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Everything posted by mervin

  1. no probs mate only glad to be able to help a little if i can it looks to me like the problem is with the sprocket manufactures not knowing what they are doing Merv
  2. well lets start with removing nuts, soak em well in wd40 or plus gas for a couple of days then use a bit of heat on em, then undo a little at a time, once you get the nuts moving a little apply more Wd40 and rock them back and forth rather than trying to undo them all at one go so kinda loosen, tighten, loosen, tighten loosening the nut a little more each time and adding more wd 40 until it comes off, as for cleaning well take a soft wire brush to the block and remove the corrosion then mask of anything yuo do not want painted and spray it with PJ1 or another engine paint i reckon, unless you wan too strip it completely, then i can recommend someone who will vapour blast it for you and you can paint it after yourself
  3. mervin

    Wootton Bassett

    well i just heard them interviewing one of the islam idiots on the radio, he said now i will join the labour party see if we can get that banned as well, these people are a disgrace to their own religion and the whole human race, they should have their passports revoked and sent to afghanistan to rot Merv
  4. Very interesting, i know all the parts come from Hi level/jt sprockets etc direct, and i have a feeling that they are the problem here, all the suppliers just send and order for parts and they get them in from their and send em out too you,but it does surprise me that Paul did not sort it out for you, in future you can reference sprockets online here their diagrams have all the measurements on them so you can specify the number sprocket you want and check the measurments against your old one before ordering
  5. buy an ipod and use some earphones, all that stuff weighing down the little car and then switch it on, with the pull on the alternator you will need a orange beacon on the roof as it will only do 15/20 mph and you will be clssified as a slow moving vehicle and hazard to other road users, the other option is stick ear plugs in your ears as you will go deaf anyhow, and if all you want to do is hear less then ear plugs are cheaper, and you have the same end result, merv
  6. mervin


    */DEC 16th > >> > >> It's starting to snow. The first of the season and the first we've > >> > >> seen for years. The wife and I took our hot toddies and sat on the porch > >> > >> watching the fluffy snow flakes drift gently down clinging to the trees > >> > >> and covering the ground. It's so beautiful and peaceful. > >> > >> > >> > >> DEC 17th. > >> > >> We awoke to a lovely blanket of crystal white glistening snow > >> > >> covering as far as the eye could see. What a fantastic sight, every tree > >> > >> and bush covered with a beautiful white mantle. I shovelled snow for the > >> > >> first time ever and loved it. I did both our driveway and pavement. > >> > >> > >> > >> Later that day a snowplough came along and accidentally covered up > >> > >> our driveway with compacted snow from the street. The driver smiled and > >> > >> waved. I waved back and shovelled it away again. The children next door > >> > >> built a snowman with coal for eyes and a carrot for a nose, and had a > >> > >> snowball fight, a couple just missed me and hit the car so I threw a > >> > >> couple back and joined in their fun. > >> > >> > >> > >> DEC 18th. > >> > >> It snowed an additional 5 inches last night and the temperature > >> > >> dropped to around minus 8 degrees. Several branches on our trees and > >> > >> bushes snapped due to the weight of snow. I shovelled our driveway again. > >> > >> Shortly afterwards the snowplough came by and did his trick again. Much > >> of > >> > >> the snow is now a brownish-grey. > >> > >> > >> > >> Dec 19th. > >> > >> Warmed up enough during the day to create some slush which soon > >> > >> became ice when the temperature dropped again. Bought snow tyres for both > >> > >> our cars £500. Fell on my a*se in the driveway. £100 to a physio but > >> nothing > >> > >> was broken. > >> > >> > >> > >> DEC 20th. > >> > >> Still cold. Sold the wife's car and bought her a 4x4 to get her to > >> > >> work. She slid into a wall and did considerable damage to the right > >> wing - > >> > >> £200. Had another 8 inches of white sh*te last night. Both vehicles are > >> > >> re-covered in salt and iced up slush. That b*stard snowplough came by > >> > >> twice today. Where's that bl*ody shovel. > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> DEC 21st > >> > >> More F*****G snow. Not a tree or bush in our property that hasn't > >> > >> been damaged. Power was off most of the night. Tried to keep from > >> freezing > >> > >> to death with candles and a paraffin heater which tipped over and nearly > >> > >> torched the house. I managed to put the flames out but suffered 2nd > >> degree > >> > >> burns on my hands. Lost all my eye brows and eyelashes. Car hit a F*****G > >> > >> deer on the way to casualty and was written off. > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> DEC 22nd > >> > >> F*****G B*****D white sh*te just keeps on coming down. Have to put on > >> > >> every article of clothing just to go to the post box. The little sod > >> > >> next door ambushed me with snowballs on the way back - I'll shove that > >> > >> carrot so far up the little pr*cks a*se it'll take a good surgeon 6 hours > >> > >> to find it. If I ever catch the a*sehole that drives the snowplough I'll > >> > >> chew open his chest and rip out his heart with my teeth. I think the > >> > >> B*****D hides round the corner and waits for me to finish shovelling and > >> > >> then he accelerates down the street like Michael F*****G Schumacher and > >> > >> buries the F*****G driveway again. > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> DEC 23rd > >> > >> 16 more sodding inches of F*****G snow and F*****G ice and F*****G > >> > >> sleet and god knows what other white sh*te fell last night. I am in court > >> > >> in 3 months time for assaulting the snowplough driver with an ice pick. > >> > >> Can't move my F*****g toes. Haven't seen the sun for 5 weeks. Minus 20 > >> and > >> > >> more F*****G snow forecast F**K THIS, I'M MOVING TO AUSTRALI
  7. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  8. shame about that, it might fetch a bit on fleabay though spares or repair and help ye fund the other bike merv
  9. bin the RS,s and restore the DT mate they are one of the up and coming classics and fetching good money now merv
  10. mervin


