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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. no they get paid or should get paid for following the new agricultural policy, i say should as the rpa your wife works for failed to pay out the payments,10 days ago there chief executive was sacked by margaret beckett. AT LEAST 100,000 farmers are facing financial hardship and mounting debt after chaos and bungling at the Rural Payments Agency, which has failed to issue £3 billion in farm payments to the rural economy. The situation is exacerbated by some banks refusing to extend overdrafts to farmers. A number are selling cattle to help their cash flow and taking part-time jobs. its no wonder that farmers are number one on the list of suicides in this country,having desimated the fishing industry the farmers appear to be next. Mark Addison, a senior official at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, has been sent in to unravel the mess at the Reading-based agency, which was set up six years ago. He has been given five days to advise ministers on how best to sort out the chaos and to head off the farmers’ financial crisis. hope when they do sort it out they dont send there payments out by post. two of my uncles are farmers or to be correct one is as the other one went bankrupt as the bank wouldnt extend his overdraft dispite the fact the goverment sorted there financial mess out with our money.
  2. oldtimer

    DVLA question

    good luck with any dealings with the dvla. i had a 8 month relationship with them when i renewed my licence and it came back with no motorbike entitlement, dispite the fact i had my army discharge book with all my test dates for bike, car hgv and specialist vechicles, they would not accept this as evidence, after 8 months of banging my head against the wall and having past my test in 1967 i had to do a cbt and take my test again. my licence is still not right and all of a sudden i have an added entitlement to drive a tank as long as it is on military business, where the fuck that has suddenly come from god knows. every time i rang them i got a different answer or excuse even my MP got involved at one point and the ministry of defence could not get any sense out of them. so once again good luck.
  3. i heard stephen fry was quite big down under.
  4. could understand her but not him. yes theres a few down here like that, met a guy at stafford with drewpy on saturday who kept saying no good no good about these leather jackets we were looking at then the penny dropped as to the no good he was from belgium and did not speak english he meant no good speaking to me i dont understand.
  5. i went on it to have a look after seeing the thread about people getting invites to join,not my sort of thing as i havent got a golf cart or snow mobile. adverts like that are a pain in the arse when trying to read the thread, having said that what topics i did read made even less sense than some of bwjs. sorry mate yours are funny. will stick with the people i know and can understand some of the time.
  6. try looking on yamahaforum.com he is on there at the moment him and scott, might be having a change or a bit of adult conversation.
  7. oldtimer

    We have chooks!

    heres a photo of my chicken. cant beat sage & onion stuffing and all the trimmings.
  8. oldtimer


    disc locks and the elderly a lethal mix.
  9. the front sprocket has 13 teeth. try worlds end motorcycles known as wemoto link below. http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/XV_125_Virago/97-00/
  10. yes mate also play,my son has a gibson sg, gibson les paul,fender jazz bass and dave navaro accoustic keeps them well locked up from me. i have a tanglewood accoustic and an old yamaha fg400 and a fender strat all well used had a taylor but was skint and sold it to fund the bike budget. i think drewpy and barkwindjammer also play.
  11. The law says you must give full disclosure of any problems with a house when you sell it..
  12. page 30,never noticed you merv when i read it the other day nice bikes and beer belly, put some effort in to restoring all of them.
  13. as up.yours said there are a few on e bay,like you barkwindjammer have spada textile set for winter never ever been cold good stuff spada. not tried there gloves but maybe give it a try as my hands do get cold in deep winter.
  14. its funny that it does make you wonder? 6 italian soldiers killed yesterday, last year french soldiers 10 killed and 22 wounded in one attack on one day yet it only seems to be british and american forces that really hit the news,maybe the agenda is that while we are thinking about the british soldiers being killed we wont think to much about the real reasons behind us being out there.or the release of the poor lockerbie bomber whos going to die of ill health not the poor people on the plane who died,but i suppose the new trade aggrements with libya and all those nice oil reserves will soften the blow.
  15. well what a load of ballox,not only does this woman not get her facts right but she is also guilty of forgetting all the other soldiers from many other countries who are putting there lives on the line.At this writing, there are 42 two countries have contributed military forces to the fight in Afghanistan, 28 from NATO, fourteen from outside NATO. They are Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the US. The US, UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, and Canada have force levels in the thousands; the rest below one thousand.but all fighting and losing there lives. its funny how she only mentions six? jesus well i thought he turned the other cheeck and fighting for freedom well i dont remember that i only remember fighting in countries with oil rich reserves or mineral reserves like the falklands.
  16. oldtimer

