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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. rubbish there are plenty of companys out there that do them.try this link reservoir dog http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/XVS_125_Dragstar/00-04/ they also do a rear sprocket with three teeth less as well as a selection of front sprockets
  2. Two women friends had gone for a girls' night out. Both were very faithful and loving wives, however They had gotten over-enthusiastic on the Bacardi Breezers. Incredibly drunk and walking home they needed to Pee, so they stopped in the cemetery. One of them had nothing to wipe with so she thought She would take off her panties and use them. Her friend however was wearing a rather expensive Pair of panties and did not want to ruin them. She was lucky enough to squat down next to a grave That had a wreath with a ribbon on it, so she Proceeded to wipe with that. After the girls did their business, they proceeded to Go home. The next day, the husband of one of the women was concerned That his normally sweet and innocent wife was still in bed hung over, so he phoned the other husband and said: "These girl nights have got to stop! I'm starting to suspect the worst. My wife came home with no panties!!" "That's nothing," said the other husband, "Mine came back with a card stuck to her rear end that said..... 'From all of us at the Fire Station. We'll never forget you.' " .
  3. 2 years off the road is a long time did you do any preparation for its hibernation if not then you could have a few problems,firstly when you came to start it was it with 2 year old petrol thats been lay in the tank then drain old fuel out and replace with fresh petrol also drain any old petrol out of the carb, you may find that the old petrol has gummed up your jets if so after changing the petrol you may have to remove carb and clean out as your pilot jet could be blocked as it dies when you turn of choke. change your oil and filter and give your bike a good service. and next time if you lay your bike up for long periods drain the carburetor float chamber this will prevent fuel deposits from building up, remove spark plugs and pour a tea spoon of oil into each plug bore to prevent corrosion to cylinders and piston rings,lubricate all cables and levers pedals and side stand it makes life a lot easier when you want to wake it up and get back on the road. give your brakes a good check over as 2 years stood they may well bind, it would be nice if you introduced your self and filled in where your from as we are getting to many people just coming on no introduction and expecting help but who are you?
  4. oldtimer

    bike test

    are you sure you have your theory test on monday ? i know some one who works at the one in manchester and like most goverment departments they are closed on a bank holiday. as for the theory test it is fairly similar to the the car theory,there are plenty of online sites where you can practice, good luck
  5. and 80 miles later i was still behind them as we got home. even on a 125 dragstar 70mph no problem and great on the twistys. this year i will be on the fz600 so i will have to wait for them. ok for either day drewps will make arrangements nearer time
  6. oldtimer

