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Gas up - Let's Go!

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Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!

  1. Oh jesus, you wouldn't want that....... 1) anyone without a British passport would be out, unless they could prove they have enough cash to live for 6 months. 2) Religion is the root of all conflict, there would be only 2 recognised (we'd have a vote on which to have), and non-believer would be a valid religion as would Biker, and Jedi Knight. Everything else would be outlawed all Schools would teach the primary religion (if they chose to teach religion) - if you want something else you're gonna have to fund it yourself. 3) House of Lords - Out! In would come a democraticly elected upper house, with a restriction on 3 terms. 4) Prime Minister, this would be decided by the populous, a vote like the Yanks have, only it would be based on the total number of votes not some collage thingy watsit. (After of course Goff has put the world to rights and retired). PM would only be allowed to server 2 terms. 5) Anyone being anti-British would be out, we would all salute the flag once a week, to get your voting paper you would need to declare your 'Britishness'. We are a Union, so there is only one flag, at least until the Scots see sense and devolve (but that would leave the rest of us in the crap without North Sea Oil). Wales of course is a Principality not a Country, but as it has great off road tracks I would announce a new King of Wales 6) The CBT would become a core subject for all 16 year old, no pass - no getty out of school 7) 4x4's Oh here's a tricky one, you'd need to pass another driving test to be able to drive these. Footballers wives would be refused a pass automatically, as would anyone with a City postcode 8) The offence of 'being a tit' would be brought in, this could be applied to all walks of life with various penalties 9) Common Sense would be a required school subject, when we trained enough people up to teach it. With most of these people dead, extra funding would be given to anyone who could bring them back to life. 10) Speed Limits would only apply to vehicles with 3 Wheels or more. But if you kill someone by going too fast you're on your own (see rule 11) 11) Anyone who choses to put themselves outside the law (Rapist, Burglar, Being a Tit etc) would loose the protection of the law. So when you find that burglar in your living room you get to blow his nutts off, then make him pay to clean up the mess. 12) Death by Dangerous Driving, there would be a new penalty - Blindfolded Chicken on the M6 in Chesire, if you survive 30 minutes you'd be let off. For fairness this would have to be announced (time and date) in all papers prior to sentance being carried out. If you were drunk at the time then your legs would be tie too. 13) Terrorists, I'm sick of seing the dead bodies of our service personel coming off planes. We have a surplus of Tactical Neuclear Wepons, it's about time we stopped taking sh1t and used them up. We have the best trained military in the world, let them do thier job without interfearence. War is tought - get used to it! 14) Stupid People, would be Euthanased, it's only fair to the rest of us. 15) If you don't want to work - dont. But your not getting another penny from the state. Everyone can work, it's just that some aren't capable of some jobs (see rule 14), just because you've a bad back doesn't mean you can't answer a phone somewhere. 16) Bike lanes would be compulsary in all towns, anything with 3 wheels or more caught in these would, for the purposes of law be considered Stupid. 17) traffic lights would not apply to Motorcycles. Oh I could go on forever, so probably best if I stick to what I do best.....
  2. It's dead, that's what happened -> Obituary: "The Sad Passing of Common Sense" Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassmen t for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Paracetamol, sun lotion or a sticky plaster to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone. BTW - I've never raised a hand to our lass (we've just got the one - after the time we had in the first 6 months, one was enough!), but she knows when I raise my voice it's serious. My wife has hit her once, and it was the only time she ever had to. Some parents have authority, some need to instill it, and most have no idea. It's kinda like the 'victim' thing, I believe some people are born victims, other aren't - It's back to the common sense thing, those that have it generally have well balanced lives, well behaved kids, and manage to go through life without falling down too often. In nature these people would have been weeded out by natural selection, it might not be fair, but that's how it is - no room for the weak. Oh, our lass is 15 this year, she's in the top groups for most subjects, has a group of about 8 friends who are similar individuals. Like most though, she has no idea what she wants to do in the coming years - but whatever it is, me and the missis will be right behind her (besides I want to travel the world on my bike, can't do that until moved out!)
