sports headers. Same with my bikes, got rid of my 600 for the TDR, same reasons. Looks, comfort, they are a little bit naughty and not wanting to be 'another one' swayed the deal.
  20. I did say proper maintainance....
  21. Actually clever pants it does its just not a surface application accessable to the primary user, its called find my i pod, both of my daughters devices are activated and should i need to because the dissy pair have lost/forgotten them (3 times to date); i can log in and find their location.
  22. Proper maintainance, should think 50-60k miles is perfectly possible. most likely suffer earlier wear than the bigger engines cos they are flogged their entire life but they will still outlast the cycleparts knowing Yamaha.
  23. Rubbish, where's Galifrai, none of the federation planets. They need to make it real
  24. If you used an i pod instead of an android phone you could use that, no fee's and that too only pings its gps when asked. Just need a 'mobile me' or similar email acc
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