    My Baby Rossi

    well billy like your bike, have looked at one myself and like the style and everything about them even though i have a 600 and have had a 750 now days i dont worry to much about speed more about the cost of running one which is why i run the baby dragstar 80mpg that and i am a tight barsteward. sorry about sunday its one my sons birthday and my other sons coming over otherwise i would have come thanks for the offer.
  17. oldtimer


    it was good of the garage to lend it me to get home and back, so i suppose i am just ungrateful. it just felt so wierd i did not know what to do with my feet. you get so use to changing gear and braking,your feet on the foot pegs using the clutch,it was just so alien, i was going to get a taxi home so to find my self on a scooter with leathers on i must have looked pretty funny. there is one good outcome to all this i have had a fault with my bike for 6 months where it would just cut out at speed but start again straight away,over the months i had checked everything fuel system, air filters electrics but it would still cut out not all the time sometimes not for days,yamaha wigan and yamaha sale had looked at everything as i had and could not figure it out as i am a tight old barsteward and dont like to pay somebody to do what i can do.but needs must. a small motorcycle dealer in eccles said give it us for a couple of hours and our mechanic will sort it out and sort it out he did it was a fault on the circuit board of the datatool immobiliser which he sorted out and he rewired all my earth point connections while he was at it adjusted my idle and gave the bike a good check over. i have just come back from a run to the lakes and the bike is running better than it has for a long time.the best £80 i have ever spent
  18. oldtimer


    well i can honestly say i have never been as frightened! i took my bike in for some work on the alarm and the guy lent me a automatic scooter , i have rode bikes since 1963 but never ridden a scooter before let alone an automatic i will not be riding one again respect to all you young lads and girls but if that was my only alternative to 2 wheels ! i think i will walk.
  19. yes very slow,time to have a brew while i wait.
  20. try google maps put in where you are going then your start address it will give you a route but it will include motorways then click on options no highways or toll routes and you will have a route not including m/ways. i use it a lot great for uk and europe.
  21. oldtimer

    numb hands

    i am not suprised yamaha have said they have heard of similar complaints, as far back as 2003 there have been articles where test riders in magazine articles have complained about numb hands. this just one of many http://www.ridermagazine.com/output.cfm?id=142849 quote is half way down under performance as no one else on here seems to have a similart bike i suggest you contact yamaha again and ask what if anything was done to sort these complaints
  22. wow sounds good that drewps but put some long pants on. its not that loud i couldnt hear it from here,coming on well mate cant wait to see it finished
  23. oldtimer


    yes he wrote the report in 2006 and presented it to the select committe not in dec 2006 but Wednesday 7 February 2007 along with other reports wrote by the chief constables committe ,the point i was making was that if we had a minister of motorcycling rather than relie on reports by people so anti motorcycling that we might be better served, his report or memorandum is still being mentioned, on local and national level .
  24. oldtimer


    this is an extract from a goverment select committee on transport sorry it is a bit long winded but this is why we need a minister for motorcyclists who knows what he is talking about, and not ministers who think motorbikes are a problem! (quote from goverment report) One objective should be to get rid of forced or unwanted motorcycling by improving walking, cycling and public transport. This involves reallocating road space to these modes, limiting the use of cars in other ways, lowering and enforcing speed limits, possibly some subsidies. These are all things which should be done anyway, independently of the problem of motorcycles, and there is no need to elaborate them here. The danger and nuisance of motorcycling start with the machines. Vehicle design, for motorcycles as for cars, should be based on the principle, implemented through construction and use regulations, that no vehicle should consume more non-renewable resources, in its construction, use or ultimate disposal, or cause more danger, pollution, noise or other nuisance than is required for the performance of its transport function. Clearly motorcycle design is not now based on this principle. A few years ago I went through a motorcycling magazine and found forty models with a top speed of twice, or more than twice (sometimes much more), the national speed limit. No one needs that speed, or the power, acceleration (acceleration may be more important as a cause of danger than speed, at least in towns) and weight of many machines now in use. In fact, it is hard to see why anyone except the police, military and emergency services, needs a powerful, heavy machine at all. However, it may be that some other people do, and it will also take time to get suitable construction and use regulations passed and to phase out the existing machines. To the extent that some fast, powerful and heavy machines are still allowed, there should be a strict system of graduated driver licensing. This would mean that to be eligible to take the test to ride a motorcycle of a certain grade, riders would have to have held a licence for the machine of the grade one below with a clean record for a specified amount of time. Responsibility for vehicle regulation has now passed to the EU, which means that progress on motorcycle regulation is likely to be slow, but, as I understand it, responsibility for driver licensing still largely rests with member states. If so, Britain could introduce a strict system of graduated driver licensing quite soon. I have been told that Britain has been the obstacle to progress in Brussels in making construction and use regulations tougher, because of the fear that doing so might damage the interests of British motorcycle manufacturers. I have not attempted to check this point, but the Committee might like to do so. Any motorcycle, even a light and relatively low-powered one, designed for use on motorways would be capable of exceeding the speed limit in towns or on other low-speed roads. The development of variable speed limiters, which can be set at or below the speed limit of the road on which the vehicle is being driven at any particular time, is therefore of great importance. Speed limiters can either be externally activated or operated by the driver. I suggest that the Committee ask the DfT what research is taking place on speed limiters for motorcycles, both for new motorcycles and retrofits for machines already in use. If this topic is not now being pursued urgently, I hope the Committee will recommend that it should be. Even light motorcycles, of limited power and fitted with speed limiters, may be a threat to cyclists and pedestrians. Local authorities should consider banning motorcycles altogether from town centres and other streets much used by these vulnerable people. People who want to travel on two wheels but need or want some power to supplement their muscles could use electric or electrically assisted bicycles. They have a low top speed and are entirely compatible with ordinary bicycles, so could be allowed to share cycle lanes and other such facilities. are they mad!(Local authorities should consider banning motorcycles altogether from town centres and other streets much used by these vulnerable people.) sorry i told you it was long winded but if this is what they really think god help us!
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