Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!
Help with my XTZ660 please
You may well have a problem with the coil, best thing to do is check the resistance of the ccoils when the bike is cold, then again when it won't run and see if you have a difference. I only have the TTR600 manaual to go by, but I understand the coil is the same, so here are the valuse it should be : Primary Coil = 4ohms +- 15% Secondary Coil = 13K-Ohms +- 20% Another problem I've seen in the HT lead where it screws into the coil, it can become dislodged. This (for me) normally makes starting difficult, but depending on how it looks you could get a problem when warming up?? There's not alot of XT owners on here, there are some very experienced XTZ owners on the HUBB -> http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ where you may find your answers. Use the search function as there is alot of XTZ information for all models, if you can't find what you are looking for then ask the question.
Private number plates, what are they like.
A few years back a neighbour of mine had this on a BMUU - > 113 ONK, The gap between the 1 and the 3 was closed so it read 1 BONK The DVLA cancelled it after complaints by the police... A guy I know has one --> x1 LEG. (it's not really x, but I'm not going to advertise it here) They call him Stumpy for a good reason! I have to confess, my missis has one on here car, her initials and a short number. I never understood why she wanted it though....
I use FogTech on the off road visor/goggles, it's very good but expensive and one sachet last about a day.
anyone want to be a farmer???
I do, well sort of - support one. There are very strict regulations on the overland transportation of resrticted data. If they lost one then the rules have been breached no question, and it's very serious for the person responsible - I wonder which low paid junior is going to get dealt with because of this ? If they get sacked then it will be a cover up, if they end up in court then it's probably thier fault - but we'll never get to here what happens in court as it's all covered under the OSA. I thought after the debarcle with HMRC that people would have stopped sending disks and tapes...
anyone want to be a farmer???
Looks like someone is about to find out how rich or poor these guys really are.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8331759.stm
I am having to go to work
Could be worse,,,,, You could work in IT...... Everyone's an expert, customers tell you how to fix thier problems, so why the hell do they ask for us!
Be safe, be seen
I would think it depends which colour you get. I have the 'ice white' ones, as they are white then I can't see any issues.
Just looks like a B-King to me.....
Ah, there's the problem. I had MT70 on the TTR, great trail tyre,great dry road tyre, crap in mud and awfull on wet roads. Changed to the Michelin Enduro III and they are superb on the road, in the wet, trail and mud - but you get speed wobbles anything over 60mph and they last around 800 - 1000 miles if I'm easy on them!! I have TKC80's on the Tenere, these are a large footprint off-road bias tyre with a knobbly tread pattern(same as they fit to the BMUU GS-A's), much better than the dual sport stuff (Tourances / Sirac)on the road and off, but you get restricted lean angles (there's no chicken strips on even the easiest of riders), you do tend to slide out on tight bends and get funny vibrations at low speeds as the tyre wears. Again these are soft compound tyres and 3000 miles is about the limit. Up here, in the grim north, I find that knobblies give better grip, but they do slow you down alot on the road, and you just never know what the local farmer has left for you around the next corner!!! It's a tade off really, go soft compound and you loose distance but get great grip, hard compound give you miles but at the cost of grip. The bike suspension setup has alot to do with it too, the TTR has USD forks, Ohlins rear, progressive springs all round, adjustable damping, compression and rebound - but it still won't stop as fast as the XJR...
Be safe, be seen
I've a set of these on the XJR, fitted them to the side of the front 'fender' (mudguard) just next to the forks. You don't see or notice them when you look at the bike, but from the front, with power they give the bike a muchgreater presence on the road. Because they have such a tiny current draw, I've got a set for the off-road bike as this has a crap headlight and a tiny power budget (180w) - just need to fit them! These guys do a few things to get you noticed, a rear brake flasher for LED lights. It flashes your brake light very fast for 1.5 seconds when you apply it, then reverts to normal. There are replacement LED bulbs for side lights, drawing less power and are more noticable. .... and above all the kit is at a good price and delivery is very fast. I'd reccomend them to anyone with a bike.
