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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic

    ebay bidding

    the app I use is free.
  2. Cynic

    ebay bidding

    I use an app that bids for me at 3 seconds. Doesent help if its over my limit but it does mean you dont show out early and drive up the price.
  3. Who gives a monkeys what its going to be worth. So what on the numbers. I would love a 400. Trouble is i also want my dads 71 honda cb175t. If your first thought is its finished value your missing the point. Soon just seeing an old smoker will be an event. Some of the young snotties at work have no idea giant killers like the 400 even existed.
  4. Ok said slowly.... THE RECTIFIER PLAYS NO PART IN THE IGNITION. NOR DOES THE VOLTAGE RECTIFIER THEY ARE SEPARATE. Your ig system consists of primary coil, points, condenser, secondary coil then the plug and thats it. Spluttering to a halt is 90per cent plug or points and condenser. Have you checked the points and condenser esp the gap.. Condensers are not all that reliable. On my old points bike i fitted mine outside the mag.
  5. Nope. The dt uses a self contained ig system. Im not saying the coil hasnt failed. Unlikely as that is. Next stop for me if the plug is ok would be checking the points and condenser. For my money if you broke anything doing the battery or indicators it would not have started at all.
  6. Heh you buy a 400 cos you want a 400. You will never maje money fixing one up. Everything cost more cos its for the 400. Its why most are ruined by 'restorers'. They get halfway. Realise the is no money in it and flog the parts to cover their money. It is worth buying at 400 quid to leave it in the shed.
  7. Have you richened the mixture for the pipe? Anything else non stock.
  8. Tried another plug? Tis the first rule of 2stroke. Unless its got electric start it will run fine without a battery although the lighting will be weak.
  9. You know that would be a good working classic. Enough go and comfy. Plenty have been ruined by restoring. Little ends crank seals and the crappy electronic ig were the weak points. Oh and the earlier opposed piston brakes are better than the later sliding jobbies. You lucky bastard. I have nearly bought 2 400's. One was a near thing with the tdr. The other was a pile of crap i was talked out of thankfully.
  10. No cleaning spokes is still a big time ball ache even with stainless spokes they just resist rust better thats all.
  11. Ah as in the traffic icon of milton keynes? ie a roundabout. Or are you talking generally about something or someone? In a roundabouts way.....?
  12. Cynic bang to the rescue cleaning away those pesky posts.... Might want to check you output voltage and if the diode under the tank is breaking down.
  13. Not easier to ride just easier to go fast on. Its why i love the tdr. Its light, handles exquisitely and makes anything bigger seem numb and flat. As well as being able to ride it at 9 10ths of my ability for a massive buzz without actually being that illegal. I know of nothing i could change it for thats for certain. Cept maybe another ratty one for the winter. Only thing big bikes do better is miles.
  14. None of it is worth a wank. Its only valid if all work during services is done by them. The killer for me is the cheap service for low mileage. How does that work. Its service plus parts normally so will they check less? Personally i think its bull.
  15. Cynic


    Uh? Agree with the comments above the above. Try to avoid fashion and get something for you. I was lucky really. It was on my stag do and i was sober enough not to do anything stupid. Tribal pattern (yawn) with and egyptian ank symbalising health, wealth and happines,(we can dream). Still perfectly happy with it. One thing nobody has mentioned is colours. All tatoos end up shades of green and black after a few years. Things like white and yellow can be gone in 2.
  16. Cynic

    Tennis elbow

    I never left. Have been a bit envious of everybody out in the better weather though.
  17. Cynic

    Tennis elbow

    Ok im winning and back on the bike. All beit cautiously. Sit ups. Re learning my riding position and a forearm brace have improved things. DT is still a total no no as it vibrates too much and its a lot heavier clutch than the TDR oddly enough. Using my legs and stomach to take all the weight off my arms is working well. Helps with cornering quite a bit too. After setting up the bike to get rid of as many vibes as poss. New c+s. Filters and carb set and balance. She is riding real smooth. Anyway on the mend. Just hinges on things not getting worse now im back on the bike.
  18. Tdr owners will break your arms for the running gear and the motor with little btuning can crack 20horses. Mint its also worth money cos rocking horse shit is easier to find. Not cheap to restore though as parts sre hard to get and pricy.
  19. The welding will play havoc with the gas flow too causing all sorts of bad reflections. Replacement is best. If its bad enough to blow out there will be other leaks. With a 2 stroke you have to be sure there are no air leaks so air can get IN either or it ruins the mix and goes lean. Which also makes the engine louder wierdly.
  20. Any air leak will mess with a 2stroke. The exhaust is one of the most important parts. If you have the stock chamber its double skinned which is prob messing the gas flow.
  21. Moved to workshop... Do an intro in the new members area. One post questions generally get left alone.
  22. Back in the days of steam i had suspention sieze. Expensive problem. Most anual bikes will suffer. I consider it a std job at least once a year to strip and clean the suspention. Grease everything and reassemble. Never had issues since. I also ride all year.
  23. Sounds like a fault code. Easiest answer is ask a yam dealer. This is why i like my older stuff.
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