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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Thats where your fuel is going. No dissrespect but 15stone IS going to hurt the performance of a 10hp bike. Any performance figures from the japaneese work on a 75kilo rider, or 10 stone(ish) in old money. Anothe example, i used to have a 600suzuki, a very good and substantial friend of mine (22 stone i believe) had the 1200. Our bikes had the same performance (i'm around 13 st). The differece if we swapped bikes was shocking. But then he's a rugby prop so you dont say too much. :-) A decoke and service should get a bit but don't expect 100mpg.
  2. Sounds about right as far as i can recall. I think 100mpg is the reserve of 50cc scoots and 4 strokes unless you weigh less than Kate Moss and ride like mother superior. You don't mention your riding style either. I have had everything from sub 30mpg to 50+ from my TDR. Hell when i was younger i got the DT down in the 30's. Happy days.......
  3. Cynic

    need to vent

    No, never, normally a little too much diesel when truckers start ranting. When i used to do trunking at truck stops i would deliberately avoid 'that type' of lorry driver, the one that will recite every gearchange and traffic light of their day and talk about nothing. I had 13 or 14 utterly forgetful hours of my own.
  4. Cynic

    need to vent

    Arrrgh, car drivers need fucking, simple. I have had so many driving like complete fuckwits today that i was considering ramming the bastards. There are several specific types of dickhead that i have observed although some do overlap.. The first and normally a BMW or an Audi, they dive into a tiny gap infront of you then brake hard (nearly did ram the fucker that did it today, i was carrying 28 and a half ton of paving slabs) for a slip road at the last second, when there was nothing behind you. The slip road has 2 special special types of dickhead. Normally in older crappy cars but the new stuff shows up. 1, drive the entire length of the slip road BEFORE using the mirror then panic brake when they 'notice' 50 ft of bright red lorry. 2, The opposite, they drive down the slip at 50mph glued to their mirror hoping your going to slow down to let them in, not gonna happen. Their car can go far quicker than i can. They usually end up on the hard shoulder. Not forgetting the i'm going to drive at 52mph, thing is car drivers can't hold speed and even less appreciate the catastrophic consequences of the tinyest of throttle lifts when in a heavily loaded truck. They are driving too slow to sit behind and too fast to pass. But, and this is the bitch. When you do get to pass when they finally realise the truck is overhauling them they goose the throttle to stay in front, then slow down. Hard shoulder for them too. And lastly the proper fuckwits that play blocker, seriously had one today in the roadworks at Luton, they stay in front and drive at maybe 35mph. Guess what happens when you change lanes, yep they do the same. I have been in the fortunate position of seeing one of these tossers pulled for the greif their causing. Prob amounted to nothing more than a PC cuddle from a plod. Hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa, much better. Hint avoid anything further in the city than the A406 unless your on valium already.
  5. Cynic

    petrol leak

    Your fuel cap is leaking. Or you havent been very carefull when you filled it up. My tdr stinks of fuel if you park it in the sun. Tank and fuel heat up and the pressure has to go somewhere. Ie out the breather.
  6. Cynic

