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Everything posted by JimR

  1. Hi Deadstar I guess so ! Regards Jim
  2. JimR


    And when we clean it and put up some signs I would guess you need to slow down .... unless we do a proper job & the road is back to correct Regards Jim
  3. JimR


    Hi Cynic, in my area it is part of my job to 'correct' fuel spills ... if I run down in the road sweeper I will brush the area at least twice then use the lance of the sweeper to ensure the road is ok and errect signs indicating a fuel spilage ... in this district we use floppy signs (like your police) in order to get them in the sweeper lorry .. tbh after all the cleaning stuff is in the truck you very little room for signs Regards Jim
  4. Hi Gary, if you need help to work out if the jobs were done or have 'gone over' just let me know who the TR1 is running in general terms ... odd running probs may have the total answer to ur problem Regards Jim
  5. JimR


    Hi Cynic, it was good you controled it and kept the bike on the straight & narrow but I would guess a fuel spill would be administered by the police until such time as the CC could clean it up & lay down the correct signs so it could be a Police problem & not Northamptonshire CC Regards Jim
  6. Hi Gary, has the bike had the cylinder head gaskit mod done ? and are all the tubes to the 'anti blow off valve' good ? and is the valve itself in good condition ? Regards Jim
  7. Hi, why not look at an earlier xs400/250 wheel which will fit with minamal modifcation ( I guess your bike has a drum rear brake so an xs250c (uk) would be the simple conversion). Fitting a 650 wheel will perhaps cause you more expense but if money is no object ... go for it Regards Jim
  8. JimR


    Hi Mike, if you are talking of the bow (Strongbow) the apples are grown in Worcestershire (Martley Hillside) thro 3 farms .. best I know is Hockhams Farm .... the other across the road is Woodbury Farm (i think) then i guess there shipped to Hereford to produce the mind numbing stuff but tbh try cider from the micro presses on the Worcestershire/Herefordshire border .... Knights & Norbury to name 2 .... but as they on my doorstep I don't need the taxi home, but I guess you could stop over here ! Regards Jim
  9. Hi, it was only a sticker when the weather got underneath it it tended to loose adhesion to the case .. some of this would be cured if the selling dealer pulled the cellophane from the sticker but earlier bikes the logo was embossed into the cover ! Regards Jim
  10. Hi Rayne, thats par for the course ... your letter will bounce around a few departments and ultimmatly to Andy Smith's in tray ... there after a copy of your letter will be sent to the dealer concerened to comment on, at this point something will happen... but if the dealer drags his feet .... who knows of the reply time Regards Jim
  11. Hi Krew, to the forum I don't quite understand what you mean .... is the ypvs not working at all or only opening @ 6500 rpm or in fact not altering at that engine speed your old candle = spark plug may need to be replaced but more info would be good Regards Jim
  12. JimR

    The price of beer

    Read the post above .... unless some one adds a post b4 I can write this one Regards Jim
  13. JimR

    The price of beer

    I'm Fine !!! cider is big & clever !!! I live within a few miles of where strongbow is grown ... so I guess I have to support local industry but I would guess Perry (pear cider) is some what cheaper and as you say quite nice to the palete ... I guess you need to come south & try some of the green stuff that's produced in the micro presses of Hereford/Worcestershire but tbh you will need a taxi to get home ! Regards Jim
  14. Hi Deadstar, should be cool 9 times out of 10 if the bike has not been stored correctly your big headache will be the carb the cylinder/piston can be restored quite easy along with the ignition system ... lets us know who it goes Regards Jim
  15. JimR

    The price of beer

    hmmm just a thought where the other beers in the offer also @ £7 for 8 cans which may indicate not to by the Boddies (which would = £6 bounced to £7 but who's worried where I come from we all drink cider as we are 'wurzels' Regards Jim
  16. Hi Chris, there is a fair chance those gears will fit but it does stand a chance that the g/box is fine and the 'hook' that holds the selector shaft in place is broken which will cause the bike to 'drop out' of second. This is no problem as the hook will be lay in the sump & can be ally welded back in the correct place ... unless somebady has had the sump off & removed the peice .... disaster you would need crankcases. either way the engine will need to be removed from the frame and striped to some point & tbh there are loads of bits in the 1100 so if you are not up to the task I would look for another bike. If you want to repair the bike I'll give you as much help as I can Regards Jim
  17. Hi atocp, so I guess your talking an ohm meter so now I know you have one you need to check the HT lead to earth & also the small (orange) wire to earth if you can give me those readings I could work out if the coil is U/S but tbh I would guess the timing to be incorrect Regards Jim
  18. Hi, you have pickup coils on the 600 .... under the l/h crankcase cover but tbh untill you have gone thro all the connections (maybe as simple as a rusty/shorted kill switch ) there is no need to start 'over' diagnosis just run thro the wiring first to ensure everything is fine there then look at the 'boxes' Regards Jim
  19. Just wondering what the suspension was like but it does look a fine steed ! Regards Jim
  20. Hi Can you explain this ... I'm lost I've opened an ebay account and cannot find anyone called Joe Veal ... how do I find this ? Regards Jim
  21. Hi I guess this is not for the 175mx (just read the bikes you own) but some other DT you have (guess a bike made this centuary rather than the last one) but I guess you will sort it out ! Regards Jim
  22. Hi Daz, perhaps it would be better to give the ebay id so we can all avoid your problems but in the same instance why did you buy a spark plug cap for $47 if this is the part u bought I would guess they would be cheeper over the local shop's counter !!! but we live & learn ! Regards Jim
  23. Well I guess that's service !!!! you must also take into account the MZ lower link to the shock is not on par of the Yamaha unit but in saying that I do have some aversion to ex eastern european bikes ... they are cool... & tbh I was a big MZ dealer back in the day when ETZ & TS modals ruled the roost ! Regards Jim
  24. nah, it is off some form of small bike you can tell that from the filler cap .. leaf blower ones are smaller ! but I would guess It is a DT tank but if the year & fit are correct I would not like to coment ! Regards Jim
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