Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!
New look
I may well be a kick of the ar$e from Scotlandshire, but we don't tent to put upgrades down our pants south of the wall. Our software is up to the job, the firmware is always in a serviceable condition too......
remember REDEX
I remember that stuff... down the plugs, in the fuel, made the think smoke like a kipper factory. Today, with all the additives and the better fuel grades I can't really see what additional benifit it would provide. Sure 20 years ago when fuel was £0.20 a litre and then increases started to take the 'few pence a litre' hike instead of the few pence a gallon, it could be pretty ropy stuff, some filling stations sold crap stuff others sold better quality stuff - today it's all the same, so ,,, where was I ? Petrol, yes that's it. I can't see it doing any harm, but what good it will do I don't know. (Redex that is, not petrol!)
New look
I'm as nervous as a tomcat going to the vets after the first night I've kept my owners awake, whenever upgrades take place.... Call it 22 years of experience, call it grumpy old git, whatever you call it there are always problems, whether these are just daft 'undocumented features' or real 'christ we need to regress this out' pant staining F'cups - either way I think this one has been pretty painless on the whole. I'll confess I realy didn't like the new layout, and I too have lost my lovely St Georges Cross, but then I've lost everyone's flags ! Getting used to it now, and the new link locations. Progress! it just means change, but hopefully for the better !!
Word Association Thread
Been Cought ?
I was just researching some stuff (actually 14 days ago I passed a mobile camera at <70mph, and I've been expecting a NIP ever since.) and came across this site -> http://www.motorlawyers.co.uk/index.htm I've checked out one or two of there Q&A's and they appear to be pretty acurate in what they say. I do have a couple of challenges to what they say, but we'll see if they respond to my emails... Anyway, if you are looking for some guidence for your offece, give it a whirl.
bio hazard
????? <edit> - Ah, now I see. Yes very god.
went to look at another yam
If you are really struggling to decide, check out the insurance costs - You might be suprised. Earlier this year I chopped in a Fizzer 600 for an XJR1300 and got half my money back from the insurance people! Are you a winter rider ? If the bike is going to sit for 4 or 5 months then you'd be better waiting and having any warrenty at a time when you are riding the bike. Just a couple of suggestions
Word Association Thread
numb hands
I've an 08 XJR1300, mine does this too, sounds like something is grinding in the tank ?? I understand it is the fuel injection 'purging' the whole fuel line. The engine is a little noisy when it's cold, lets face it the motor has been around for years, so it's not a nice modern lowe tolerence power plant. Sound great when it's warm. No, this isn't good. Mine is as smooth as silk - then again I ride mostly singles so I know what vibration really is! When you say drinks, how much? I get about 120 miles before the 'F' trip comes on, but the fuel gauges in Yamaha's are at best , conservative! My Tenere says's it empty when there is still 7 litres of fuel in the tank.. The vibration could be something as simple as a wrong torque setting on an engine mount - the Varaderos used to run like pigs if these weren't set right. Or it could be a buggered engine - or anything in between...
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
Yellow Polker Dot Bikini
numb hands
I think Goff has the answer, I find if I'm being a lazy arse and putting the weight of my body down my arms, especially at low speed constant stuff then I get a 'tingling' Try rolling your hips forward a little, this will put you back into a better posture taking the weight off the bars. It also improves your steering, especially at low speed stuff. I can't imaging that there is any issue with the distance from the seat to the bars, unless it's been modified for a rider with longer arms, but you couls also look to tilit the bars in the current clamps. dead easy to get this right, loosen off the clamp bolts, sit on the bike and hold the bars in a comfortable possition and get someone to nip up the clamp bolts. These are things you can try before spending any cash.
Hello there fella. Which bike do you have ? The X, Z or R ?? There are lots of mods you can do to these, too many and too much detail to list here, but if you have a look at www.xt660.com then you will find what you are looking for.