  3. I like to think of myself as a well balanced individual, I try not to be to judgmental, but I'm inclined to agree with Goff on this. My missis is a teacher, so I've got a fair idea of the crap she has to deal with. Parents - parents know how best to educate thier kids, I know this as I've seen them telling the teachnig staff - but all blame is dumped on the teaching staff when little jonny gets a kicking in the playground because spotty carl decided not to give him his dinner money. The result, Carl get excluded for violent behavour - no mention of jonny trying to extract money.... Staff - they have no rights at all, but have to accept all the risks. If they give jonny a 'good talking to' then that's verbal assault! if they fail to break up a fight they are at fault, if they step in they get reported to the rozzers! Kids - they know thier rights, thier parents know thier rights. And we all know you can't touch the little sods without being accused of child abuse! Teaching staff have a realy tough job, I couldn't do it (I hate kids!), but the problem is, as Goff so eliquently put it, Bleading Heart Liberals. Bring back the noose, the cain and let the schools use the 'old' ways to get the kids back in line
  4. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to TazR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    Season? What? Have I missed something here? I'm looking forward to the nice clear roads, the grit, the salt, slippery roads, the acknowledgement from other 'real' bikers. Funny, but I get more enjoyment and a feeling of satisfaction from riding the A69 on a frosty morning than a 200 mile blast through the Dales on a warm summers day - and you don't need to keep an eye out for some divvy trying to break the land speed record either... I'm with Mervin on this one...
  5. I now have all the answers I'll ever need.....
  6. That's a fair point, it's very pertinent for off-road bikes as we use much higher torque at the rear wheel - difference being that we use rim locks to secure the tyre to the rim and the tyre's are such that they run flat anyway. However, road rubber has very little linear grip in comparison - so if the bead is secure it's unlikely to be a real problem as the wheel will spin on the road before breaking the bead. Then again, if you ride smooth and gentle it may never be a problem. What did the tyre dealer say ? they are best placed to give the advice you need, after all it's thier liability insurance......
  7. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Wills's post in a topic in The Bar
    I hope you find all that you need.
  8. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to ringadingding's post in a topic in Naked
    Yes, Right here : http://www.cmcbikes.com/shop/product_info....products_id=794 1st line back in a Google Search "Yamaha R125 Carbon Fibre" ......
  9. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to awh18awh's post in a topic in The Bar
    There's a thread on here somewhere that covers this - I remember adding to it, thou I can't remember where or when! Good advice above, consider thou, that different bike handle differently in different conditions. Tyre choice, loading, rider size & weight etc all make a difference - even what you are wearing! Stay calm, never ever panic is the best advice for any situation, no mater what is being chucked at you. This is easier said than done when you hit that bit of black ice at 70mph mind! I read the physics of it, where the wind is coming from etc, and put the bike is a road possition that gives me somewhere to go if things get out of hand. So, wind from the left, ride on the left side of the lane (not so far as to give the idiots in cars a chance to squeeze in). When you get blown you still have a safety margin. Similarly from the right. Take care passing wagons/caravans etc firstly the wind will drop, and hit you like a steam train when you get past. Secondly they too are being blown about, so they could move towards you very quickly - gear your bike for a fast getaway just in case. I don't tend to slow down in the wind. I find that making progress eases the effects of the wind on the bike, it also gives me less time to respond to adverse conditions, so increased awareness & concentration is the order of the day. After 60 miles in strong wind (normally Carlisle to Newcastle over the North Pennines) can leave me completely knackered. This is my style and it works for me, some preffer to slow down, I find I end up fighting the weather riding slow. Everyones advice on here is personal experience, and it works for them - might not work for you. You can listen to advice, but you can only gain experience for yourself. Good on you for taking on the weather, bikes are ment to be riden, not parked up in the garage.... (IMHO)
  10. Yip. Second that. Got 'em on my Fazer and the TTR
  11. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Morgy's post in a topic in The Bar
    What kind of bike is it? On my Varadero (before I saw the light and purchased a Tenere) I never turned the fuel tap off - ever!, I had an old KLE500 that I never turned the fuel off. Neither of them gave me any bother at all But My TT600RE is a nightmare to start if I leave it for more than a day without turning the fuel tap off....... I have no idea why!
  12. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to stevie16v's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    If you have one tool in your box (Oh 'er missus) then it has to be one of these, they hold anything and are especially good at getting hoold of rounded bolts. In fact they will hold anything, wet, dry, greasy, oily, rusty - as long as it's hard basically. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...396fc86ffdd9c87 Best £20 you'll ever spend!
  13. Then you can upgrade that DT125R in for an XT660R
  14. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to nath's post in a topic in The Bar
    and well done, now you really start learning! and with Winter coming you'll learn fast. Stick with the cold weather, all the best riders ride through the winter months.
  15. cbt

    Gas up - Let's Go! replied to dpy1980's post in a topic in The Bar
    to the world of the motorcycle ! Glad to see you're starting off with the right kind of bike too.... We ride dirt bikes because our balls are too bike for sportsbikes........
