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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Year of bike? condition? what have you done so far.
  2. The kit, those new carbs for 30beer tokens are cheap nasty chineese copies and are truly awful.
  3. Only on replacements, that plate of yours is legal. If you replaced it for another one. Then your illegal. Anyhow, he will have filled his book with the rest of the bike, won't have room for the plate
  4. Every chance, put up some pictures. Maybe start with the frame number. Welcome aboard....
  5. Yep, when your pinky goes through her ring in the church enjoy it.
  6. Wow, intro in the proper place. You will go far.
  7. Ok, moved you into the dirty part of the forum.... Bikes don't appreciate the start, idle, shut down thing people seem so fond off. The proper thing to do is leave the fuel turned off, plug out and just turn the engine over on the kick or the starter. Your engine will have oil at the cams within 1 or 2 rotations of the crank. Starting and idling the engine puts a lot of oil vapour in the airbox and a lot of moisture in the oil (see where this is going). Your engine will have been trying to burn the excesses but because it didn't get properly and completely hot, esp the exhaust this hasn't happened. Now you have taken the bike out and got it hot all that oil and moisture has decided to leave, trouble being there is now a lot of it. So all the smoke and junk out the back and the fouled up plug is from the junk its drawn in. As well as probably choking the air filter. Im not sure but I think the WR has a tricky oil change procedure. Not just dump out the bottom and pour in. I believe there is oil in the frame and the engine needs to run for a certain time so its hot. Not uncommon. My TDR has 2 drains and has to be filled and run then filled again and run to get the level right. It is very easy to think the level is good and find the gearbox critically low on oil. Lastly, post an intro about yourself in the new members area. Will get you a lot more help.
  8. When you say bought a new carb.... Was that a proper carb, from a Dt? If it is a chineese copy (most of the brand new ones are) it may not work at all. The carb is like the electrics. Very reliable.
  9. I guess you had the cap off? Turning the bike off was actually a bad thing, you should have ridden it round the block then turned it off so the coolant can circulate and protect the motor. Did the electric fan not start........? Oh, do an introduction in the new members area. This is moving to the workshop..
  10. March to November isn't a few months. As to bannable or just a small fine. What....? Sorry, introduce yourself in the new members area. I'm locking this.
  11. Think he means, riding a Yam. Welcome,
  12. Ah, near me ish. Depending on your idea of Northants I'm in Bugbrooke, near j16
  13. Cynic

    Forum tidying

    That is soooooo wrong Andy. Check the flag under his username...
  14. Cynic

    What a Bike !!!

    Thats ridiculous, like a 2wheel monster truck. Can you imagine the vibration.
  15. Sorry, with that button showing like that I thought it was letting you know it had lubricated its self. (hinges and locks obviously) and was raring to go.
  16. Dont get carried away with overcomplicating things. A normal kick should give a nice bright blue spark. If not check all the basics. Plug plug connection coil coil connection the connector lhs of the carb lastly check the wiring hasnt touched the exhaust under the tank.
  17. Totally agree, although I can't stand scotch.
  18. I think Foamy wants to avoid where Kev puts his helmet at squires.
  19. Without a good woodruff key your wasting your time, there is a point on the mag that triggers the spark, exactly what isn't obvious but its in the construction of the rotor. If your out by 2 or 3 mm you will get nothing as far as starting the engine. Don't worry about the cdi, its little more than a glorified cigarette lighter, really basic and pretty much nuclear bomb proof. The DT generates its own spark energy, so, without a good kick you will get nothing from the ig. It has nothing to do with anything else either, not the battery, any voltage regulation its all in the mag coils. Mag spins, generates electric, that makes the cdi generate the coil feed to kick the spark. Very basic, very reliable. I have been very grateful for its simplicity in the past when the only thing left working on a trail was the engine.
  20. The sticky out red button on your box caught my eye...
  21. Would that be the furthest traveled award you nicked off me at squires..... 4stroke getting prizes at a 2stroke rally, pah foamy will get laid next.....
  22. Have you removed or loosened the stator plate, (the bit with the coils on in the mag). If so did you put it back EXACTLY where it was to begin with? If that plate has been put back out of position by more than 3 or 4 mm she will just backfire.
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