Everything posted by Ryan09
- 2 stroke oil ?
Proud of my girl...
I popped out for an hour or so today on the R6, its amazing how much of a stress relief escaping on the bike can be. Cant wait for the summer! =)
R6 v XJ600N
I love my R6 to bits, best bike iv owned so far BUT i wouldnt recomend it as a first big bike as it will catch you out if you arnt careful and your insurance will probably be quite high. Go for the XJ, keep it for a couple of years and then see about getting an R6 if you still want one once you have a couple years experience on a big bike under your belt.
My DT 125 RE - Got it for £1,000
Great bikes them DT's i do sometimes miss my old one, they also fetch silly money now days so im surprised you got such a bargain!
06 DT125 RE - Indicators not working
Check your fuse hasnt blown, dodgy indicator switch or maybe even a relay?
First Fazer?
Id say 20k would be fine but 48k maybe a bit high. Ideally try and find one with under 25k if possible. Although the lower mileage doesnt necessarily mean itl be a better condition bike.
Ghostbikes.com 10% off everything ends 29th Feb
thanks =)
Woohoo got my pinkie
Congrats! Bring on the good weather =)
Wheels DT 125
A friend done this any way and it worked, i know its the older shape but would still work fine:
Wheels DT 125
If you can get a complete front end with forks then they will slot straight into your yolks, the rear will fit straight on.
Past & Present
2006 - Gilera DNA 50 First bike at 16 (As you do..) 2007 - DT125RE kept for 2 1/2 years and absolutely loved it 2010 - CCM 644 DS kept for 2 1/2 years again but just fancied a change 2012 - Currently riding a 2003 R6 and absolutely love it =) Quite a variation in bikes already and so far the Yammys have by far been my favourites.
New toy - I can't wait!
Nice bike, iv been tempted by one for years!
- dt125r ????
DT 125 RE - Barrel leak, Head leak? - 170cc athena
When tightening the head bolts do it in opposites otherwise you will be there all day and none will tighten up. You probably have a spare barrel and is most likely the original as when you buy the Athena kit you get a whole top end including barrel with it.
Tidy my dt up
You could easily strip the whole bike down in a day and have the engine out of the frame. If you do just make sure you put everything in some sort of order so that it goes back how you took it out. Good excuse to give everything a good clean too =)
Yamaha R6 Ohlins steering damper problem
Is there any chance of getting a spacer or washer of some sort in there to lift it up a bit and off the nut?
Insurance on my bike
Really? I was just going by what i was told. I was only 6 months into the policy and it cost £30 to cancel. I thought you could only use your no claims on one bike at a time unless you had a multi bike policy?
- dt125r ????
Mods/ de-restricting a wrR
It will also sell quicker if its nearer standard. The 450f is a nice bike, go for the ally framed one and a nice pair of supermoto wheels.
1999 WR 400
It should be fine, iv only heard good things about the 400 and 426. The crf's are prone to problems as they have titanium valves which cause problems and are changed out for SS ones. Iv read about smelling the oil, apparently you should be able to tell if the engines bad.
The R looks a really good bike as the service intervals are well spread, looks pretty and isnt as highly strung as the F model. The only reason i dont own one is the price! Its ridiculously high for a 250 trail bike when you can pick up a drz or similar for a fraction of the cost and will go on for ever. Or if its just for green laning maybe look at a ktm 250 exc-f? Will most likely be cheaper and is a lot lighter and are also very reliable. I also wish the made a modern wr 400r that would be awesome!
can anyone tell me where to get carbon reeds for dt 125x??
Did it make much of a difference?
Help with my yamaha xt125R
You wont be getting much out of an xt125 as its what it is a, a 125 4 stroke dirt bike. No chance in getting a yz gearbox in there, wouldnt even think about it. As said save up for a bigger bike, money better spent.
Converting WR450F To Street
Are you in the UK? If so they are legal to get it road registered. Long as you have a dipped and main beam, brake light and running light you'll be fine. All enduro bikes come of the factory like it and are usually already road registered.
can anyone tell me where to get carbon reeds for dt 125x??
It really wont make much of a difference, i was going to do it to mine but seemed more hassle than it was worth.