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steve 1052cc

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Everything posted by steve 1052cc

  1. I think you'll find the certificates issued with the restrictors aren't worth the parer they are written on. neither of my sons were ever asked for the certificates to insure their restricted bikes. 2 penny washers and a certificate at a cost of about £190 from 1 of the companies offering this service. Best and cheapest way to restrict a bike is get it done on a rolling road/dyno the readout slip of the BHP is of more than enough for most police officers.
  2. Grouch just let the idiots go they ain't worth the trouble just look at the width of the chicken strips on their tyres and laugh right back at them most of them will be weekend warriors quick in a straight line useless when it gets twisty. We all have had to learn some of us the hard painful way before there was any training. Get your test done then enjoy your riding
  3. Being BIKER is all the introduction that's needed for me to offer help or advice if i can or to talk about the one thing this site is supposed to be about bikes what ever you ride. If they introduce themselves all the better but not essential as far as I'm concerned.
  4. That's what i like about this site how unfriendly certain members can be to new members.Surprises me why any one would want to join it.
  5. I had a foxeye fzr600r used to run it on dunlops. I tried bridgestones and pirellis on it but found dunlops suited the bike.
  6. Just goes to prove safety camera vans have nothing to do with road safety and all to do with filling the chancellors piggy bank. Been you or i parked there we would soon have been nicked and towed away.
  7. Thanks to Dirty DT, Drewry, & Blackhat 250 for confirming just how shit some of the music was. Though i will admit there were a few good heavy rock bands around then.
  8. Sorry about this but it just reminds me of how shit the music was then.
  9. The car thats what heaters and window wipers are for.
  10. None in forty one years of riding and you should know better than encouraging younger riders not to stop for the police that's how fatalities happen even if it was supposed to be a joke.
  11. It's actually the opposite only those who with average and above average ability to read will count 3 F's because they expect the word of to be there.
  12. Just out of interest how many points you got on your licence.
  13. Been there done that so nothing to prove to myself or others, both my bikes are capable of 150+ fortunately i no longer behave like a dick head on the roads doing those speeds. Just for the record theres no chicken strips on my tyres, any one can do 175 in a straight line nothing clever in that.
  14. Coming home from work on a drizzly dark November evening a car pulled out a side street straight in front of me, the next thing i'm aware of is lying under my my bike on the pavement against the bottom of a wall battered and bruised but not seriously hurt. The driver came over and uttered those immortal words but with a twist SORRY MATE DIDN'T SEE YOU YOUR HEAD LIGHT WAS DAZZLING ME i was a little miffed but not as miffed as the police officer that saw the whole accident, i didn't need to say anything the officer put it so much better than i could. When drivers make that statement after an accident that what hope have we got.
  15. I've removed all the knee armour from my leathers, waterproofs and kevlar jeans and use Alpinestar reflex knee guards. You strap them to your legs put your leathers or what ever over them and they stay in place whatever happens great peice kit
  16. Keep the morrors they might not look to good but should stop you picking up pionts on your licence from being followed. That realy is one sweet bike, if you ever want to sell it i know a good home for it.
  17. Norwich union do a 4 bike policy i had a bandit 1200, fzr1000, tls1000 fj1200 cost about £150 that was through bikesure
  18. Freedom nothng else matters but the bike, and the road
  19. The early fzr 1000 genisis were 989cc and had no exup valve in the exhaust
  20. Find somewhere else to do your training it all sounds very iffy to me if they can't get the basics right, makes you wonder about the quality of the training.
  21. I had an fzr600r had metzlers on when i got it not impressed, so changed to dunlop 207s then dunlop 208s the dunlops suited the bike well bit slow to warm up but once warm never let go on wet or dry roads even when pushed to the limit.
  22. For me it's the fj1200, but my favorite yam is my 87 fzr1000 when you give it the beans it can still upset new sports bikes, but not for long it's so cramped and uncomfortable for an old fat bloke like me.
  23. Hi parsley i've got an 87 fzr1000 genesis i'm about to strip and rebuild this winter i will be giving you a shout for some advice.
  24. steve 1052cc


    My 1987 fj1200 wobble bus has suprised me and a good few power rangers by how well they go and handle for a twenty year old bike. The TLS1000 and FZR1000 don't spend so much time on the road now.
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