XT660 Fuelling
It's a number of changes, a small electronic gizmo to replace the O2 sensor, and air box modifications. If you follow the links, the site is a vibrant mixture of XT owners.
fed up
Firstly, what did the police say when they arrived ?? As someone was injured then the law says they must be informed within 24 hours (unless there are mitigating circumstances why this could not happen). Failing to report an accident is an offence. Any Traffic Officer would be able to reconstruct the scene, and predict the majority of blame from what was there (skid marks, impact points on the vehicles, where the bike comes to rest, road debris etc etc). You may wish to tell the police you want him prosecuted for careless driving, do this in writing - it' won't get you anywhere but they will be obliged to investigate it, and it may well help your case. Secondly, did he admitt to anyone that you were "in his blind spot and therfore it's your fault" ?, despite what your insurance company say, it it the drivers responsibility to ensure it it save to procceed, YOU are not aware what his blind spot is, it is HIS resoponsibility to know this and ensure that it is safe to procceed by checking it BEFORE carrying out a lane change. Take no notice of what your insurance company says, none of them are interested in 'other fault' acidents, unless you are talking about big £££'s as you are TP then they have nothing to win by having an opinion, and if they allow the car driver to claim they'll get it back from you in the years to come... You should contact the police and (even if you have his full details) request them from the police, state that you were dazed and you need to check them. Then you can either take up the case directly with his insurance company, or speak to one of those 'accident management' companies - some are good lots are bad, or fix it yourself and nail the bastard in court for the repairs to the bike and yourself.... I would go with a claim directly against his insurance, but you need to understand the law on this, and make sure you take pictures of the scene (even now, just of the road surface) and the impact points of the bike, quote the Higway Code. You case should centre around the fact you were riding in the right lane, within the speed limit and he changed without ensuring it was safe to do so. Don't offer any other information, it's very possible that the driver may well incriminate himself. IF you are in any way unsure, paying for a Solicitor could well be the most cost effective option. There are lots of companies out there that offer to help, remember that YOU are their cash cow, and they want to make money from you, take care and if you use one choose them on reccomendations, rather than which one says they'll get you the biggest cheque. Good luck, at least you walked away, there are way too many that don't.
Cracked fuel tank
Have a look for an aftermarket Acerbis tank, they make overland tanks for these bikes, so it'll be 20 litres of so, but new these are only £200, so around $300?? I've never herd of one cracking, mines taken more punisment than I can .... (OK so it a 600, but similar!)
anyone else hate driving?
I always take a bike over the car, unless there is a bloody good reason (or I'm forced to), such as the family, shopping, moving the dogs around, that sort of thing. For work, no matter were I have to be (and I can be anywhere) I take the bike, people used to look at the weather worn gear and you could see the look in thier eyes (something like "you scruffy bastard"), but I'm always there on time, never complain about the traffic and even smile when I walk into the office dripping wet!! As for the car, until last month I had a Landrover (yes I'm a plannet killer etc etc) and to be honest they aren't the fastest things on the road, so you fall into the mindset of slow plodding along in the traffic. I used to see bikes going past and give out a little sigh (I never realised I did this, the missus told me!), but I never got annoyed or frustrated as I just didn't have the 'go' to get through the traffic, so I never minded too much. Now I've chopped in the Landy for a much much faster beast, this thing can fly andit's an oil burner too! The problem is, now I get really frustrated as I know I have the power to get past people but there are too many dicks using inappropriate speed - I mean 25mph on a national limit B road should be an endorsable offence FFS. Now I have a car that I actually enjoy driving, I can't enjoy it because of the fast majority of idiots who can't drive (in accordance with the highway code and road conditions). You either get the idiot Boy Racers in thier Saxo's and Corsa's trying to pass you, then take a stupid risk to get past, then sit 2 feet off the wagon in front wondering why there