Everything posted by rockerted
Sick to the core
its at times like this i wish we had someone with the balls of the prime min of oz..he told their lot of muslims etc to piss off if they did,nt like to abide by the oz way of life!!
Hi to everyone
a warm welcome to the forum, enjoy, goff,s a pussy cat really!! but her dogs rather large! something about barks worse than bite etc...ted
peace, goodwill and love to you all,... ..ted
whats wrong with these people?
by the time you get to my age! pensioner as he referred too, you learn to treat people like him, with the contempt they deserve, as for his foul mouth, it shows a definite lack of vocabulary, they think they are stressing a point, instead showing themselves to be the moron we know they are..ted
kids going pillion
must agree with goff,s last, you can,t wrap kids too closely in cotton wool, even though this nanny state wants us too, wildone i want your bike!! by the way, i thought love handles were on a woman??? i,ll get my coat..ted
Good Morning
morning mark, and welcome..ted
Hi all, new bloke here
hello swampy, and welcome, enjoy the forum..ted
- newbie
- New bike
Another newbie...
good afternoon, and a warm welcome to the site, god i do grovel to women..lol
cleveland ride out
there,s a good north east contingent on the northern uk bikers ride out forum, and some ride all year round, try NUKB.co.uk..ted
I gots me a Jawa :D
1984 i went from the n/east to the tt, rode round the island for a week, and back to durham, as i came off the a1m at spennymoor it started missing a bit, but got me home, had two lots of points if i remember but still ran!! jawa 350 single twin port,one set of points had packed up,my mate was on a mint sunbeam s7 or8, we must have looked a right pair, wild foamy, it will give you experience if nothing else..nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say..ted
don,t worry, i went out and bought an rgv250 suzuki yesterday,and the gates of hell hav,nt opened yet..i hope!!!
Croft Race Circuit
just a thought, i wonder how many people tried to claim for compen when the bombers were taking off in the war!!? the whole thing is a farce, done by three killjoys, who say they don,t want any money, just a reduction to 40 days use, cutting out a lot of track days etc, i see most of the locals in croft are against the cuts..ted
- hello
Wanna help me?
i,ve hit the 10 button that many times, you must have won by now!!!
New Years Resolutions
to get out on the bike more often, as the time is fast approaching when i won,t be able too ( tempus fugit!!) my son goes for his selection interview tommorrow, raf, so i,ve got everything crossed as he really wants to do it, EVEN THOUGH WE ALL KNOW THE ROYAL NAVY is the ONLY place to serve..ted
how fast is fast?
speed is relative, far more thrill getting a corner right, smoothly,safely, and fast,imho!! goff, did you get my pm??
noise could also be clutch rattle if it goes off when you pull the clutch in or accelerate..
gooday, and welcome to the forum..ted
Hello hello hello.
hi pabyzbr, welcome to the forum..ted
Another noob to the board
hi, and welcome!!
Hi, new to the site
hi neil, and welcome, enjoy the forum..ted
Greeting from Rome
welcome max, and a happy new year, enjoy the forum..ted
a very happy new year to you all, may you all get all you asked for..ride safe!!ted