Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!
Module 1 test tomorrow (weds)
This is the problem with the DSA, there is no give and no leaway - they are too ridgid, after all how can you judge +/- 5 KPH (2 or 3 MPH) on a small bike speedo, and keep your eyes on the road ? How did/do they measure your speed ? and do you get more than one attempt when it's down to something like this ? At least next time you'll know what you have to do, good luck.
Motorcycle rucksack
I'll second that. Multipoint fitting, and you realy don't feel it when it's on, whatever weight, whatever speed My days of carrying stuff on my back are gone, much rather strap it to the bike - but if was to purchase another rucksack, I'd not look past the Kreiga.
I'm with you on that, wasn't it really warm once (millions of years ago) then, didn't it get really cold , and didn't this cold create places such as the Lake District, Wales, The Highlands, then didn't it get warm again....... isn't it just still getting warmer....... Just the natural way of things, us humans trying to explain everything, whatever happend to "just because".......
Good point. My (nice new) car does 60mpg - the bike does the same, the XJR comes nowwhere close.
Thats a valid point, but by having all this congestion, climate change debate it gives them a reason to introduce new taxes, raise revenue etc - Can you think of a single Government Minister that rides a Motorcycle ? there is your answer, they drive about in 'modified' Jags that use more fuel than any other cars on the roads. You'll hear them bang on about security, but that's another debate (illegal wars etc). The bottom line is, they have no interests in a real solution, they still think a square peg will go into a round hole, they have no vision, and every descision they make is based on popularity from the masses - not common sence. The CBT. It's not a test, it's training with an assesment as to your safety, it's purpose is to give people the very basic requirements to go out and learn. You are not proficient at riding, you do not have any road skills at all, all you have is the very basic skills that may keep you alive on the road. When you pass your test you are considered proficient, but even then this is only a statement that you can go out and learn how to ride properly, safely and with due consideration to others. Last week I passed my Advanced Motorcycle Test, after 20 years on a bike, there are many things to learn even when you think you are a decent rider. If you think you know it all you are very very wrong indeed. IF you are a proficient rider then you would have no problem in passing the DSA test, would you ? Personally, I would like to see an end to this CBT practice. You wouldn't let a car driver go out on his/her own with just L-Plates, so why a bike? My view is that you shouldn't be allowed out at all unless under supervision. I'm not suggesting that this should be the same as it is now, but maybe being supervised by an experienced rider (5 years +). Progress. When I first passed mine it was in two parts, you passed the firts off-road part then you got to go out on the road for the second part of the test. This was replaced by the CBT and the 'following' test (where the examiner follows you on a set ride). The issue here is that it is very very difficult to 'fail' a CBT, I know an instruuctor who was 'asked to leave' as he was failing students, and for very good reasons. So what we have is a buntch of young idiots on scooters who have little or no respect for other road users free to ride like twats. I wonder, honestly now, how many of you can turn your bike (U-Turn) between the curbs without putting your foot down ? Don't come up with excuses - if you can turn left you can do this......... This is just one example of how skills are lost, so there is your answer to the 'un-procient' question, There is alot of debate about the new tests, but it's mostly centred around the avoidance test in wet conditions. The basic argument being that you shouldn't be riding at that speed in them conditions, it's a fair point but riders are passing the test so it's not impossible. Anything that puts good riders on the road, and keeps bad ones off is a good thing in my view.
Help needed - paraffin on tyres causing problem?
I've used Paraffin to clean of grease and oil from the bike for close on 20 years and never had a single problem with it reacting with Rubber. Paraffin is soluble in both Water and Petrol - presumably you washed the bike after cleaning the much off ? Even a quick rinse is sufficient. Maybe over time, say weeks rather than hours/minutes Paraffin may affect the stability of the tyre (ie the rubber) but I doubt very much that this is the cause of your blue lines - Have you tried washing them off ?? It's not that dangerous, they give it to easy constipation......
Postman Pat's bike up for sale
Why ? Why on earth would you want to put a trailer (when it's not much bigger than a pair of panniers) on the bloody thing? I guess Jess just doesn't like sitting on the handlebars anymore......
Lift or drag?
So that's what happens.......
Lift or drag?