    ye old bikers nod

    i always nod to other bikers regardless of the size of the bike but i have noticed when out on the 125 i get less nods than when i am on the fz. last year i stopped on the way back from the lakes for a smoke and in 10 minutes three other bikers stopped to ask me if i was ok thinking i had broke down or run out of petrol, can you imagine car drivers doing that ! thats what makes bikers special.
  7. sorry bwj but i am with mervin on this the struggle to find a garage in rural areas is now spreading to urban areas,this is an old idea seen on a few sites have to be an nay from me not lethargy just common sense i dont want to have to spend half a gallon trying to find a petrol station to fill up a 2 and a half gallon tank.
  8. you wont re call there being an off as there is not one, on bikes like the dragstar fitted with a vacumm type petcock it does away with the need for an off position. its vaccum fed on the 125 theres a hose just behind the fuel line off the fuel pump it connects to the vaccum port thats where you get your vaccum from when the bike is off so is your petrol flow . it works like a auto off and on switch. thats why you also have a pri position to over ride it and get petrol to the carb when you have run out of petrol and the bowl is empty or has been stood still for a long time or other reasons whenyou have fuel issues.
  9. hi graham, yes it is a bit confusing in the manual where it says make sure its in the off position,the only position you dont want it in is the PRI in the on and res positions when you remove the fuel hoses just a drop will come out of the hose as the way the fuel system works fuel will only flow when the ignition is switched on and the engine is running but in the PRI position fuel will flow by gravity so just leave in on or res position you will have no problem, as long as you just remove fuel hoses and not the petcock. good luck paul.
  10. save your money paul heres the reply.
  11. it must be a misprint going to press, thats what i couldn,t figure as he bought a DT125R and ccm have put DT125mx, so which bike is mark haycock giving his technical advise on.
  12. must be a mis print in your copy merv? as it says DT125mx in mine but i have been to spec savers.
  13. if only! my hair would be black i would only be in my early twentys and i could buy a new bike for £539. a time machine is the only chance england have of winning the world cup
  14. i have also got the spada jacket and pants never been cold but been wet on long journeys but like taskmaster i look out for the cheap rainsuit for over the top from lidl or aldi normally last me a good year or two as good as the more expensive ones and get a good write up in the bike mags. aldi have a special buy on motor bike gear sunday the 21st, 12.99 for rainsuit at that priceworth a go. http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/special_buys3_13433.htm bought the gloves last time and yes they were windproof and waterproof put my more expensive ones to shame.
  15. there are plenty of kits out there debi some will require you re jet and retune here are a couple of links. VStar_AIS_No_Air.pdf'>VStar_AIS_No_Air.pdf http://www.sscustomcycle.com/products/engine/v-star1100.shtml http://www.vstar1100.com/jack_phelps/vstar/ais.htm hope that gives you some ideas as to what to do and whats available theres plenty of information out there if you google, paul.
  16. merv you missed one you can also smoke in prison unlike us law abiding oaps who cant smoke in a public place.
  17. hi graham, its just normal wear and tear, heat from the engine makes them brittle and prone to cracking so whilst you have the tank off check out your fuel hoses and crank case breather pipe, condition of carb and choke cable give the outside of carb a good clean and oil any moving parts just take the opportunity to clean anywhere thats normally difficult to reach. your better off getting a new part have seen some used ones for sale at autojumbles but they wont last long just false economy. good luck paul.
  18. sorry to hear that steve,there are a lot of arseholes out there and most of them seem to be on e bay. last night i was looking at a moto guzzi california on e bay near to finishing and it was the right money for me when out of the blue 12 bids one after the other without anybody else bidding in knocking the price up £1400 the auction finished,just out of curosity i looked at the bids they were all from the same guy who had zero feedback, what an arse hole the seller thinks he has sold the bike, the only other bidder was me and a different guy who wanted the bike but pulled out of the bidding like me was it the seller trying to bump the price up? or just some arse hole whos bored. have bought a few bikes of e bay next time steve ask for a deposit by paypal end of auction and if any body pisses you about make sure you give them very bad feed back. better luck this time.
  19. yes its a common problem if you have cracks and loss of power the only way is to replace the carburetor intake manifold,its not a big job just a pain in the arse as you have to remove the tank and according to the workshop manual the silencer, have you got the xvs 125 service manual off here ? if so refer to chapter 6 not had to do mine yet so cant give you any tips, not likely to go bang just loss of top end power which it already seems you have. good luck paul.
  20. sorry mate but if your oil level and clutch settings are ok then either you have the wrong oil ie fully synthetic or other which is causing you clutch problems, or you are a very inexperienced rider i suspect that is the case as i cant believe when you park the bike and cant get in neutral that you use the side stand switch to cut the engine when just by your throttle is a cut off switch (the big red one) just get some miles in and it will all fall in to place we have all been there.
  21. there are many reasons to chose a 125 to do a trip,as well as many pros and cons not to, but the reasons for far outway the reasons not to. my own reasons to use my 125 dragstar is comfort even after 200 miles i feel ok,where as on my fz600 i feel knackered and by back hurts,travelling at a slower speed i see a lot more of what is around me instead of everything just being a blur, but the biggest over riding factor is financial i can get twice as far on a 125 for the same outlay on petrol. this year as last year i will be going to europe but this time on my 125 dragstar,it was after reading the book OLD MAN ON A BIKE a story by Simon Gandolfi never one to grow old gracefully and following two heart attacks he decides not to rest up, as many might, but to ride the length of Hispanic America on a 125cc motorbike. And why not? if he can do it at 73 yrs of age i am sure in my mid sixties it will be a walk in the park for me. at the moment he is at the age of 77 against home office advise riding through the indian sub continent, simon aged 73 in south america.
  22. its not that bad and only a fiver for OAPs surely you could get away with it. and maybe oldgit as well no thats not me or this at heaton park. no way i would pay a fiver to do something i could do on my own bike for nothing.
  23. THE RESCHEDULED MANCHESTER BIKE SHOW DATES HAVE NOW BEEN CONFIRMED AS THE 3RD & 4TH APRIL, 2010 at MANCHESTER CENTRAL (formerly G-Mex) An action packed high-octane show with everything you would expect and more from the greatest regional bike show. Heart-stopping stunt displays, the dynamic Indoor Freestyle Arena, a host of dealer and trade stands, as well as dealer approved used bikes and a classic bike and classic scooter display. BUT NO YAMAHA AS USUAL.
  24. an immobilliser is a security device like an alarm, so no one can steal your bike when its switched on it cuts out the electric system, by the way you describe the buzzing sound when you turn the key it sounds like one was fitted at some time,as long as your bike starts and runs ok dont worry about it mine does it when i switch on but only lasts a couple of seconds.
  25. hi peter, have you got an immobiliser on the bike ? i had an one on my dragstar and when you turn on the ignition it buzzed for a few seconds, i had it taken off after it developed a fault but for some reason it still buzzes when i switch on only for a couple of seconds,maybe your bike had one at some time.?
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