  16. I doubt very much anyone is going to take you at all seriously. Personally, when some says "I want to ride in such a way as to endanger others" the advice I'd give is simple. You are clearly a confused, disturbed individual - People who deserve to die rarely do, people who deserve to live are always the ones who suffer idiots like you, and normally end up in A&E. Most of the experienced bikers on here will know of someone who has been lost to the road, I for one don't need to see posts like yours, weakly attempting to glorify dangerous riding. Perhaps when you have reached the end of puberty you can come back.
  17. cbt

    Gas up - Let's Go! replied to dpy1980's post in a topic in The Bar
    That's right, it's a bit of basic instruction, take it on board, listen & learn - when the instructor is happy you've got it, you'll get the bit of paper. Remember, it's a right to ride, it's an invitation to carry on learning.... Not like you.....
  18. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to kevin10529's post in a topic in The Bar
    I've been doing a bit digging on this, prompted by Tyler (nothing wrong with a challange, nothing would get sorted otherwise) ,,,, and Scotland has a slightly different approach to this. A public place (Road) is any place that the public has a right of passage R(S)A 1984 Sect 15(1). OK, so this is just a bit of a technicality, but still pertinent - but if the property has a post box, and has it's address published, then the public have a right of passage. Assuming they have a reason. --- Apparently--- Jesus it a complicated life across the border! Sorry, my assumprtion that the copper was wrong - you are correct it was an assumption. The reason for this is very straightforward, a police officer is only qualified to make a judgement on a persons sobriety. I deal with the Police on a regular basis through my work, and to be honest the average copper has a basic understanding of the law. They have a very good understanding on what they can do, and how far they can go with things, but when it comes to non-criminal activities they (generaly) have as much understanding as Joe Public. Having said that there are some very good coppers out there, and I've had the pleasure in working with some of them. I'l get off it now.......
  19. We only (each one of us) find through our own experiences - I've had Frank Thomas, Belstaff, and some other lesser know stuff, every one of the others has let me down in it's functionality and quality, Shame really as I like to fly the flag and buy British where I can. I think quality is only as good as the guy/girl who puts it together so you take your chances with anything really. So, functionally-wise, covering 20,000 <bike> miles a year, I'm sticking with HG as my reccomendation, with respect of course
  20. I'll second that, Can't really go wrong with this kit Best thing to do is go into the shop and look around. There is a trade off between protection and comfort (IE warm and dry) when deciding between leather and textile, personally, I live by the "if I'm cold and wet aI'm going to make mistakes" rule, I therefore ride with textile clothing - but it's a personal choice, you can increase the effectivness of the protection by making sure it's fitted nice and snugg, so that it doesn't move when you hugg the ground!!
  21. Go somewhere else. Presumably yout wife was booked in, so the instructor should have ensured he could deliver what was agreed, this problably come under the Supply of Goods and Services legislation, depending on the circumstances, but it's not at all worth persuing, get an instructor who can organise themselves. I wouldn't have though it illeagal to carry out the Training without having a certificate - it would certainly be illeagal to allow your wife to ride without one, "in the post" has no status at all. Try making a complaint to the DSA if you feel stongly about it, on it's own it will have little effect, but you might not be the first or the last....
  22. I have a Black and Silvery Blue one that I'm about to sell. 2005, new model with the under seat pipes 18500 miles, Just had a full service rear tyre is nearly new Heated grips 11 months tax MOT till July - although it could be June, I need to check If you are at all interested I was thinking about £3K, I can put as many pics up on the web as you want. PM me if you are. Why am I selling? well I've a XT660Z, a Fazer and a TTR600 in the garage - my missus wants a comfy bike she can sit on the back of, so I'm looking for a V-Strom 1000, or maybe another Varadero to keep her happy.
  23. Hello there, Are you asking specifically for the YBR, or long distance in general ?? What are you calling long distance ? If you're new to biking I guess anything from 50 - 100 miles, personally anything over 1000 is a good ride!
  24. All of my Fuel Injected Bikes do/did it, the TTR (Carb) does not. pull the power from the fuel pum and it doesn't, job sorted - no noises. Right, now I have a problem, the bike won't start, it ever so slightly does, bu then doesn't - could it be a fuel problem I'll get my coat.........
  25. About your only option is a lowering kit, compressing the pre-load just makes it harder, and paradoxically harder for you to reach the ground (as the suspension isn't compressing when you sit on it). You've not much to go the other way either (softening it) as the factory settings are only a notch ot two from the softest. Suggest you have a look through the 660 site - www.xt660.com, you'll find loads of information on there specifically for your bike, from lots of others who have 660's. See you there!