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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. welcome phil nice bike a mate of mine has the same exhaust on his fire blade it looks and sounds great,fill in your profile so we know where your from.
  2. aye they are hardy buggers them local people from royston vasey.
  3. yes it has, went up to rivington barn today a bikers haunt have been many times but never seen as many bikes as today 4-500 bikes at least,felt sorry for a girl who whilst trying to find some where to park dropped her bike in front of everbody very red faced when she removed her helmet. yesterday was up OGs part of the world the peaks the cat and fiddle thick mist and freezing what a difference 24hrs makes.
  4. i hold my hands up we use to do it in the 50s jim. did not think kids would still be doing it.
  5. my fz was only in hibernation as i have spent the winter riding the triumph, i can understand the guys on here not riding there classics but i prefer to ride all year the amount of kit on the market compared with when i first started riding is excellent and there are plenty of protectives to put on your bike to protect from road salt,but at the end of the day its personal choice if you ride in winter, i would be climbing the walls if i did not ride for 3 months.
  6. no its aircooled in more ways than one yes i should have had more respect for it but have just been lazy and spending more time on the triumph, will make it up and start looking after it, having seen a 86 fz600 described as almost a classic in MCN and going for £1150
  7. like you paul i decided to see what condition my fz600 was in,bearing in mind it has been sat outside uncovered for 4 months i wasnt expecting much but to my amazment it started let it run for 10 minutes plenty of white smoke which cleared after a couple of minutes. well pleased i thought i would risk running it up and down the road as its SORN but no way the front brake was siezed. so i think maybe its time to make it a project and bring it back to its former glory. good luck with yours.
  8. go on your bike,or dont you want to get it dirty.
  9. yep jason know what you mean,the worse thing is that these sunshine warriors come out of hibernation and ride like absolute twats pumped up on adrenalin, not a care for anyone else on the road, having not been on there bikes for months. sorry but not one for hibernating, bikes are for riding not just for sunny days its not rocket science just keep on top of cleaning your bike after every ride never had one yet thats rotted on me. love your description sunshine warriors.
  10. happy birthday kev 99 you old barstard,you dont look it you only look 49.
  11. my biggest fear a rear end shunt,had one years ago a guy locked up in the wet and hit me throwing me of the bike broke my collar bone wrote my bike off but the most damage was to my confidence took me a long time to get over it even now i keep my eye on whats happening behind when stopped. my wife kept trying to get me to give up bikes but all that ear ache didnt work.
  12. oldtimer


    +1 for image-works drewps used them for some fz decals, found them very helpful.
  13. oldtimer

    YBR 250

    there are some out there CMC bikes in chesterfield and cannock have a 2010 ybr250 in red for sale,CMCbikes are a yamaha main dealer.
  14. and theres always the carole nash classic bike show at stafford county showground 23 and 24 of april always a few of us go to that. and in may the nw200 in northern island some going on that.
  15. yep paul been on a few trips and busy sorting my bikes out knackered and skint now so will be about for a couple of months.
  16. not got altziemers yet drewps,not far off though
  17. what help is it you have given?you first posted this problem in may 2010 and four members replied, then you post the same problem again but with an attitude 9 months later, if your intention is to piss people off because your bored and want to get a reaction get a life,there are many answers to your problem if it exists but i for one cant be arsed to tell you.
  18. all the best spike hope you have a good day. hope you are wearing the hat of honour.
  19. yes NI contributions pay towards the national health service but only a percentage of your £166 goes towards health care, NI contributions also pay for child benifit,statutary sick pay, the state pension and unemployment benifit to name a few, it also covers not only you but your kids health care so i would imagine it would work out quite expensive to get the same cover in the states or any other country, having had an accident in germany many years ago and having had to have stitches in the usa i now realise how lucky we are,its all the other taxes in this country i have a problem with. get better soon chris bad luck mate.
  20. three trackers featured in classic bike this month, a yamaha xs750, a harley xr750 and a bsa a70, the yamaha looks sweet drewps but you might not like it as hes done the usual paint job black and yellow.
  21. welcome bidders. drewpy bideford? the clues were there (just joined from MK)milton keynes bidders or what ?
  22. oldtimer

    tyre saga

    well having checked my tyres my rear was right on the limit.so there was nothing for it but to put my hand in my pockets and sort them out. decided to replace both with bridgstone bt 023 dear tyres but they get a good write up,£258 lighter i set of home all of 8 mile park up go in for my rucksack come back out to find rear tyre flat as a pancake,paddock stand out spin the wheel and spend 10 mins checking tyres cant see anything so ring them up, ok mate we will send the van out 2 hours later van arrives no ramp he had forgotten it so using my paddock stand removes wheel and goes off an hour later i get a phone call its a puncture mate its in a bad place you may need a new tyre well i wont tell you what my replie was but i am sure you can guess. 30 mins later he rings good news mate we have repaired it thats £20 pay the driver so the driver arrives with wheel and a piece of a stanley knife blade about a quarter of a inch long thats what it was mate. now did i really pick up that little piece of flat stanley knife blade off the road ? and if so how did it get in that position in my tyre,well rant over but £278 lighter and running on a repaired new tyre i AM WELL PISSED OFF rant over.
  23. looks as good as new have you ever used it or do you still use a scaffolding pole kev.
  24. welcome dyslexic scouser or is it an anagram. now for the all important question are you a real scouser? red or blue
  25. fzr600 uk models. (frame and engine numbers) 1989 3he1 (3he000101) 1990 3he3 (3he-026101) 1991 3he7 (3he-054101) 19923he8 (3he8-088101) 1993 3hee (3HEE-106101) HOPE THIS HELPS MACKER
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