You could try sealing all the holes and filling it with Hydrogen, this would lighten the box, and to some degree the car too, so you'd have a fuel saving..... and no worries is some tawt nicks the car, when the roll it it would self destruct! Result. Oh, hold on,,, Just though - would you be wanting to put anything in the roof box ?? I think, even with the roof box you are flogging a dead horse (as opposed to eating one..). Everyone knows that Zafira's have more in common with a TARDIS than any other car, so if that was full your only option realy is a Transit Van (why not get a silver one and a Hobby Caravan, you can park these anywhere and let your 15 dogs stray all over the place). If you really want to try the wing thing, then you're going to need two of them of the thing will so too unstable. I must be right, I've got an O Level in Physics, the hard ones before they brough out these GSCPFCEPDQMultichoice exams.... and a degree in bulshit
goff on americas got talent
UK dealers
If you want brand spanking new then yes you'll need a dealer. I think at the heart of the problem, here in the UK is that there are large dealers (and some smaler ones), with employees, and you don't laways get real bikers. They don't care much (it's only a job) and it shows in the attitudes. Our local Triumph dealer has a real lack of people skils, I've never really liked him - so I've never bought a bike. People buy from people, if you get a bad one then it taints the relashionship. J&L is run by it's owners, Laurence (the 'L) is the man to speak to (J- runs the Kawasaki side). I know people that don't like them, I've never had any reason to complain with either sales, aftersales parts or accessories.
My new bike????!!!!!
Thats a definite niche bike is that. I once had a sit on the DN01, didn't like it to sit on, didn't care for the style (but it wouldn't do to like the same thing) and to be honest I've never seen one on the road (and last time I spoke to the dealer they hadn't sold the one in the shop). The trouble with styling like this is that is goes out of fashion, I don't think for a minute that bothers you, so why not ?? Go for it. Are you getting a Power Ranger suit to go with it
UK dealers
Nothing, that's what happens when you get old, you start to look at Honda, reliable, good build quality (although that's slipping now), no soul......... ( I know I've ridden most of them ) Bizzare how you come on to the Yamaha'a Owners Club Forum and do nothing but slag off Yamaha's....... ltdave is after some information on dealers and how to contact them, so that he can purchase a bike, if you have some real input to this then put it up, but filling the thread with general, denigrating, unsubstantiated comments isn't helping.
UK dealers
Dave, these guys are good to deal with, honest and straight, I've had four bikes off them the most recent being a XJR1300. Laurence is the main man, on this number :+441228 596826 or they have a website: http://www.jandlmotorcycles.co.uk/
Life Saver Glance
Thants a fair point. Ah, but here, I have to disagree slightly, but to be honest it's a technicality, just being pedantic really. The lifesaver relies on the fantastic peripheral vision us humans have and the ability to 'notice something out of the corner of the eye' so you don't actually need to look - as such. And as any woman will tel you, us blokes can't see bugger all when it's in front of us! we're built for hunting (focus), whereas Woman can look in a cupboard and see just what they are looking for. By 'not looking' you can use your peripheral vision to see both your blindspot, and the direction you are traveling. Hazards come from all over the place. If there is something in your blind spot, then really you've cocked up the rear observation somewhere along the line. But like I say, I'm being pedantic. I wouldn't worry about these too much. A shoulder check isn't something you should be doing on the move (before you move yes). These are from days when bikes had crap mirrors and as a new rider your concentration need to be in the direction of travel. Work out where your blind spot is by getting someone to walk around the bike, find the spot where you can't see them and make sure you get your lifesavers covering that area. My Varadero had wierd mirrors that covered the blindspot. The area of sweep is different on different bikes, and is affected by different lids too,
Life Saver Glance
Just to add, it's good practice to 'double' up when going straigh on mini-roundabouts. So, heading into the roundabout, mirror check, lifesaver, move to possition. left around the hump/paint/circle/whatever it is! before you come around lifesaver right (just in case there are any cars passing straight over the roundabout), lifesaver left, exit roundabout. A couple of tips; Speed. if your speed is a little high on entering the restriction zones (30, 40 etc) get off the brakes at the sign. The examiner is looking at what your bike is doing, his speedo isn't the same as yours, so he has to give some leaway. Remember Mirror, Signal, Lifesaver, Manoeuvre it's easily forgotten. When you cahnge road possition, a lifesaver in the direction of travel. Here again the examiner can't see where you are looking, he is looking for a head movement. Safety distance - Only A Fool Breaks The Two Second Rule - keep saying it to yourself if you are following traffic, unless you are in a 30 zone. It'll keep you mind occupied. I've got my Advanced on Saturday, lets hope I don't do anything stupid like I did on the mock test......
Yamaha YZF-R1/Safety Questions
To be honest anyone who says a bike is dangerous is just being an arse. Of course a bike isn't dangerous, I've three in the garage and they've never hurt anyone. Riders on the other had, are, or at least can be - I alway ride with the thought that whatever happens, it's my fault. Keeps me out of the Emergency Room. I don't know your dad, but I'd just show him over time that I am trustworthy, that I'm not a knob-on-a-bike. Try lookig for some training, MotoX or trial riding that you can take up now. It's just a thought. In all my years on a bike, I've hit 140mph once, on a foreign road and it scared the pant filling out of me! We're all young and daft at times, even the older ones! You are just gonna have to show your old man that you are trustworthy of a bike, if not you are just going to have to wait until you can afford one yourself.
