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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. What does the gearbox oil smell like. If it was a full engine build there is a little o ring on the crank that gets forgotten and can cause this.
  2. Jacket gloves and helmet minimum for me. Boots too generally.
  3. Hang on, just replaced the pipes for microns...... You changed the jetting to suit? More importantly you want to fix it before changing stuff.
  4. I'm going with CT due to what looks in the photo the 18"front wheel. Uk dt models have a 21.
  5. And DT125's will do 100mph.......... Someones excuse for a leaky motor. It can sometimes affect wet clutches although i have never had it happen to me. If an engine has been run on cheap oil or been neglected the deturgents in the oil can clear carbon from ring groves for example causing smoke. Had 2 engines do that to me running cars on the cheap using oil from my dads work(designed for trucks).
  6. Hmm, the thing with the rs is its basically a single with an extra cylinder. One carb, one coil. The downside here is if you have done all you have then its a mechanical issue. Can i just check? Plugs REPLACED Caps also Coil checked (nothing loose cracked) Do you have any idea on the last decoke. Engine and exhaust. No funny rattles taps etc. Does the bike smoke excessively. Can you smell fuel in the gearbox. Can you see smell fuel behind the flywheel. Finally change the plugs again. HTH
  7. Oh, i tbought you were rebuilding it. If its been sat in a shop for 30years tbh you may as well tear it down. The seals will have stuck there will be compnents that have been without oil for 30 years. Sometimes little strokers can get away with it for a bit but all that valve gear will be bone dry. If you strip the motor and build it back up you will prob only need seals and gaskets. Start it otherwise and it may destroy its self.
  8. Does depend on which bit has siezed. If its a big end or the crank its a different issue.
  9. What cdi does it have, the 79 had a 2 coil set up one for low to medium rpm the other for high (6000+) rpm. Look behind the flywheel if there are 3 visible coils then the cdi needs 7 wires to work. If you mix the components up the bike will run but will do some strange things like capping the rpm.
  10. Pulse coil, including connections and wiring would be next for me.
  11. From what i know the Dt came into being proper early 73. That number kicks off the 73 bikes although things weren't definite back then to say the least. The bikes are pretty much the same, only really obvious switch was the tailpipe swapping sides. With some having a different tank shape. A pic would help a lot.
  12. As in CT1-300004 onwards if so its a Dt, otherwise its a CT.
  13. Cynic

    RD 125 LC

    Wow! You PAID FOR IT kev.
  14. Hmm, central wheels. They tried to tell me that 3 months to respoke my tdr wheels was std practice. They wanted 4 to 6 weeks to confirm they could do it after inspecting the wheels (at my cost) . Then another 4 to six weeks to re spoke them. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, i'd be making myself a first class pain in the arse or they could litterally be months before you get them.
  15. Really coming together now mate. How come the wheels are an issue?
  16. Cynic

    Browswer options?

    I cant say i have had any problems. Just the upgrade issue because the netbook is getting on a bit. Most of the time i use the forum these days its on my phone. Got one of those galaxy notes and cant really fault it apart from the size of the thing but that is a total catch 22
  17. Why do people always ask how fast they go?
  18. Cynic

    Speedo dilemma

    Depends where the details are kept electronically on the bike. You may see the same details come up on the new dash.
  19. I can live with that, BMI of 27, 60% of fatties over 30 are fatter than me yay. Bring on the butties. It'll be 'N'chips at Squires then.
  20. More political bull. The figure that show 49% of deaths will also tell you nearly all of those were people exceeding said limits anyway. Its statistic specific argument and more proof of just how useless the politicians are these days. Another Guy Fawkes wouldn't be a bad thing. All the waring claptrap round the world, economic melt down etc and they are nobbing off about rural speed limits, roads, some of which i'll bet havent seen a plod car ever. With the reducing number of plods even less likely too to boot. Can you imagine the A5 being 40mph. It would be a death trap.
  21. Cynic

    Browswer options?

    Hmm, looks like Firefox has fixed it. Had to get round IE explorer blocking the firefox down load "For my security protection". Everything seems ok, looks a bit different and the sky has reccomended IE as a better option but bollocks to that. Cheers
  22. Apparently IExp has been updated (naff fanfare). Fair enough, the catch being that to use it you need to upgrade windows. They want money for that. Tossers. Sky runs using IE which is a bit of a crappy tie in, anybody got options or work rounds. As Paypal for example flagged it as a security issue, as have sky. Or am i stuck. Cos the laptop we use isn't clever enough to run the latest windows.And as such the latest IE. Email (which wifey uses for work) and such is about as high tec as me and wifey get on computers, a lot of the time i don't use it, just my phone which is fine if a bit small to look at for too long reading. Any of you more computer savvy sorts go an idea?
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