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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. the daft thing is og i had filled up the morning i did the oil change and as the garage is only 2 mile from my home i was probably running on the previous fuel , its sad when your old lol. thanks everyone for your help and encouragement
  2. well it is a happy new year, i got up this morning and set to work once again to get this bloody bike started, if you have read this thread you will see it all started off with an oil change, bike running ok warmed up oil changed, then bike just would not start, well i was getting a spark, fuel pump checked and cleaned, carbs cleaned,electrics checked, starter motor checked, fuel petcock checked,immobiliser checked ,side stand switch checked you name it was checked so there was no reason why it would not start, as one of my neighbours passed he asked me what was up at the end of explaining he said my mates had trouble with his car the AA came out and it was the fuel it was contaminated, well anythings worth a try so i drained the fuel tank and the carb and my mate came round with a gallon of unleaded, put it in an pressed the starter engine started spluttered backfired and ran as rough as a bears arse for 5 minutes ,helmet on and a quick blast up the road for a few miles and its running sweet as a nut, it turns out the guy up the road who had problems with his car had also filled up at the same garage (last time for both of us) so happy new year to one and all looks like my new year might get better
  3. thanks will try tomorrow it is a twin,happy new year to you off to pub now ( drown my sorrows)
  4. hi blackhat,yes strong spark blue in colour,no oil level switch and the only thing i touched was the sump plug and oil filler cap, read last night on another forum a guy who had the same problem twice and both times the only way he started it was with new plugs,so i thought i would give that a try what a joke three yamaha dealers phoned "sorry mate dont stock we can order them for you" god i must be old you could buy spark plugs most garages and motor world dont stock spark plugs, i only had new plugs 1500 miles ago ,but any thing is worth a try so ordered of e bay. thanks mate will try any thing , will try that with the side stand at this point any things worth trying , i am getting withdrawal symptoms three days not out on my bike , not locked up tonight so if some one fancys it please pinch it lol
  5. well that was where the story started three days later it still wont start,cleaned carbs .cleaned and checked fuel pump,getting a spark, plugs getting wet, engine turning over but just wont start,the bloody thing was running fine till i changed the oil, but the thing that really pisses me off is the comedian at the yamaha dealer who said if you bring it in we will have a look at it in the new year (if i set of pushing it the eight miles i might get there for new year lol) the bloody idiot if it was able to start i would not be taking it in,but to finish off by saying is there anything else i can help you with was the final straw,have had yamahas since 1970 but i think it might be time for a change.
  6. cold hungry and pissed off thats it for today thanks for all your suggestions as this bloody thing seems to have become my winter project i will be on the lookout for a cheap bike as i cannot be without a bike,thanks again
  7. i seem to be one step a head of you just been doing that with the plugs no go but am just about to have a look at the carb its like a bloody saga this will let you know the outcome
  8. might seem a silly question but is the stand down as some bikes have aside stand switch which if you put it in to gear and the stand is down it will cut out
  9. tried that plugs appear to get wet with fuel,starting to get me down now as all i have done is change the oil, checked that i havent touched or knocked any wires any where when i did it,gone down the line of getting a spark thats ok ,fuel lines checked, air filter removed and cleaned,still no go
  10. battery is on charge now so it should be okay for morning ,its sods law i always say if its not broke dont fix it ,the bike has never been running better and it was only boredom that made me think well i have some oil and nothing else to do so why not, are well the joys of biking well morning arrived battery fully charged, checked for spark all ok,compression ok, fuses ok,fuel getting through ok turns over but still will not start
  11. will give it a try in the morning with a squirt of oil, not much chance of a push start round here they are all older then me and with zimmers lol
  12. well today i decided to change the oil so had the bike running for ten mins, removed sump plug drained oil replaced with new washer and sump plug, put in new oil then came to start the bike i have never had a problem before always starts,the engine turns over but does not start ,checked for spark all okay, plugs get wet so it looks like fuel getting to them,even checked the side stand switch as i have had problems before with it still no joy, fuses ok checked for any loose conections but still no joy, as i only changed the oil its got me foxed anyone any suggestions for me to try tomorrow as i dont have a garage and have given up for the night ,thanks for any suggestions
  13. sorry mate should have put like you i seem to have had most near misses when i have them on ,so i think if i have gone all them years not on and no accidents i will revert back to no lights,at least then no body thinks i have flashed my lights at them ,if they can read a number plate at the required distance on there test then there is there is no reason why they cant see motorcycles.