Where do you get the metal panniers
No worries, we're all here to help each other, I like to think so anyway.....
Where do you get the metal panniers
HUBB! I knew I'd seen some self build ones, but for the life of my couldn't sodding well remember where. I know a couple of guys who did this, the savings weren't that great give the cost og the materials, but they did make some great panniers that fitted the bike very well indeed (DR350's I think they were). If you are technicaly inclined, then with some imagination you can produce your own panniers with a bit of scavaging.
tax in post
Ah. All the copper can do is report you, the police do not prosecute for this - the DVLA lot would be the ones to decide on a presecution. If you are talking about the difference in time between paying the RFL and delivery it is very very unlikely they would persure. Most coppers have very little working knowledge of the RTA (road traffic act), unless you have a traffic cop, and they generaly wouldn't bother unless you are doing something stupid... However, you have 3 months of unpaid RFL, so this does change things. You could still find yourself in trouble for failing to complete the SORN or tax the bike. When you disc arrives, check the dates on it - don't be suprised if you find it's backdated........ or you might be lucky.
Yamaha YZF-R1/Safety Questions
I think your dad might be right. forget about an R1 for a first bike, forget about trying to reach kill-yourself-quick speed. When you can, get yourself a nice easy to handle learner bike, build up your skills and show your dad that you are safe. When you've got the right attitude to handle a bike bike - then get one!
Where do you get the metal panniers
I suspect you are looking at a custom made rack, but the panniers themselves are available in lots of sizes, shapes and costs! Try: www.touratech.co.uk www.metalmule.com http://www.motorradalukoffer.de/index.php?Online_Shop http://www.offtheroad.de/ Your best bet really is to get hold of the Touratech 'loop' and get someone to fabricate up a mounting that will fix to your bike, also purchase the fixing kits, then buy the panniers from motoradlukoffer. Even so it's still going to cost you the best part of £350. The whole overlanding luggage thing it becoming more popular and available, but to be honest most overlanders (like the photo of the YBR) are probably custom jobs to keep the overall cost down. A full setup from the likes of Metal Mule will set you back in excess of £1100....... Touratech have a truly awfull delivery record, if they quote 3-4 weeks expect 5-6... Off The Road don't have a good reputation either, I heared stories of 3-4 months! Metal Mule are a UK opperation, delivery is usually good and the kit is top quality, but the price is high Hope this helps
just bought fazer, wont ride straight need help!
Keep your eyes peeled (or your speed down) through Cumbria, the 'Safety Camera' has a new weapon, they have started deploying camera stands remotely from the van, so they get to video you for about 1/2 mile, presumably nailing your speed at some point with the kit in the van. Saw these in action on the Hartside roads at the weekend........ If you ar going to Scotland, then Skye and Applecross are a must: and look out for the 'map of Scotland' on the way up If the Soutwest is your destination, then make sure you ride the A712 through the Galloway Forest, another great road, and free from the Ferry traffic. Have yourself a ball.......
just bought fazer, wont ride straight need help!
I had one of these for a short while, realy didn't like it, traded it for an XJR. Anyway. I had the same problem, it wasn't running straight. Turns out it was as simple as the rear wheel wasn't aligned with the front. When I tried to adjust it the adjusters were corroded and very stiff indeed. soaked it in some easy & release oil (sort of a carbon based stuff, my old man got it for me, no idea from where it came, and sometimes best not to ask!), 3in1 will have the same affect I think. So after a day or so I had another go and needed to give things a bit of a 'wack' to release them (rear spindle and adjusters), once I got them apart they got a good coating of copper grease and put back together (obvioulsly a clean too) setup the chain tension and corrcted the wheel alignment. Job done - perfect. If the tyres are 'squared' then you will'drop' into corners, some new rubber will sort that, or find some long sweeping bends and you can maybe wear down the square edge. I'd go for new rubber though.
Micheal Jackson
Nope, that's not true. We do know that he was involved in a civil action, and we do know he paid $20million out of court to cease the action. The fact is irrefutable, that he did this to avoid evidence/oppinion being disclosed in court. If he was innocent, then why spend $20million to stop it? why not spend $2-3 million to prove your innocence ?? You say disrepectfull, I say you earn and lose respect by your actions, at least I'm no hyporcite. My mind is open, open to all the evidence before us (not closed to simply considering his persona by his career output). I remember the trial (circus) I listened to what was said, I'd have found him guilty as charged. He admitted openly that he shared his bed with chidren - "suffer little children come unto me", were his words. I'm sorry, but it's just not right. But wasn't he white ?? Here here.