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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Mine is best for bike insurance being integral to the house. Down side. It loads the house insurance. Insurance in any other form would be extortion.
  2. Cynic


    Kin hell. MRSA took my mother in law. Sound old bat never sick and that bug tore her up and chucked the pieces away. Good on you for beating it. Any support I can give your welcome to.
  3. Ha ha too right. The eaton twin too. Or for the computer generation. Find reverse on an old Merc EPS box....
  4. Going up. Apply some power, put moderate pressure on the lever and just for a moment close the throttle a little. Going down let the revs drop, on a dt... maybe 2000 would do apply down ward pressure this time enough throttle to just feel some acceleration then close it and she will change down. With practice. Im only talking of half hour or so you could ride anywhere clutchless. If you have a decent electric start even a few traffic light stops are easy. Otherwise bump it in second and hop on. THAT is what I would have been doing.
  5. What a prat. Just shut the throttle and stall it. Running the lights etc cos its stuck in gear. Fk me. Imagine the consequences. YOU could have ruined somebodyelses life and got yourself hurt or worse. Nothing can justify what you did for just a clutch cable and the plods would tear you a new one if they have you running multiple lights and hear ypur 'excuse'. Your bike has a sequential box. It is simple enough to use without the clutch. Doesent take much work to understand. Get the revs right and you can change easily up or down.
  6. There are even fewer black and yellow TDR250s. ie mine... West of Northampton for me. Near J16. M1
  7. Cynic


    Im only ribbing. My TDR is no better. I had the same stick from the bikers at work. Dumping a 600 multi for a tiddly lil 2stroke. Im happier with it now more than ever even though its not comfy, economical etc etc. Being different is the core of motorcycling. Something lost on the power rangers I think. We will still laugh at you for it though. And as ttasky said....... 'You NEVER leave the YOC' mwohaaa ha ha. cugh cough ahrm......
  8. For pistons. Search 'mitaka' good quality for the money. Yamaha pistons are very expensive. For the chain and the 'stars' sprockets in the UK. Search DID or Regina. Both ok for the money.
  9. Licester Northants is a big chunk of country. Narrow it down a knats. If you can wait till Sept (in cornwall for a couple of weeks) I could have a look. Cost you coffee though....
  10. Before you get too carried away bear in mind Dt175s suffer badly with combustion chamber temperature. The bloody ethanol being added to fuel doesent help either. You want to stay under 7k for anything more than overtakes and such. Even moderate work risks the piston. Fuel mixture and lubrication becomes critical real fast if you try tuning. I have tried most of it over the last 25 years. Intake system (from a late model bike) in good nick. A good pipe and well set ig timing with sensible gearing for a 70 to 75 max at the red line will give really good results. As far as plugs go the stock ones are fine.
  11. Cynic


    Ha ha ha. wont last. There was one at work breifly. Maybe 6 weeks before it got chopped for a 600 Vibes, parts prices, short service intervals, tank range that makes my TDR seem like an FJ12. Fuel all over your nuts if you brim the tank. As a sunny day toy fine but I wouldnt swap a 600 for one.
  12. Unlikely. I would be more worried about the motor. If oil is getting out air can get in. That is not good for the oil supply to the engine. As for not bleeding it..............doh
  13. Im not against the idea. Hell I have done it. I just think there is a time and place. I have fell off without being degloved in jeans. Same as a hundred or so folk will have been killed today. And will be tommorow. It was seeing the 80mph filtering while dressed for a swimming pool that did me.
  14. Good news. As someone who has experienced noisy neighbours. I sympathise. Anybody ignorant enough to say fuck the neighbours over noise is harming motorcycling and by default all of us. Only needs a couple to moan in the right ear and you will find plods in the area after easy meat.
  15. Just remember the insurance for a motor trader insurance policy is something like 1800quid a year.
  16. Scary sights. I will kick off with one I witnessed on the motorway today. Nothing special annonymous 500cc something. Lane 3 doing a good 70+ running with and between traffic. Wearing..........visorless open face lid with sunglasses, wife beater vest and I assume budgie smugglers (either that or he was nekid from the waist ) with deck shoes. Can you imagine the mess.....I thought I was being reckless leaving my overtrousers off. Must be some more scary sights.......
  17. Ttasky. Construction and use regs concerning actual db values started around 81. Before that so long as the exhaust is 'applicable type' and in sound working condition its legal. No matter how loud it is.
  18. Dont understand the noise obsession myself. Dont agree with loud pipes saving lives either. Proper roadcraft does that. If his bike is noisy ring the law. I like being able to give the bike some beans and not alert every plod within a 10mile grid. Shitbag over the road did it to me. He was a neighbourhood majority of 1 I might add as nobody else was fussed. Completely legal. Dt predates noise rules and the TDR is stock. He has moved now. Had nice chat with the community plod. Cuppa and some biker bull and away he went. If this bloke is legal fair enough but I doubt it..
  19. My apostrophies for the bad grammer :-)
  20. so fitting a 6v bulb in the spedo won't work because?
  21. Nah second hand motorbike tyres. I would sooner park the bike. You have no idea whats happend to em. Best left.
  22. thats ok Andy. But look on the bright side. Now you have said it out loud it will get easier. Were on your side...
  23. Why.... That tyre will cost. May not fit all that well if at all. Chain run is generally the first culprit. Most of all it will ruin the handling. Slowing the steering noticably and wear real quick.
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