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Gas up - Let's Go!

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Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!

  1. I could see alot of problems trying to use the Yamaha font (from Mr Yamaha) - even if you can get it. As the sticker is for the YOC, then I would suggest that the best font to use is the one Alex has used ??
  2. Site admin should have these - they are at the top of the webpage! There will also be some logisitcs to resolve, other forums have put the stickers / mugs / mouse mats / pens / etc as ebay items - with a higher price for none-members, and a more realistic price for members. It's not just about the printing costs, there is postage and packing as well as travel to/from the post office, plus any transaction charges, as well as the initial outlay for the work. I know some people have issues with this, but I don't have any problems with someone making some money out of this. for it to work then someone is going to have to put thier hands in thier pockets - and why shouldn't it be worth thier while ? after all they might just get left with a big pile of merchandice. I'm also active on XT660.com, on there is a shop link selling all kinds of stuff from tee-shirts to man-bags, hoodies etc. These are ordered on-line and delivered direct from the supplier - this could be a good addition to the stickers thread ???? Is there anyone out there that would buy a tee shirt, hoody, thong ?? Heres the link if anyone is interested : http://271179.spreadshirt.net/en/GB/Shop
  3. Go on then..... what was it, that stupid mistake ??
  4. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
  5. You said it
  6. I need a bucket
  7. Sorry Goff - Never intended to suggest you were, I think I know you well enough to know that. Personally, I'd never subject the world to my naked self...... semi or otherwise, Jesus Clothed is bad enough! As you can see - I'm very small.........
  8. I saw this posted on another forum a couple of weeks ago, I'm not really in with the assination of the poor girl, I think there will be alot of women who would be very happy with that body, and despite the comments I think most guys would be happy to have a girl with that body. Clearly vanity is a shallow master...... The guy should really have pulled the thread, what kind of dick would just sit there and let a load of loosers mouth off like that. I did find it funny that someone described the car as a "sportscar", WTF ??? it's a hair dressers car, and not a very good one at that....... Oooh, I'm feeling all benvolent this morning
  9. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Charlie28's post in a topic in Naked
    What's wrong with the one you've got ?? I think (for a 125) they look great - in fact I managed to hold up the traffic in town today whilst chatting to a guy on one at the traffic lights (they'd turned green and neither of us noticed!) There are a few aftermarket pipes available, if you google...
  10. Bet you didn't fall off though......... Yesterday - descending the lane from Hartside Cafe to Gamblesby (Cumbria) I was in the wrong gear, going a bit too slow over some slippery rutts, and clunk! stall, one rider - arse over tit down a very muddy bank!!!!! Rode that route a 100 times - sometimes you just get caught out......
  11. not very, but I'm really good at hiding - just ask my missis when the garden needs done.......
  12. There's something you don't hear a woman saying very often....ever... can you hear that sound ? It's me running away from Goff....
  13. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Naked
    Some people have no dedication..........
  14. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Naked
    What a great idea! his bike needs a wash though
  15. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Jimdh's post in a topic in The Bar
    RAM for the mountings or try Touratech if you want something with a bit more 'testosterone'
  16. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Cymraeg_Atodeg's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Presumably, they were trying to protect the accident scene in case evidence was needed?? so why let a bike through?? Either way they were in the wrong here. That said, I travel the A69 alot, and at least once a month there is some form of obstruction (accident, dead dear, survey, nothing-else-to-do-lets-stop-traffic etc), and on a number of occasions when I've filtered my way to the front and stopped to wait, I've been directed through. Now on each of these occasions it has to be said that the officer doing the directing told me to keep left of the lane markers, the ones between the gutter and the lane. so hat's off to them. I must also say that my work puts me in contact with many police officers, and the guys I deal with are incredably dedicated and proffessional. I've come to the conclusion that your average beat copper is at often just that, average. some are OK, some actually have common sense, alot are just morons. When you deal with the guys who have taken on 'extra' duties (firearms, traffic, close protection, serious crime, child protection etc ) then you tend to get a different type of person. Then of course you get the pretend policepeople - PCSO's no powers at all, but they get a nice shinny uniform. I've dealt with these people on a number of occasions and most of them think they are police officers! some however are very good at what they do. These ones are more often than not women. Up here in cumbria we have a pretty good police force, but there's always some rot in every barrel......
