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Everything posted by JimR

  1. Hi Dave thats some challenge !!! (but not impossible) First off you will have to remove the middle gearbox dependant on which XV you have the may be just a case of removing it & then finding/making a sproket to fit & making sure the gearbox has an oil seal. But if the XV motor has the middle gearbox built into the cases (most cases) you will have to hack the crankcases about in order to find a drive point ... but money no object it could be done ! Regards Jim
  2. Hi Matt what went wrong with the pump ? If the pump is junk I would run at about 30:1 .. but don't forget you may need to adjust the jetting as you will have a mixture running thro them rather than 'pure' fuel which in turn may make the bike run a little weak and give you some ignition/overheat problems ! It would be good to know what has gone wrong with the pump as they were ultra good ! Regards Jim
  3. Hi Vic, had a look see and that smells of CDI/Geni .. poping bulbs is normaly the VR but if the Geni is supplying too much current it will tend to 'upset' other electrical bits ... Another cuase of bulb poping is a break in the loam at the point where the loom work hardens (around the ign switch & yoke) ... think of the electrics as water pipes if you crease one pressure builds up behind the crease & does damage to the washers/taps before the crease through pressure build up (in this case current build up) which in turn may damage the componets before the break. I would guess you should do a structured check on the wiring and checks on the boxes (CDI/TCI etc) so they can be discounted then work from there ! Regards Jim
  4. What do you mean ? Regards Jim
  5. don't forget GW basic which variants were written by Digital Research & Microshit then there is Borlands Turbo Basic that was well sweet then going back further I wrote stuff for the Atari 800xll/130xe/st which like Commodore basic ! Regards Jim
  6. As I use an Acer One with linpus linux (cut down to hell) lite, to date I cannot get any other desktop to install (Gnome etc) as you have a bit more linux experence how can I change the o/s as when I try to put a new o/s the Acer cannot resolve the dependancies !! Regards Jim
  7. Hi Belvoir, I was having a joke my geography is not that bad !!! Regards Jim
  8. Oh Ok, I'll pm you some time next week to work out where to meet ! Regards Jim
  9. Best get age concern in !!! Regards Jim
  10. Hi Dave, thanks for the photo of you I wouldn't have thought you were that old ... but heyho you live & learn ! Regards Jim
  11. Did you not see them 2 guys down by the river ? (close to the Reliant trike) I just thought you was just adding extra income but hey no problem just set a time & place and it can be done this W/E I'm off to Wiltshire so the week after could be cool ! Regards Jim
  12. Hi Alec, you pm me with the address & I then send it and argue the postage later !!! Regards Jim
  13. Hi Jebby, go steady with this one but I would think it has a fuel pump/tank/filter problem but you may have an ignition problem. As the 900 normally never stops (unless stood) I would think on the former ! Regards Jim
  14. Hi Vic, where are your other posts ? or should I just run through all your posts ? Regards Jim
  15. oh err ... has OG a poorly toe & nose thing .... I gues thats the case when you get that old .... but I'm nearly that age so I may have these problems too ? Regards Jim
  16. is that near Coventry ? Regards Jim
  17. So where are the photo's I'd love to see one of those old birds in stock trim !!! Regards Jim
  18. Hi Steve, odd concept ... the only fitting issue would be perhaps the taper & keyway on the crankshaft (this assumes that the company is producing a CDI that is simular to the LC std one .. genni plus sparks). I would guess that a direct crib of the LC CDI would work on a 350B but if they have gone to far away from the LC ignition curves & geni/pluse coils there is a chance its a suck it & see thing !!! Regards Jim
  19. Hi Mark, this does sound like a cdi problem as the rev counter info is drawn from the CDI .. this may point to the dynamic ignition timing (curve) being incorrect or just a bad connection from the CDI to the rev counter ! Regards Jim
  20. Hi Drewps Would that be QB or GW (basic) ? and an OS with no pretty icons and cryptic comments (redo from start, syntax error) may cause a problem for someone who never used it !!! mind you dos 5 shell was pants .... bring back desqview !! Regards Jim
  21. Hi Paul, the DR8EA will replace a D8EA no problem !!! and vice versa the R plug just has a suppression resistor built in and the heat range is the same !!! so if you are using a suppressed cap either plug will work fine if you are not using a suppressed cap you should us the DR type plug but with today's tech I would guess no telly's etc would get anoyed with a no suppressed bike ! Regards Jim
  22. Hi, Thats where the divi (us) was parked ... if you were about at 2:30 pm you would have seen the old touring type bikers chewing the fat ..... My Divi, XJr13 and some lessor models from other manufactures !!! I'll try to catch up with you next time ! ... are you sure you were not the guy in the thong by the river Regards Jim
  23. Nope can is a slang for a relay .... if you fit an asian unit rather than the original you will have to do what I said in the previous post but there is no definitive point that an asian unit will work correctly if the Jawa's charging circut is over charging ... if its at the spec it will work but as you know where you are I guess you can sort that out ! Regards Jim
  24. oh a Siam .. that will have to do !! Regards Jim
  25. Hi Paul, you could go further . if Just & Co London WC1A 1DN are still running search their titles for My Book by Jessie Brydges and you will see how far backwards we are .... I'm sure you did have a better time of it Regards Jim BTW I lived that life for a good while !
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