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Everything posted by JimR

  1. Poo happens !! but I guess now that wouldnt happen ! Regards Jim
  2. Hi Merv, PPe has its uses !!! but when going to work on the FS1 I guess I don't look the part ! Regards Jim
  3. Hi Drewps, how are they going to fit into the inlet manifolds/airbox without a struggle ? and then the problems of the larger venturi, so fitted 400 size jets into 650 carbs may not work to well but perhaps I only sold XS bikes & you restore them you will have more knowledge on modern replacements than me ! Regards Jim
  4. oh OK, just take into account that the oppereator may have it wrong !!! Have you checked that you can drive in the country you intend to drive in with a new licence. I don't know but it would be good to check there laws just to ensure that foregin drivers don't need to have held a licence for a period of time b4 riding on there roads .... Take into account you are young , have just past your test and are driving 'on the wrong side of the road' there is no question you could do it but there is the point their government may have other ideas. Regards Jim
  5. Hi Goff Well, thats beyond some one who has lived in the depths of Worcestershire for so long riding bikes etc and may become more noticable to some people other than me .... but we could chat on Jack in the Green which had somewhat more clout in the rual area that I come from as we did/do respect this figure (its just a country thing) Regards Jim
  6. JimR


    Hi Goff, I totally agree with you ... why would you want to go out with another girl while the wife is looking after the newborn ? perhaps nailing balls to the floor may be easier than the ceiling (you may need to buy a step ladder). The R1 is configurable so I would guess the suspension could be set for runing solo (as Rossi does) whatever weight/size you are ! to the point I'm 8 st & the other ½ is 7 st so the XJ900 is setup to accomodate us. I would also guess you could have more (riding) fun solo on a bike as you dont have to take into account an unknown passenger (in this case) and tone down the riding just in case you drop it. But we could a have a baby blues person and have some other form of ridding in mind Regards Jim
  7. Thought so, its a vid of a nice little music box Regards Jim
  8. Why ? Regards Jim
  9. as I'm an old fart what is 'tit monday' is this some reference to the boomtown rats Regards Jim
  10. Hi Goff What ever floats ur boat Regards Jim
  11. Why can you not view youtube works pc ? Regards Jim
  12. Hi Jim Should have put a bigger bid in .... do a 10 grand bid no one will out bid you but you may pay dear for it ! Regards Jim
  13. Calm up !!! you would have read my previous post elsewhere but this is perhaps a lost in the post thing or a lost in the system thing b4 you go & tear off the examiners head off it would be worth talking calmly to the DVLA and insuring that the person at the end of the phone knows how to use the IT system that is in front of them ... telephone people perhaps have very little access to the database and perhaps cannot 'see' in process paperwork Regards Jim
  14. nope ! its where going around a corner the rear end of the bike moves to either the right or left (dependant on the corner taken) and produces a strange effect to the rear end ... like the S/A has turned thro a few degrees. The front wheel/bars moving left to right was called a 'tank slapper' (some what different to an old slapper you pick up in a club ) which unchecked could remove the lock stops & the forks could slap the tank ! Regards Jim
  15. That was unlucky ... last month I passed my class I LGV I gave the guy my old licence and the new one was returned within 2 weeks, but your loss may not be a loss as your new ticket may be in the post, unless the Taffs reakon you have not got an A ticket. Regards Jim
  16. Yep ! to order parts you need to have a number 54,74,34 and the person behind the counter keeps "asking pawn clackers wid tadt sur" or am I going to the wrong shop to get spare parts ? Regards Jim. Most Choggie bikes appear to be built on old Honda & Suzi designs the Jap's have sold the Chogs some worn out tooling so hence the build is below Japanise STD
  17. You got off light !!! I had to do 4 trips around the block, emergency stop, and the slow speed walk next to the examiner walking. Which is a testiment (excuse the pun) as 31 years later a) Im still alive & B: I still have all limbs intact ! Regards Jim
  18. Hi, where's the video ? Regards Jim
  19. Hi Merv, could younger people handle the 'hinge frame effect' ? I guess it would not be in the training manual !!!! and would not be used to it !!! and with regard to Ferrets I would perfer rabid pussys Regards Jim
  20. Hi Andy read the other post. With your bike I would guess just alterations to the PV system is all you need to under take Regards Jim
  21. As a mechanic in the 70's & 80's these where some poor attempts at tunning Adding 10 cylinder base gaskits (the theory is) will alter the port timing on a 2 stroke motor ! Opening the 2 windows in the back of the piston (theroy is) this will allow better gas flow into the primary compression area (married to bent reed stops). Attacking the transfer/exhaust ports with a stone will also alter the port timming (there was a book called tuning for speed which gave info on how to tune early motors) this was looked at & acted on with bad results. I was adding the pitfalls of trying to tune the motor with little knowledge and the expense that could be incured by following such practices. A link to the book http://www.webbikeworld.com/books/tuning-for-speed.htm Regards Jim
  22. Hi Tom, I would try to source so more XS400 carbs, as XS400's are sensitive to their carbs you may spend more in time, effort and money getting something else to work on the bike ... I guess not impossible but a bit of a job ! Regards Jim to the forum
  23. Hi Housedoc, become an octopus ! but seriously if you dont have access to 2 sets of ring clamps you will need 3 people. 1 to hold the cylinder & the other 2 to compress/feed the rings into the bores. without clamps & the engine in the frame is difficult but not impossible. Starting with cyl #1 & #3 at tdc compress the rings by hand as someone drops the cylinder by hand (best to have the cylinder held just above the top ring) SLOWLY drop the cylinder while you check & feed the rings into their bores. As soon as the rings are in the bores turn the crankshaft so cyl 1 & 3 go down and 2 & 4 come up the meet the cylinder and repeat the earlier instruction. When all rings are in their bores tap the cylinder down, making sure the bottom of the bores do not foul the base gaskit and the cam chain is pulled up it's channel. heypresto the cylinder is fitted. If you have compressors (like the Yamaha ones) This job can be done single handed, if you need info let me know Regards Jim to the forum !
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