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Everything posted by mervin

  1. totally knackered

  2. no he wants the bloody thing i reckon, the 175 is not fast enough, and he can see what fun you and me are having on ours, oh and that will get hiim on the TDR forum now i reckon Merv
  3. very nice get some sped bock decals on it and be a kenny lookalike eh maybe bot quite as heavy as this but will gve ya the idea
  4. downlaod the PDF Drewps that will tell ya
  5. Download the DVLA PDF document here It has been subject to many threads and with no prejudice to anyone, here are the legal requirements of a bike number plate. Therefore as already mentioned in other threads if you decide to adjust your plate outside of the guidelines then you do so at your own risk... Letter height - 64mm Letter Width - 44mm Letter thickness 10mm Spacing - 10mm Group Space - 30mm Top Margin - 25mm Side Margin - 25mm Font should comply with BS AU 145d (these templates are held by dealerships and most sign makers) Group Spacing refers to the blocks of letters and numbers within the first and second part of your registration. Top and side Margin is the space between the outside of the plate and the start of the letters/numbers.
  6. what do you mean like alcohol free beer, its like licking your sisters fanny, the taste is the same but somehow you know it,s just not right
  7. you could try mountain goats
  8. mervin

    Handy hint?

    I Never could quite get the hang of the brushes beside the bog, so i leave em alone and wipe me arse with the paper now,
  9. oh sorry forgot the MZ was the quality version mev
  10. mervin

    We have chooks!

    you will never want eggs from a supermarket again after tasting nice fresh home grown eggs merv
  11. mervin

    sh*t scare!

    we have all been there as Cynic says, my worst experience was coming around a bend to find a milk tanker coming the other way just about on the wrong side of the road riding my FS1E managed to doge between him and the hedge luckily, if i had been in a cage i dont think i would be typing this now merv
  12. welcome you could try attaching a CR500 engine to the airbox and exhaust it should go better then
  13. bunout on an MZ <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAVj0xwVaAg&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAVj0xwVaAg&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAVj0xwVaAg&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  14. and he does not loose his fingers <iframe src="http://www.snotr.com/embed/3035" width="400" height="330" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  15. well you aren ot the only one i saw one at the bristol classic show a few years ago , my mate in Germany has a TX650 though merv
  16. mervin

    dog shit

    i would have retied Madam i have not had chance to clear this up yet as the dog has only just done it. if you do not believe me stick your finger in it you will find it is still warm, as i told the old twat with a hat in Exeter services one morning at 6 o,clock that was trying to charge me for overnight parking of my truck and did not believe me when i told him i had only just arrived there, catch hold of the exhaust, that will tell ya if i have been here all night,
  17. you should be able to remove the oil pump cable, cut it and then if it is the same as the aircooleds you shoukld be able to remove the top of the junction box and take the remainder out, if yo leave the pump in make up a pipe system so it can circulate some oil or get a blanking plate from Nigel kimber or Norbo mev
  18. and making us all jealous as hell in that scenery merv
  19. that dog looks very happy what are you doing to it looks a bit iffy on an open forum to me Merv
  20. mervin


    i think they use the same bushes as the aircooleds and the XS,s so should be easy to find merv
  21. My other hobby is driving a truck cos i sure as hell dont earn sod all doing it merv
  22. Reading a bit more about this it appears this tunnel the were exiting is fairly new and has been the subject of many complaints i read in one article, apparently it starts out dual carriageway at one end then goes into single in the tunnel or at the other end and has caused a lot of confusion the article i read reckons, read it here and here merv
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