    petrol leak

    You block that pipe and i'll block your posts. That would be singularily the silliest thing i have heard so far. You do realise you have several gallons of what is basically an explosive liquid directly above a high energy ignition source, a couple of hydraulic lines and a fucking great high energy heat sourse. And inconveniently in very close proximity to your self. In short block that pipe and you are potentially riding a bomb, you may cause vapour locks, fluid to go where its not ment to, bad just bad stuff. Language can be harsh on here but if you do that you deserve it. It needs fixing. Period.
  7. As a first classic an R5 may be a stretch. If it is mint, and i mean mint running like a new pin maybe but parts and info will be hard to find. A certain amount of bike experience would help a lot. For the money your talking about you really do have a massive choice. Any classic from the 70's will apreciate but for a first bike. Maybe a Dt400 or one of the RD's the 350 is a nice blend of useable bike with spares and knowledge back up. For 2500 beer chits you would get a real nice one.
  8. Bollocks to concourse, these things are to be ridden. My TDR is that good in original nick and it ain't no way living in a bubble. With anoracks obsessed with every washer. When Yamaha weren't all that fussed when they screwed em together. A loving carefull owner who rides it is what you want. Tidy job by the way.
  9. what bike, Honda melody delux how fast, Curently touching 238mph but with some better exhaust work possibly some aero work i think there may be more where, can't say people watching everywhere, remember to line the inside of your lid with tin foil...really ......you need too 0-60. don't really know the needle stops at 40.
  10. Wow handbags at dawn....... Anyho, i would have said if it runs as is there may be other problems as carbs are a purely sfunctional item. If it don't need it it isn't there so yes i would say you HAVE to fix it. Carbs opperation are full of overlaping 'zones' i would imagine you have been lucky and its managed to run as is. For how long don't know and it may cause valve/piston issues in the future if its very lean as a result. Some float needles don't have a rubber seal they just use the fact that brass is soft and with accurate machining can readily be made to seal without extras's. Finally, the brake caliper has 2 different sized pistons to PREVENT uneven pad ware the smaller piston is nearer the inlet? This will press on the pad using some of the fluid pressure in the process. The larger surface area of the bigger piston will exert the same force as even though there is less pressure for it the piston area compensates for this making for a much better pad contact. Largely redundant now from better brake and pad tech. HTH
  11. They are different electrically and just throwing one on may not work. You are obviously aware that mounting points may alter between models. What may also change is the coil resistance. one may be 200Ohm the next 500ohm. Smaller bikes need smaller sparks. 4 strokes can get away with even less as there is less noncombustable crap in the charge compared to a 2 stroke ( and some 4 strokes i've had ahem). Some 2 stroke coils will be generating 4 times the firing pulses of yours (assuming its not wasted spark). Imagine that at 8000 rpm. 16000 charge cycles a minute. That generates heat, that needs more mass in the coil to dissapate it so more ohms. Long story short, google a few easy get options then check out if they are a close electrical match then try them. If there is more than 40-50Ohms between them don't bother.
  12. Its a con. It is just some deturgents with a bit of alcohol for an octane boost to make the bike feel just a little bit better. If it makes any difference to your bike you have left it too long between sevices.
  13. Been out in the garden too long and the sun has made him go a bit nutts. Can of beer and some time in front of the telly , maybe some porn (TS bike manuals with the pages turned very slowly ) and he will forget all about that fam?....chi...? er y'know that stuff that gets in the way.
  14. Pat what you ckass as a "wee spin" would scare the hell out of a lot of riders. What are you thinking a quick 200mile then a sarnie and back.... :-)
  15. Cynic

    petrol leak

    Too right go back. They have caused the problem. Dont accept any "well it was fine when we had it ", crap either.
  16. Cynic

    petrol leak

    One of the float valves is leaking in one of the carbs. Problem being if one is leaking the others may follow. Remove carbs and clean the float chambers and float valves on all 4 minimum. Its worse when the engine runs due to thr automatic fuel tap/solenoid. When the engine is off so is the fuel.
  17. If they want to take risks let them. One thing i have been made aware of in the trucks at work. People who want those extra yards will go for them at all costs. At the risk of there own life and others. It sounds calous but just allow them the room to have their accident on their own. Then you will be in the position of calling the ambulance rather than traveling in it. If they are pissing you off you need to address your own riding. If they are on scoots you will haul them in soon enough anyway. Trying to prevent idiots being idiots usually causes normal folk to act like idiots. Not good, for you safety or stress level.
  18. Update so far..... So it looks like the same old villans. Andy, On the tracker? John, Dt175, With Pauls bedroom? aka squires1 Numan, Ts250? Kev, RD350. Paul, Dt175 Pat, DT125 respec Al, KH400 and me on the TDR250.
  19. Just the rh outer case and the clutch assy
  20. Cynic

    Bye Bye for now

    It was my sig for months.
  21. Cynic

    Bye Bye for now

    I really didn't know what true happiness was till i got married. Too late then.......:-) Still good after 20 years so i must have made a half decent pick. It will be the fastest day of your life. If its like mine you will never get plastered like it again. Mind i hsd 3 in the boozer opposite the church before the service.
  22. TZR 250 and honest in the same sentance whatever next. Looks tidy. In the faster colours too.
  23. Cynic

    Other motorists

    Hang on. I offered help to a woman with a puncture. She pulled in while i was having my break. She threatend me with a mace spray ffs. We were hardly in the middle of nowhere in the winter. On the edge of hemel hempstead. busy road. I thought i was helping. She was the one sat there stuck. I went back to the paper in my nice warm truck. I have never offered help since. What if she went really nuts and accuced me of god alone knows what. Unless they ste on a motorcycle they can spin for all i care.
  24. And. Thats all ive got. 1970's Frame numbers are not reliable. Nor engine numbers. Its the only obvious difference. Other than that they are for all that matters identical.
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