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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Barky it is the latest thing that tennagers use to recharge their brains thats what it is
  2. mervin


    And the jeans to wear spotted in belgium recently
  3. Looks like a good project Drewps, the last RD i restored was worse than that, and he will have a decent bike rather than a twist and go hairdrier
  4. mervin


    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXzaVOk_Ydk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXzaVOk_Ydk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXzaVOk_Ydk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  5. getting married soon track her down on facebook through my facebook merv
  6. thats what i would do 90/90/18, done it on the rd,s and it works well, going bigger on the tyres does tend to louse up the handling
  7. Kerry Capitano Yamaha SS50 (FS1E) RD250B RD250D Pug scooter RD250D RD400D current RD250D no3 current RD400E current in bits TDR 250 no1 current Tdr 250 no2 current in bits Suzi GN250 scrapper for parts Aprilia RX50 good fun but spare back up diabolical Honda SLR 650 Honda Vigor current Kwak Z 650 current awaitibg mot Suzi TS50 beyond repair scrapper Honda H100 " " "
  8. he has pulled a bird though
  9. get it sorted cos2 strokes are very sensitive to their exhausts
  10. No even after a year it does not work.I have to spray my RD250 tank again after trying to patch up a chip, it went all crinkly polish it when it is cured properly
  11. <div style="width: 400px;"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/gaskrank.swf?image=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/branding/playbg.php&logo=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/t1.png" width="400" height="320" wmode="transparent" flashvars="file=http://files.evisor.tv/201008/13271.flv"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/gaskrank.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=http://files.evisor.tv/201008/13271.flv&image=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/branding/playbg.php&logo=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/t1.png" /> </object> <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 10px;"><a href="http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/motorrad-fun/honda-stretch-limo-motorbike-13271.htm" target="_blank">Honda Stretch Limo Motorbike, Langversion</a> <br>powered by Gaskrank.TV</div> </div>
  12. that is looking nice i my opinion a set of wire wheels would look good on it
  13. Really an intro to yourself and your bike first would have been nice matey, Obviously a case of plugged it in to the computer in the workshop and it told them the computer on the bike needs replacing so they did it, was the computer operating monkey a spotty apprentice???,cos that how dealers work now i reckon, cos i would personally for the first move replace the neutral switch, i presume it only happens in 1st gear doe the neutral light go out as you go up through the box??
  14. he aint got Goff drewps, i know what she is up too , getting married thats what Merv
  15. mervin


    Dunno mate but that was one of the things he was nicked for, and driving 17 miles with a police car trying too stop him, he says he is unable to work again, i would not want too work again at age 70, and if i could grab £100,000 would not need to for a while. jumping on the old sue some bugger band wagon that,s what it is Merv
  16. mervin


    It is surprising how reporting can throw peoples views, the stupid old twat was driving with dark illegally tinted windows, thought the old bill was escorting him home after they had stopped him and he drove of nearly injuring on of the coppers this report i think tells it more how it is, most likely the blindold twat needs taking off the road before he kills a biker http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2010/08/07/stroke-man-to-sue-police-for-100k-for-stress-after-attack-on-his-car-91466-27014587/
  17. mervin

    yellow toad

    So, there's this yellow toad wandering around in the forest kinda pissed off because he doesn't want to be yellow. Life would be easier if he were brown like the other toads... He'd sure be less visible to predators for one thing. Anyway... This yellow toad bumps into a fairy godmother. "Fairy godmother, please make me brown like the other toads," begs her. "I'm hacked off being so visible to predators. The stress is like, killing me, you know?" "Okay" says the fairy godmother, who whips out her magic wand and goes: "Abracapokus! You're brown!" The toad looks down and sees that he is brown ! Except..... for his todger, which is still yellow. "Hang about lady," he says to the fairy godmother, "My pecker's still yellow!" "Yeah, well I don't do todgers," she says, "You'll have to go see the Wizard of Oz for that." So the toad thanks her and hops off on his way. There is also a purple bear wandering about the very same woods. As luck would have it, he encounters the very same fairy godmother (yes okay it's a coincidence, but it's true). "Fairy Godmother! You're just the person I need!" says the purple bear, "I can't pull any bearesses cos they don't want to be seen with me on account of the hunters. They can spot me from a mile off." Being a fairly nice fairy godmother, she takes out her magic wand. "Oh for goodness sake, what is the matter with you lot round here." she says. And with that, she yells: "Pokuscadabra! You're brown!" The bear looks down and sees that he is, in fact, brown. Except for his goolies, which remain purple. "Hold up sweetheart!", he says to the fairy godmother, "My goolies are still purple!" "Yeah, well I don't do those goolie things," she replies, "You'll have to go see the Wizard of Oz for that." "Well that's just dandy, innit?" the bear replies, "How the hell do I find the Wizard of Oz?" "Easy," says the fairy godmother as she flew off........... ~ ~ ~ you know what's coming don't you ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ she flew off, saying....... ~ ~ ~ ~ "Just follow the yellow-dick toad !! "
  18. oops yes forgot that !
  19. Took the blue flash out for a ride not too far but here are Bidefords bridges Norham burrows overlooking westward ho!
  20. Nah you can do it with the engine running if you have thick socks and heavy duty wellies on
  21. clutches do that when they have been standing, the plates stick together, i would not worry as long as you can stop the back wheel, if it jams on and you cannot get it too release at all then start it get it rolling crash into 1st then ride along with the clutch in stabbin the rear brake on and off, that should clear it, merv thinkng about this again you say it did not have enough oil in it, the clutch plates could have been dry, now there is oil between em there will be a bit of drag
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