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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Same here, keep the pump pre mix is nothing but hassle.
  2. Cynic

    Gearing Issues

    Glad its a cheap easy fix.
  3. Doubt you will notice tbh. Get yourself a manual, even before you get the bike as it will help you know the language. Give it a good service, air filter etc. Make sure the brakes are not dragging, tyre pressures. That will stop you wasting hp, which is what most people do. Then spend some of that buget on good kit as a warm comfortable rider is ALWAYS faster. Then search for some of the go faster threads on here for dts. You can get a bit extra but you need a solid bike under you first.
  4. Cynic

    Gearing Issues

    Have you oiled the shift linkage/shaft where it passes through the outer case. Bike oil will allways be black because of the clutch.
  5. Just googled the behind bars bit and, well its been done a few times. Need something a bit cleverer I think.
  6. Yep, it will read to earth but with a resistance value that should be stated somewhere. Dead short would not be good.
  7. You still need the throttle bodies balanced unless the system is clever enough to self sort. Depends if its fully fly by wire or just injected. Could just as easily be a spark plug, hell sure you havent some loose fairing bolts.
  8. Yep, I spent a couple of grand tuning a 600 suzuki, made over 100hp at the back wheel. Thats 30hp and an extra 2500rpm They changed loads, cams, carbs (even different jets between carbs), timing gears, exhaust (TTS, very good people) what do you think they left well alone. Yep the airbox, changed the filter in it. But they will only remove the airbox with direct instruction.
  9. Heh, if he's got a 1way ticket to Barbados................. Numan, can I borrow that RD400? Just till you get back...
  10. Nah, thats how an ac generator works. Radians amongst other yams are known for dicky reg rec units. Can you blag another one to try.
  11. You can get them but they are an alloy. Semi stainless if you like. Strength of tensile steel and very (but not completely) corrotion resistant.
  12. You can do anything with enough cash. Whats wrong with the fz6 forks?
  13. If using stainless for brake parts make sure its the right grade. Some cheap stainless can be very brittle.
  14. Depends on the model. Some are set shut some open. You normally use a peg to pin the valve to adjust the cables. The powervalve system does the rest.
  15. Bitsa this bike, bitsa that bike to make this one. Like triggers broom. My dt is the same. Early frame, home made loom, late rear end, engine from? Wheels are its 3rd set. Still looks like a dt though, even though its prob only half the original parts. My tdr though is box stock. Even the rack is the original option.
  16. Cynic


    Dont get me started on the dimwits pulling the dyslexic card. My daughter is dyslexic, she is a straight A student, (unlike her sister). Seeing her incapable of spelling properly is heartbreaking, seeing her trying to get her head round the fact that her non A student sister has a memory to worry that geek Sheldon in Big bang is even worse. Jodie can also readily figure the spelling of words she can't initially spell. Something Karen can only dream of. That is really cruel.
  17. Cynic


    How are we supposed to help people when they can barely write. It is getting so common now, no capitals, nothing. Maybe a ? here and there. I may well be turning into? ok maybe already. A grumpy ol bastard at times but how hard is writing. As for the idiots that write 'in text'. If they want help they should write proper. Better now.
  18. Be a smart move to find out. If it is a bitsa and your ins thinks its box stock. Then your stuffed if something goes wrong.
  19. Dont bother with the 140, fit the right tyre. Big rear tyres really fuck the steering making it heavy and slow. Giving less grip in to the bargain. If your on stock rims with a stock front go with a stock tyre. They will easily go far enough for knee downantics on stock stuff why ruin it. If you must upsize the rear match it to the front at least. Remember the height of the tyre too.
  20. Cynic

    Bloody rozers

    Its why I sold my land rover. Sucks but when farmers can chuck 20quid to lauch an action that costs you hundreds to defend its no fun. Not fair for either of us but hey were the enemy, you know the working public.
  21. Done. Too right slice. 2 for killing and 4 for perverting justice. AND he can apeal. How about letting her family have him for 5 minutes, no queensburys. IF he survives that he can go apeal.
  22. Yep, do it slow though on an engine at normal operating temp. Don't blip the throttle either, do a quarter turn. Ride round the block then let it settle. Then if need be repeat. If you change it a lot all at once you may find after riding it its wrong.
  23. Number 1, ultra important, esp on old strokers. The plugs in the bike, swap em round, put the good plug in the bad cyl. I suspect the problem will go, or at worst swap sides. Plugs are THE biggest problem on 2 strokes. ALWAYS have a couple of replacements and keep KNOWN good plugs after a change for times like this and in your pocket when out on a ride. So many 2 stroke faults are just a petulant plug.
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