Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!
Word Association Thread
Bike suggestion
6'2" and 16 ...... You are a trifle restricted I'm afraid. In fact I can't think of a single 50cc bike that wouldn't look a bit daft on you. Once you turn 17 then you do have a better choice of bikes, with your frame, depending on how bendy you are, you might want to consider something more like a cruiser that you can modify to fit, or a trail type bike that are taller, and so wouldn't cramp your legs. And when you pass your test then then the options open out nice and wide. A word of warning though, we see new bikers, or even pre-test bikers looking at bikes like the R1, R6, Fireblade, GSXR etc and you can see why. The problem is these bikes are focused bikes with far too much power for a novice to handle, even the more experienced get caught out by them. The other problem with these types of bikes is they push you into riding too fast, and as a new rider if you get 6 point in the first two years your licence is cancelled. By cancelled, I mean just deleted! you can then have to re-apply for your provisional, then take you written test, hazard test and motorcycle/driving test again - and pass! When someone says, no I'm sensible, I won't push it etc I just don't believe them, especially when they've no experience. Having a bike on the road with all that power is like a drug, and it takes lots and lots of restraint to keep it safe. My advice, look to some bikes you can have a bit fun on without needing crazy speed - SuperMoto's are superb fun and in skilled hands are every bit, of not faster than the sportsbikes. Cruisers giv you a laid back approacj to riding, but can still develope a turn of speed. The other, more mundane route is the 'starter' bikes, such as the Fazer, XJ600, Hornet, Bandit, ER-6 - basically these are 600's that you can use to get your skill levels up before progressing to more powerfull bikes. Another thing to consider, is running costs, it's going to cost you a whole lot less to insure a supermoto than an R6.......
Weird PM about another forum
Share ? What kind of forum ? I've already bought all the 'enhancement' products, but alway on the look out for more......
I've been trying all morning, but I just can't get it to, erm, perform clb - Could you be more specific, how do you get it to suck ??
Le pikey
or even his Merc........
Le pikey
Yep, just like Germany. I slept over in one last year, doing the 'rough' thing, had to find one with a kiddies play area (to avoid the pee), pushed the bike into it and had a few hours on the nice soft rubber stuff -
My new steed :D not a yam thogh
I've a couple of mates who've had/has SV's they sound wonderfull, but next to my Honda that was the same age and more miles, they don't weather as well. Dunno though, on looks I think I would have stuck with the MT.... Just doesn't have the same go as the V-Twin....
That's the thing with dealers, they supply new parts. Have a troll around some of the independent body shops, cars and bikes (if you have any around you), you usually find an old timer who can actually repair them for you - it's only fibreglass after all. The livery you might have a problem with, but that too can be sorted by any half decent signmaker. If you get the right people it'll ook same as it did day before yesterday, if not then it'll be less than £1200, or you could get new parts. It really depends how damaged there realy is.
Fog City visor film
I've used both, and many lotions and potions too. The Pinlock is OK, but it's not as good as the Fog City, you've just got to make sure you fit it properly, and the visor is clean before you stick it in. Tp clean the fog city, just dunk it in warm soapy water, then a very quick wipe over with tissue paper, don't use kitchen paper as this scratches it, and don't worry if it isn't dry, it will be fine after a wee while. The problem with pinlock is it relies on pressure to hold it in place, if the pins move (they are on cams, and can) then you can get a gap between the visor and the insert, then you're screwed, more fog than SanFrancisco in a cold front! FogCity stick, and when they're in, they don't move. The best of the wipes/potions and lotions I've found is FogTech, last about 4 hours in heavy rain before it gives up, you can get it from any Airsoft site. They do a fantastic outer coating too, the water just runs straight off the visor and it makes it easy to clear the bugs away too - it's caled RainCoat.
I think I've picked up a bad case of Humour Degeneration from this site - the jokes are getting worse......
Heated grips fitting on my Thundercat
There are a number of ways you can fix them. If all you are putting on the bike is the grip heaters, then take the feed from the brake light switch on the handlebars, there are two wires, use the one that has a 12/14v feed when the ignition is on, but without pulling the lever! You can put a 'piggy back' pade connector on the wire from the grips so you don't have to cut into the bikes cables. This way you'll never leave your grips on when away from the bike! Unless you leave it running Alternativly, you can build an auxilary circuit to provide the power, This way if you want to provide power for anything else, GPS, MP3, Phone charger, heated clothing etc etc you have already done the work.
sh*t scare!
I though this was one of those crazy insurance stories at first, oncoming, stationary ; which was it ?? Not realy, just call it experience. I 'll bet you'll not make any assumptions again in the near future. Be thankfull that you've had a near miss, learn a valuble lesson so that the time you are on a bigger bike, capable of 3 or 4 times your speed - you won't die! People aren't really out to get you, they just don't look, they take no notice outside of their own little world (mobile phone, kids, radio). Anything you can do to make yourself noticed will swing the odds in your favour. Ok you shouldn't have to, they should look, but it's you who'll end up in A&E (if you're lucky!). Here's a tip, if you ride directly at a car, many drivers wouldn't see you, if you change your road possition from the left to the rigt your chances of being seen is massivly increased. The Human eye has fantastic peripheral vision, you it to your advantage. Oh, and always go for the increasing gap, never try to squeeze through... the other side of the road is often your best friend at times. Glad to see you're OK though,
changing gear
Lego? Check your chain, if it's too slack that can make the sound and feel more obvious. I'm not sure where the Xj600 stand on this (if it has them, or is it direct drive?), but if you have cush rubbers, if these have turned to cream cheese then this will make things worse too.