You big girl !
When you say 'knobblies', do you really mean knobblies or dual sport ?? On a supermoto something like the Avon Distanza's will be perfectly OK, these are a road bias dual surface tyre - and I've seen guys take XT660X's with Distanzers over some very rough ground. With 17" wheels your choice of tyres is limited, and you can't just swap wheels, you have brakes to consider and your lower fron mudguard. Not only that but once you start sticking a 21" front on the bike the whole geometry of the bike changes and your steering becomes much slower. To be honest, you just need to adjust your riding for the winter, remember that leaves are very slippy when wet, frost can linger in the shaded areas on the road, the sun will be much lower - and in your face, your visor will mist more, you will get cold, treated surfaces can be slippier than ice at times, etc etc the list goes on. But the best advice is to slow down a bit, look further ahead, keep your visor clean and your body warm, then you'll be fine. Unless of course you want to do some off-road work?? in that case, buy a cheap off road bike that you don't mind dropping.... lots!
Its wildfoamys birthday
Oh dear god........ He's old enough to get in a car now.......... Happy Birthday Steve.
New Bike from Yamaha.......
Looks like Yamaha are coming to the same party as BMUU, and developing a Super Tenere, 1200 in-line twin shaft driven bike with lots of things to break down..... (ABS, Traction Control) http://www.yamaha-motor-europe.com/super-tenere/ Even MoreCrapthenNews have pictures... http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/New-bikes/2009/October/oct2109-New-2010-Yamaha-Tenere-concept-is-made-of-cloth/?R=EPI-119428 Don't quite know if I'm exited or despondant.......
Word Association Thread
350 YPVS
How not to clean a bike
Erm...... December 2008, thats three months later than you ......... He is an Ausie, not sure if he'll understand the refference there Nope.
2 girls 2 cups
I hoped it was...
How not to clean a bike
Just like me to turn up when the queue is already forming....
Word Association Thread
How not to clean a bike
Why do you suppose there are so many middle aged men on here? Hmm, in the list of things not to do; 1) pick a fight with Mistress Goff 2) Piss Mistress Goff off 3) put any part of my body near things that can remove it 4) open the door on the plane, while the seatbelt sign is on....... 5) did I mention Goff ??
Yamaha Parts !!!! What the **** is happening ??
They can be a little eratic at times with parts, I've a mate who's been waiting 7 weeks for a wiring loom. Last year I waited over two months for Fork Oil Seals for the TTR - had to come from Japan in the end! If it's a part that is used on a few bikes then normally you are OK, but for some reason when it's a unique part they can take a lifetime!!
Foamys First Car?
Try looking at something like an Astra Van - probably about a quarter of the cost to insure....... and you wouldn't need to take a trailer!! On the question od a trailer - are you sure you can tow upto 750Kg? I thought as a new driver you were restricted to 250Kg?, and to go beyond you'd need to take a further test.... but I might be wrong
MT-03 are they any googI
It depends what you want it for,,,, Not much good if you are planning to cross the Atacama Desert, you'd be better with the XT X or Z, If you just want a fun bike that's not going to spends it's life trying to rip up your licence, then yes it is. The 660 motor is a rock, and you can free up oooooodlles of torque by getting rid of the Cat, opening the airflow and a bit of tinkering. But realy, the MT's are a bit of a style thing, rather than a ride thing - they look very different. See if you can dig out some posts from Barwell, he had one (maybe still has it)
Ahhh, a sweet ride. Have one myself, all tucked up for winter (cleaning it is a pain in t' arse). It is in some places, others charge! and for some reason Greater Manchester don't do them at all, apparently it's the people from outside the area that ride unsafe!!!! Bizzare! Up here in the wild and windy frozen north ( ) the coordinator for Bikesafe does alot of work to get it fully sponsored, next year there is a chance the Safety Camera lot are going to put up some cash for the Bikesafe course - at least we'de see some benifit from these tax collecting vans........
Weird PM about another forum
Me too.