isn't any room to get past when they don't realise if they pulled back they get a better view of the road - Wankers! Or you get Mr 'I've been driving for 40 years me, and 30mph is plenty on this <60mph> road' .......... and you have no chance. The biggest problem is that 90% of the drivers and riders out there don't actually know thier highway code (sorry this is UK specific I know) correctly, or appriciate the rules for them may be different to other vehicles (speed restrictions on a National Speed Limit Road for instance), I had a 'discussion' with a guy the other day about 'bloody wagons' trundling along at 40-50mph on the A69. It wasn't till I pointed out that at 50MPH the wagons were actually speeding! IDIOTS! A couple of weeks ago, I was stopped by a plod in a car (not the propper trafic police) for overtaking on a zebra crossing. I pointed out that I was not overtaking, I was filtering as my speed was only 5mph over the ambiet trafic. Secondly I pointed out that the traffic wasn't stopped at the crossing to let anyone cross it, the traffic was stopped because conditions prevented it from moving. I then produced the higway code book (been under my seat since I started my IAM training) and allowed plod to read it. Then, and I couldn't believe this, he decided 'to let me off with a warning'. FFS. I refused this of course and asked him for what offence I was being warned for, he couldn't answer, appologised and left!!! Anyway this is way off topic, but I just got going and as you know, once I get going I find it hard to stop!! However,
Info please dt125 vs dt175
Nope, I'm a married man Try Widfoamy, he'll be along soon........
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
I've been with a few dogs, and one or two bikes - didn't think it was illegal in any way though.......
Stolen 125
Yes, when they catch them, they send them on holiday. Like OG, I'm suprised you left it unlocked as it were. Even if I just go into the shop I always lock the TTR up to something. only takes a minute and at least it stops the little gits from running off with it. On the bigger (heavier) bikes the steering lock is OK for short periods. But if you are going to leave it there regulaly then someone will have already 'eyed' it up and will be looking for that opportunity to take it. It's a crap state of affairs, but until they start chopping the hands of these twats it's a battle of making your bike harder to nick than the one next to you. You'll get a phone call in a few months, from the police asking if you ever got the bike back.........
rear carriers
You could buy something that will fit the panniers you want, with a similar mounting for the bike, then find a friendly fabricator/blacksmith/engineer (normally someone in Yellow pages, or ask around and see if you can find someone willing to do it at work) and get them to re-work the fitting to fit your bike. I'd look to something like Ebay and get some racks that are in need of TLC. Once you have them sorted give then few coats of Plastikote (spelling could be off there!) and you'll never know they're not original. I've done the same to a couple of bikes in the past with new bikes, but normally because the likes ot Touratech, MetalMule etc haven't developed the product yet. Alternativly, buy a welder and have a go yourself. It doesn't take too long to get the hang of it - assuming you are a practicle kinda bloke
whos back from the bulldog
The BBC is reporting on it's website that Warwickshire Police are still trying to have it's licence revoked despite raising £10K for 'Help for Heroes' and the event passing off with only 11 arrests (out of 23,000 people - not a bad average!). Apparently it's on the grounds that there might be some trouble between rival 'gangs', they should take a look at football matches !! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/coventr...ire/8194056.stm
rear carriers
Yep, Givi is a good starting place. You could also try renntec.
Just back from Greece
Greece is the word - most certainly...... I've just got back from Corfu - I took one look at the other road users and retreated to the beach, with the odd trip to the bar. Now, to the gym to remove this extra weight that's attached itself to me on the airplane
yamaha ttr600re
I've never had any luck sourcing spares, most people don't know the difference between the TTR600 and the TTR600E, and it can cause a few problems. I tend to stick with my local Yam dealer - he knows the bike, and his stuff so I never have any problems. I did find some Fork Oil Seals on Ebay for £7, and given that the seals on the TTRE are nearer £70 I asked the question, and bought them - turns out they were the dust seals, not the oil seals. Beware, folk just assume these bikes are a like the old 600 XT's - they're much much more than that.