There's loads of cheaper-to-insure bikes that are great fun to ride - you don't need to be able to hit 150mph to have fun. Most older bikers, if you talk to them go round in circles, and end up with bikes that you wouldn't expect. SuperMoto's are great fun on the right roads and in the hands of a good rider will out perform a sportsbike on twisty roads..... Advanced riding, go for it, bollox to the people who slag it off, they have no idea. The IAM call it 'advanced', I call it normal day to day riding. What I will guarantee is that you will ride with less top speed, but learn to carry sensible speeds through corners and hazards, and get there quicker. Do the Skill for Life course with your local group, it costs £139 - or you can book it on-line IAM Skill for Life To be able to pass, you need one thing, the right attitude, everything else they can teach you. I've given up riding with some of my buddies, I'm fed up of them racing along straights, brakinging for the corner then not understanding the physics of what happens in a corner and loosing too much speed in the corner to corner forces. When I go out with the IAM guys we're all smooth, quick and flow like a well choreographed stage show.... I've heard the IAM course described as 'controlled hooliganism'.
Bigger capacity bikes are often cheaper to insure than the sportier 600's which are fecking quick. My XJR1300 is less to insure than my Fazer 600 was...... And my 1000cc Varadero was less than the previous VRF800. It's not always about the size of the bike (engine), think about it's popularity, bikes that are viewed as 'old mans' bikes are usually more fun, and nearly always cheaper to insure - although I'm not sure who would consider a XJR1300 an old mans bike. On the other hand, I have a 600cc TTR (single) that runs out of go at around 60mph, but'll beat just about everything else in tight twisty and town stuff, and costs £50 a year to insure! On a more safety / experience note, going from DAS to R6 isn't a great idea. Everyone wants to have super fast bikes, but honestly, you are much better off sticking with a low cost 'starter' type bike until you a) know what you really want and get the road experience to stay alive on a more powerfull bike. As Tskmasterer has pointed out, Hornet, Bandit, Fazer, are great places to start, you shouldn't loose much money on them, and when you drop the thing in a carpark it won't cost an arm and a leg to replace all the plastic!
What other Hobbies
You'll be sorry, I'm warning you...... At least I didn't go with the Swallow theory.
What other Hobbies
Another blameless excuse for me to put up cute pictures of the pooch....... Although it was a few years ago now. Carefull though, just like the Wild Beast of Caerbannog - It'll rip your throat out..... The only thing that will save you is the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. The more enlightened will already have uncovered another one of my vast interests......
XT125X Starting Problem
When they build the bigger XT's they are sods for over-tightening the cable ties that hold the main wiring looms to the frame. The result can be the cables wearing away and getting a short to the frame. This would most definitly blow the main fuse. This may or may not be the cause of your problems, easy enough to check though, just follow the wires and look for wear. On singles, you do get more vibration. Never heard of it on a 125 though. It could also be a problem with the Voltage Rectifier/Regulator, a bit easier to check, just disconnect it and see if you get power back to the dash/console. Then check across the pins to see if you can find a closed circuit. Whatever it is, it shouldn't be too hard to spot, if it can take out a 10amp fuse, it's fairly substantial.
could we get a section for snowmobiles
My daughter has a Clarinet, what about a wind section ?
Tyre Help
FECK!! I had dunlops things on the XJR, lasted just shy of 3000 miles, so I ditched them like a hot coal. I'd expect to get 5000+ miles out of a set of road tyres, especially if I was using the bike as a commuter. I get 1000 miles out of the Enduro III & IV's on the TTR - but that only goes out on dirty occasions..... so I don't mind, and it only costs £100 a pair anyway.
What this American calls the British
and the translation into English reads: "whenever America want to go to war, our left wing Prime Minister does whatever Mr President says" But I'm cycical. (role on may 2010........)
Angels and Demonds
Seams I'm not alone then. Film Directors spoil most good books.....
heated grips
Nial Varnish remover - though I don'r know how I ever came to know about this little bottle of endless help!!! Dissolves most things on contact - except women it seams......
How not to clean a bike
I'd have to question that statement. My missus spent three hours in A&E last week, as one of the Seeds of Satan that she has in her class decided Crayons make a good substitute for a line of coke...... yes it was a boy....... yes he's dad has a bike............ and believe it or not,, the little sh1tbag races Moto-X too...... There is no hope.
RAF attestation tomorrow :)
That takes me back.... I used to work at a well known Nuclear Reproccessing Plant, all morning getting into the bloddy Winscale Suit (big silver anit-radiation suit), 2 minutes working, then all afternoon getting decontaminated and out! You could loose 1/2 stone in just a few hours...