    Come out from under the waves for a while have we then Alex, merv
  11. Well pal after many dealings with paul i have found him very helpful and parts have always been good, and the one part that was incorrect i was fully refunded and i sent it back to him, then in a phone call later that month it just out of interest i asked if he had got the part back and turned out the part had not got back to him and he had not mentioned it too me i asked him, i would use paul again anyday without any worries, before you start going on about too much about wrong parts check your bike has the correct wheels fitted it is possible if the rear sprocket is wrong someone has fitted a different rear wheel, for example my TDR has an R1 front caliper fitted and if i did not know that and ordered TDR brake pads they would not fit but it would not be the fault of the supplier would it now, an also if you are in the us what he hell are you doing oredering parts from the uk surely there is a us company able to supply chains and sprockets
  12. if we had this all year round this would be the yamaha snowmobile owners club i reckon, cars would have studded tyres, and we would have polar bears or penguins for pets instead of cars and dogs
  13. mervin


    Johnstown, PA (GlossyNews) – Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers “duct taped inside several fast food restaurant dumpsters,” according to police officials. “Something just went wrong,” said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. “Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong.” The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activist groups, “growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats,” decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event “in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats.” “In fact,” said the organizer, “motorcycle gangs are one of the biggest abusers of wearing leather, and we decided it was high time that we let them know that we disagree with them using it…ergo, they should stop.” According to witnesses, protesters arrived at the event in a vintage 1960’s era Volkswagen van and began to pelt the gang members with balloons filled with red colored water, simulating blood, and shouting “you’re murderers” to passers by. This, evidently, is when the brouhaha began. “They peed on me!!!” charged one activist. “They grabbed me, said I looked like I was French, started calling me ‘La Trene’, and duct taped me to a tree so they could pee on me all day!” “I…I was trying to show my outrage at a man with a heavy leather jacket, and he…he didn’t even care. I called him a murderer, and all he said was, ‘You can’t prove that.’ Next thing I know he forced me to ride on the back of his motorcycle all day, and would not let me off, because his girl friend was out of town and I was almost a woman.” Still others claimed they were forced to eat hamburgers and hot dogs under duress. Those who resisted were allegedly held down while several bikers “farted on their heads.” Police officials declined comments on any leads or arrests due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, however, organizers for the motorcycle club rally expressed “surprise” at the allegations. “That’s preposterous,” said one high-ranking member of the biker organizing committee. “We were having a party, and these people showed up and were very rude to us. They threw things at us, called us names, and tried to ruin the entire event. So, what did we do? We invited them to the party! What could be more friendly than that? You know, just because we are all members of motorcycle clubs does not mean we do not care about inclusiveness. Personally, I think it shows a lack of character for them to be saying such nasty things about us after we bent over backwards to make them feel welcome.” When confronted with the allegations of force-feeding the activists meat, using them as ad hoc latrines, leaving them incapacitated in fast food restaurant dumpsters, and ‘farting on their heads,’ the organizer declined to comment in detail. “That’s just our secret handshake,” assured the organizer. __________________
  14. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  15. Paul he answer is here
  16. mervin


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  17. 1. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written An impressive new book. It's called ... 'Ministers Do More Than Lay People' 2. Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink And be Mary.. 3. The difference between the Pope and Your boss, the Pope only expects you To kiss his ring. 4. My mind works like lightning, One brilliant Flash and it is gone. 5.. The only time the world beats a path to Your door is if you're in the bathroom. 6. I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once.The seat folded up, the drink spilled and That ice, well, it really chilled the mood. 7. It used to be only death and taxes Now, of course, there's shipping and handling, too. 8... A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression that he just cleaned the whole house. 9 My next house will have no kitchen - just Vending machines and a large trash can. 10. A blonde said, 'I was worried that my Mechanic might try to rip me off. I was relieved when he told me all I needed was turn signal fluid.' 11. Definition of a teenager? God's punishment...for enjoying sex. 12. As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.. ------------------------------------------------------ A guy calls his wife from the emergency room. He tells her that his finger got cut off at the construction site where he works. "Oh my God!!" cries the woman. "The whole finger?" "No," replies the guy. "The one next to it." ------------------------------------------------------------------- In one epsiode of "Cheers", Cliff is seated at the bar describing the Buffalo Theory to his buddy Norm: "Well, you see Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the lowest and weakest onles at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and heald of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
  18. same ere gas up clunking along like a snail with a wooden leg, alex is diving somewhere off australia methinks, maybe we ned to tel him Merv
  19. Where the feck did ya find that picture Drewps, thats not me i do not wear that kinda clothes
  20. Before you click the link imagine what you think the sad git looks like, You will not be dissapointed Ex-mayor admits stealing women's underwear
  21. Have you any pcs of the old switch /mastercylinder, that switch was pretty universal so if the thing fits in the hole it should work Merv
  22. oh yes get it put Paul, no points in wondering what if mate, iwas just saying why we wrinklies are behind the 125 owners merv
  23. boils down to not being a spotty 17 year old trying to extract every las .00000001 of a bhp out of the bike to make it go .0009 of a mph faster and last less than 50% of its normal life
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