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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Jealous. I don't have the time, space or money. What is your finish point? Useable classic like my tdr or proper mint.
  2. Bad idea. You will never remove all of the oil from an engine, esp a vtwin. All the valve gear and such. You could be looking at 10 per cent or more hanging about. (It is designed to stay on components). The oil quantities quoted is just what you should expect it to take.
  3. On a different tack for a second. Do you have panniers? Are you bigger than average Joe, not just weight broad shoulders can do it. Are you relaxed on the bike, too tight a grip can cause shimmy.
  4. Cynic

    UK bobber laws?

    Sounds right with no chain guards or front 'fender' you are bang to rights on construction and use regs at a minimum. Then the implications for locking the rear suspension up. That's different to a hard tail frame regs wise. So yeah. If the copper got laid that morning you could be ok.
  5. 2 points. Do you know what tells you the unit has moved? We're not Mr Fixit, were a bunch of people into yamaha's and some banter. Please, use the new members area to say hi. General 'Hi I have a problem', first posts get very few replies.
  6. Its something that happens. Your new to motorcycles, initially pulling away was a big thing. Now a little way down the learning curve its dropped on you priority list. Started that 'automatic' stage where your fingers know what to do. Problem being your still learning and your brain still hasnt made all the actions link up and it gets it wrong. Its annoying but it will pass. I'm 99 per cent certain your bike is fine and you will find the prob goes away on its own. Just dont obsess about it.
  7. Think the message is lost in translation.
  8. Steering head bearings, checked those handlebar mounting rubbers?
  9. How to bypass ig systems is not for open forums.
  10. Well after having an Athena kitted TDR125 sat alongside Blackhat and I at within 10% of 100mph (as per my satnav), with no flat on the tank sillyness, they seem ok to me.
  11. Take the plug cap off and check if the lead will spark. Remember you need good clea. metal for this check.
  12. He was waiting for his tee shirt....
  13. If your feeling it with your arms and legs then its more front biased. Are the bars rubber mounted? Steering head bearings a little too tight? and front tyre would be my first inspections.
  14. Define wobble. Are we talking butt clenching terror shakes or a slight shimmy you can sense rather than feel. Can you feel it with your feet, your arse, your hands or all.
  15. Welcome to the forum, we do seem to lean towards 2strokes, no surprise really considering how good yams 2 strokes are. Plenty of folk on here who can help with DT400 info
  16. What's wrong with the red line, its like the sell by date on food. You can get a bit more if you want to it wont hurt. The limiter will stop damage. Also works as a pretty good quickshift..... at your own risk on that one..
  17. And the battery voltage is?..... And the battery voltage at 3000 rpm is?
  18. It WAS, putting that ruddy hairpin in maggots was criminal. Donnington is a better track.
  19. Used to have to do that regular on my old 600, you only need a 2cyl set for them. If you do it regular you will feel when they are out. As well as other bikes feeling horrid.
  20. Nope, the 170 just helps. He is a talented rider with good balance. Your showing your youth in impatience. Spend the big bore money on a whelie school, yes they exist im not winding you up. Then you can pop em at will.
  21. Picture says it all, the teeth on there have worn meaning the chain doesent sit quite right. It must be a well maintained chain to wear nice and even, still fubar though. Your chain will jump in the end.
  22. Cynic

    Game Of Thrones

    Spoilers eh, so you dont know that that Deneris and Dog get it on in Winterfell. The red witch uses Jofreys corpse as a thunderbird puppet. An dog likes chicken!
  23. What do you mean by 'everyone says 32mm carb'. Beware the rumour machine. A 32, 34 whatever carb will work. My 175 uses a 24. The 250 has stoooopid sized 38mm flatsides(i think). It depends what your after. Your stock carb will work and set right will give buckets of low to mid range torque/power. The 32 will give you all the big rpm bang, but you will sacrifice lower range power. There will be a sweet spot. The kit makers should be able to help there. It may well be 32. Generally bigger the carb the peakier the motor, that exhaust will losen a few rpm too, but again losing a little from the lower end.
  24. See you at Squires on the 2stroke meet? Its become an annual meet, be the 5th this year. Always a good crack.
  25. Hi, welcome to the madhouse. Where were the round trips round. Story, story, story....
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