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Everything posted by JimR

  1. How many times has the ht coil failed on that model (in the UK) = near 0 ht cap is a thought but as long as they show some resistance (stop the tellys playing up) they should work. With a dual lead coil if one ht lead goes OC the whole coil goes down ... from memory the fuel rail was supplied between 2 & 3 (in the UK) but I guess in other parts of the world that may differ. I guess that you discount the needle valve to at all be at fault with cyl #1. With age the Yics port could 'gunk' up but I would guess this to happen if the bike was laid up for quite some time and you couldn't confirm all 4 ports are blocked so therefore the sync between 1 & 2 may be flawed (thro a blocked port) then the rest give a totally wrong reading because the correct tool is not used in accordance with its designers ! Regards Jim
  2. That is a fair question I guess I could if Linpus allowed the Ubuntu tar files to be unziped and added to a bootable disk or do you think I should use the MS windows machine to download and burn the o/s then with a bit of hope booting from the MS bootable I could perhaps run the correct SH file .... I dont know as I would guess the MS system would ignore the SH files .... unless you can explain how to produce a bootable disk under linux ? Regards Jim
  3. JimR

    FZR 1000 EXUP??

    Hi Andi, no problem ... FZR1000 was just as I finished being a mechanic but if you need help I will try to help you out ! Regards Jim
  4. Hi, I would guess zero miles asuming the rest of the engine is ok & the new bore has the correct clearences, if they are a bit tight (clearences) run it steadyish for about 50mile (or until the wine from the bore dissappers) or if loose (the norm) dont bother you just may get some mechanical noise but no detriment to the motor Regards Jim
  5. Hi Pete no problems !!! hope the bike serves you well !!! Regards Jim
  6. JimR

    FZR 1000 EXUP??

    Hi Andi if thats the case the bike will just need a bit of fettling some people may charge you the earth to do it but TBH if the bike is as you say a couple of hours labour by someone in the know will sort it ! Regards Jim
  7. Hi Vic, if the electrical side of the bike is in disarray there is a chance the ignition circut will supply sparks at the wrong time (timming out) which in turn will make the bike noisey and perform badly what mechanical problems do you have ? Regards Jim
  8. Hi Pete, it makes differences to the wallet !!! and not the bike ! Regards Jim
  9. JimR

    FZR 1000 EXUP??

    Hi Andy, I guess from that the exhaust is shot too .... Ouch ! Regards Jim
  10. It's the same platform as a pc ... in fact the spec of the Acer One is well above the requirements to run either MS Windows Vista or Ubuntu you must forget it has a 10 inch screen and is well portable the Bios gives me some indication of the other hardware attched to the mother board (along with the Atom processor) but I guess you do not know how to install Ubuntu from another GNU product ? If you you have a mate who does I would be interested to talk to them ! Linpus (Fedora based) is ok but even using wine tends to run GNU compiled programs below the performance of Ubuntu. Using wine will give you problems as each instruction from the game needs to be 'translated' (via wine) before its put to the stack to be processed so therefore you may get a few stack overflows (to much info added to the stack to quickly due to slow translation by wine). why would i want a 'real' pc the Dell latitude laptop & the Acer One do everything the old 3 peice pc I had (and threw away) could do. Regards Jim
  11. best take it in the classroom with you ! Regards Jim
  12. Hi Pete, I would guess 97ron (is he on this forum?) would love you buying his stuff the bike was designed to run on std fuel and uping the octaine will not have too much effect .. takes me back to the 70's when FS1/YL1/YG1/AS1 owners would run their bikes on 5 star (100 octane) when they would run on 2 star just as well ... take into account those bikes did not have the 'design features' of your bike and the slight knock removed by using high grade fuel will not apply to yours as Yamaha have designed those problems out the equation. Regards Jim
  13. Hi Matt, I guess the cable is just either disconnected or incorrectly set up just remove the small cover on the r/h side of the engine to have access to the pump from there you may see what is wrong .. the cable mashed or something else. but as these pumps were very good I would guess it to be a cable problem ! Regards Jim
  14. JimR

    FZR 1000 EXUP??

    Hi Andy to the forum there is very little chance of a 400 valve working physical size plays a part in this !!! with care & time you may be able to fix the original valve post back with what the valve is 'doing' Regards Jim
  15. Hi Jebby, just find another & if you need help let me know ! Regards Jim
  16. Hi Lynne, sorry to say (if the stand, brake pedal & pin are good) the frame is knackered (some one has put the bike on the main stand in the past useing the handle bars). You may find the holes on the frame that the stand pin fits through are now oval which will allow the stand to 'go over centre'. this will also be noticable if the brake pedal 'moves' when the bike is put on the main stand. If so all is not bad metal plates drilled to the correct stand pin size which are then welded to both sides of the frame (internal & extrenal) should fix it . if you need more info PM me Regards Jim
  17. Hmm Yes as the photo is not close enough it is difficult to work out what it is .. the original points system would have been insitu of the camshaft. If that is an ignition pickup (as you have the bike to hand) has the Geni been modified in some way to pickup the info from the geni rather than the Cam ? But an XS/TX 500 would need a totally different curve (as it is run from a shaft geared from the crankshaft) due to its gearing .... also take into account the 500's geni (the place the black box is fitted to) runs in oil (crankcase) which would be some what be hostile to an electrical pickup so do you think it would work ? Regards Jim
  18. Hi, looks like it only needs a bit of tarting up .... unless there are some motor problems Regards Jim
  19. So if I install MS windows on the intel atom processed 160gb machine that will make it real ? rather than Linpus Linux so you say Linux is better than MS give me a distribution of Linux that will work .... To date I have used Linpus and Win XP on the machine (it was shiped with Linpus) when I Fdisked the drive & installed MS XP on NTFS partion the machine lost it's 15 second boot time (MS overhead I guess) and had a few driver problems. So I reinstalled Linpus and tried to upgrade the O/S to a more 'hard core' version of Linux (perhaps a full install of Ubuntu) but with very little knowledge of Linux when I try to install Ubuntu by running the correct SH it fails through dependancy errors. I do have some knowledge of JCL and have read thro the SH but to no avail .. I thought as you are a Linux user of some time you would be able to shed some light on this problem or at least point me in the direction of a Linux distribution that will install rather than Currys Regards Jim P.S Mines White !
  20. Nope, so what do you mean ? The Jawa may be better is some points but could you explain 'foamy-related subtitles' ? Regards Jim
  21. Hi Jebby, if you can just get hold of the bike and run it at high RPM if it holds back and gives an odd noise from the cylinder head area you could just strip the carbs & air valves out to fix it .. but I need some more info Regards Jim
  22. What does this mean ? with the Swill/yics ports blocked the carbs will sync without the tool as the tool just blocks the ports off. As the fuel is supplied to all carbs via the same petcock (railed) if you had a petcock malfunction it would apply to all cylinders ? or did you mean the needle valve for cyl #1 ? which may give an over rich/flood from that carb if faulty. The Spark to #1 will be the same as the supplied to its shared cylinder (I always get it wrong number wise) but if the other cylinder is running ok I would discount the spark. Regards Jim
  23. Has anyone noticed that the XS650 ignition system is run off the end of the camshaft and the TX/XS 500 is run from a secondary shaft running off the crankshaft the logistical differences between the 2 are large. years ago the light sourced ignition systems (which sort of retained the points, less burn,) could interchange but modern CD!/TCI would have loads of problems .... Sorry Drewps for replying to your post but it was one of the shorter ones ! Regards Jim
  24. If thats yours (not the Eddie pics) it looks a good old stock FZ750 ! Regards Jim
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