  17. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Naked
    A week off work to sow leather, just one word for that, Masochist
  18. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Naked
    When you say a fortune - what sort of ball park ?? Is this just for the one trip ? or are you planning to use it again and again?? My prefference is always hard luggage, Givi is popular, but I've never used (I tend to use bomb proof cases) it you can get some info here: http://www.givi.co.uk/ It'll depend on your bike as to what you can & can't get. If it's a first time thing, and you are not sure Oxford do a set of 1st time luggage (this is the other end of the £££ scale). I used it when I first started touring and it works pretty well, if a pain in the asp to take on and off at the begining/end of the day. http://www.oxprod.com/index.php?pg=3&a...p;pid=11&p= There are different views on hard v's soft luggage -> it all down to your personal choice. You will find that the soft option gives a bit less in capacity and you'll need to make sure it's well strapped to the bike - and make sure you put something like an Oxford Blanket between the bike and luggage (Maplin sell a similar product that cost less than half the cost of the oxford blanket - they call it a not slip work mat). Does this help at all ??
  19. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Naked
    My zumo came with one of those, I was very impressed, but I like my music in stereo - so I got a hardwired kit from StarCom, it's even better (apart from the wires) superb noise canceling. They must have sorted the Rider out, I wasn't very impressed when I was looking. I'd have preffered TomTom as there are some really good features,(and I've used TomTom in the car since it first came out) but the 2 wasn't available and the 1 was crap.... I do like the Mapping features for the Zumo though. Back to the topic - RAM Mount, thats the place to go. When you find what you are looking for, have a search on the web you can get it cheaper sometimes (I got a brand new RAM kit on Ebay for less than half the new cost)
  20. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Naked
    or cameras, laptops, you name it - they can fit it! Is the TomTom rider still supplied with a crappy plastic mount ?? The Garmin Zumo might be a cheaper option as it comes with the RAM Mounts to fit to your handle bars, or your clutch lever. You can bluetooth your phone into it to and play MP3's. I use one of these for off and on road, with a touratech mount they are pretty indestructable, proper uplink to your PC to. Just a though....
  21. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Sounds like BT............
  22. Gas up - Let's Go! posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Two Irishmen were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A blonde walks by and asked them what they were doing. Paddy replied, 'We're supposed to be finding the fook'n height of this flagpole, but we don't have a fook'n ladder.' The blonde took out an adjustable spanner from her bag, loosened a few bolts and laid the flagpole down. She got a tape measure out of her pocket, took a few measurements, and announced that it was 18 feet 6 inches... Then, she walked off. Mick said to Paddy, 'Isn't that just like a blonde! We need the fook'n height and she gives us the fook'n length.'
  23. Last night (Monday 17th November 2008) the BBC Watchdog program run a report on Direct Bikes, and the scooters they sell, you can read about it here : One part of the report mentions speedo's and one guy had been told by Mr plod that speedos showing only km/h is illegal. Has anyone any knowledge about this, is it true? What about bikers from the continent coming into this country, how will it effect them ? I'm a little curious, as my TTR has km/h and no mph - but I didn't think it was actually a requirement to have a speedo (abide by the speed limits yes), and when I've comapired every speedo I've had with either GPS or RoadBook the speedo's are between 7 and 10 % over the actual speed, clearly GPS takes a linear approach to speed, but compared to a roadbook the two are pretty acurate. ??
  24. I remember this from a while back. Is it a new problem, or just the old one resurfacing ? if you ask me, the mobile self destructing isn't such a bad thing
  25. Ah, Goff, the voice of reason & justice. We have this rammed down our throats on a weekly rota, I work for BT (not the phone side) and this stuff is more important to them than actually delivering the goods to the customer (might explain why we're issuing profit warnings, and the share price in in the ground). The VDU, is a flicker free, wide screen, none reflective - I work at it all day long, so I made the purchase myself. Bloody expensive and exceeds all the reccomended guides. But thanks for your response, you really are quite a bright girl (when your not chastising some idiot) Our lot will pay the full cost - as long as the optician reccomends it - that's the problem, they go beyond thier obligations but it's conditional. The statute says they have to provide free eye tests - if they want to they could get an optician to come in and do the whole office. It's a bad law. Yes I can go elsware, and I will - if the prognosis is different then I'm going to take it up with my HR idiot Me too - used to wear specs for driving years ago - found an old guy who was brilliant, loads of experience and didn't need an overpriced piece of automatated 'lens changing' machine to check me out. He's probaly retired, or dead now. I had back problems in my early 30's, since then I've been very particular about posture. It's worked, not suffered for over 10 years now. It's good advice is that. This is probably about the level though! There's always ' another thing' - story of my life sometimes, I feel like Victor bleeding Meldrew! I was speaking to my old man last night, he has safety specs, and it's the same story with his lot, a specsavers voucher. He goes to Boots and gets the prescription then hands it in to specsavers and get the glasses. He has to pay the eye test, but he's not bothered as long as it's right. we live and learn..... Should've gone to SpecSavers - and got riped off............