  14. i have also been riding a long time like you 44yrs in my case and have also not had an accident come close a few times and for most of that time without daytime lights but seem to have had more near misses since using lights so am still not convinced by the argument for its also the law in a lot of other european countries so one would expect that in those countries the accident rates to go down not up! but they have gone up? i would have to agree with you there is no right or wrong answer to the question,logically it should be lights on but it seems to confuse some drivers the use of lights ! was it a warning ? did he mean he has seen me ? is he letting me pull out all very confusing. having rode for most of my life not using daytime lights like you i have seem to have had most near misses when using them, i view all other road users as a potential threat and like gas up i think after a few years you do develop a six sense or maybe like most other bikers we are more aware because we are vulnerable to all these idiots driving about not concentrating using there bloody mobile phones. well lets just hope when it is introduced that our accident figures buck the trend of the other countries and go down? well all those police motorcyclists can not be that visible the amount of motorists they stop and who never saw them, lol like the slogan but they still never see us ! what about that other old slogan "go to work on a egg" i think you have got it in one mark they dont bloody look! thanks very much everyone for your opinions but i remain unconvinced ! heated grips sat nav. day time lights , the battery manufactures must be seeing a big increase in sales but at least somebody is seeing some thing
  15. the reason i ask this question is that today a guy in a car almost wiped me out , i was going down the motorway in the inside lane as i was preparing to come off at the next junction when this car in the second lane indicated as he passed me to pull in the inside lane but indicated and pulled across the front of me in one movement forcing me to take avoiding action to say the least as we both came off the motorway together he wound his window down and said he was sorry but as he over took me he looked in his mirror and thought i had flashed him, luckily no harm done but it made me wonder about the use of lights in the day ,i know with more modern bikes the lights come on when the engine is started but i have a choice with my bike, lights or no lights what does everybody else think?
  16. old! your not old my luv , ive got a suit older than you lol and it still fits me if you keep anything long enough if comes back in style, i know i am a tight old bugger
  17. most companys do this sort of service, in the past i have used carole nash and bennets and have found both pretty reasonable, as until recently i had a 125 dragstar that was my day to day bike and a bonnieville for the longer trips but sold the bonnie to pay bills but for the two fully comp i was only paying £185 the trick is get lots of quotes and play them off against each other, good luck
  18. 61 ted not sure if i qualify ? but not sure of much these days maybe its the oldtimers disease, but it made my son laugh!
  19. sorry mate did not see it i am selling stuff on e bay at the moment so am clicking on and off tonight, my mind was on other things trying to raise cash for another bike,
  20. is that the one in april at the men arena ,i think my son might me there as well should be a good night i suppose angus will have his usual outfit on, did you notice my post that i also live off the east lancs?
  21. you seem to give quite a graphic description of your accident and what happened so you obviously saw him and said he strolled out so that is to your favour that you were aware of traffic conditions, so there is no reason why you should,t report the accident its called covering your arse , like goff said you have just answered your own question nobody is lecturing you just giving you advice,its up to you wether you take it,i presume you are not claiming on your insurance as the will want a rta number?
  22. i know now why i never got married again, ah the joys of being single no soaps no worries about leaving the toilet seat up bike bits in the kitchen pure heaven. saw in another post of yours drewpy you live off the east lancs so do i behind moorside school
  23. oldtimer

    bikini babes

    well those girls are certainly built for comfort rather than speed, any attempt on those girls you would have to have the light out for fear of burning your arse on the light bulb lol
  24. its just a fact of life if you are selling something on e bay you want as much as the market will pay and some idiots will pay over the odds ,i am selling a taylor accoustic guitar at the moment so i checked on e bay to see what prices were so i know what to ask, when new it was £310 and i have only used it once, the same one on e bay used had 15bids and had got three days to go and had reached £245 plus £25 postage? for a guitar thats £310 new some people must be mad best get mine on as quick as poss nice crimbo present for some one willing to pay silly money
  25. oldtimer

    The FLU

    well my love i have to agree with you being fit and healthy does not stop you getting the flu it might mean you survive if you are older i always have the flu jab since having many health problems, i was also like mark a soldier for most of my life and also felt i was tough but shit when i had the flu in 2001 i lost 2 stone in weight and never felt so ill ,you think if you have a bad cold you have the flu but when you do get the flu only then do you realise how bad it is, since then i have had the flu jab every year and never even had a cold maybe a coincidence but who cares how it works i neither know or care but it works
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