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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Nothing in very triumphant about em really was there
  2. mervin

    Happy New Year

    Yup happy new year everyone
  3. I think you will find that IRC are pretty good tyres we do not het em in the uk they used to coma as standard on some small jap bikes in the seventies and where rubbish then, but all reports i have heard recently say they are good now, Yamahead is the guy too ask
  4. Citroen, Massey ferguson, Hardely Ferguson, hardly ableson, Hardly driveable, no difference
  5. As a Christian I was deeply offended by tonight's Top Gear where it was suggested that the the new 'Stig' was born in Israel. The Stig is a fictional character dressed in white, whose entire history is nothing more than a load of ridiculous, made up stories and no one has ever actually seen him. Whereas Jesus... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish my parents weren't Jehovah's Witnesses. All I had for Christmas was a wank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got invited to a xmas fancy dress party and the invitation said 'Dress to kill' Turns out a Beard, Robe, Backpack and a Turban wasn't what it meant
  6. What's the difference between Nick Clegg and Santa Claus ? It's okay to believe in Santa. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had pigs in blankets at the dinner table yesterday. The heating went in our house so the wife and her mother had to wrap up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just stole a turkey from Tesco... The Security man ran after me shouting "What u doing with that?".. I shouted back "Roast Spuds, peas, carrots & gravy, ya nosey Bastard!"... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My girlfriend is an ungrateful cow. I spent £300 on her for Xmas and she just doesn't appreciate it. Who would turn their nose up to an Xbox 360, Black Ops and 5 cases of Stella? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My wife said, "Let's celebrate New Year with a bang". I said, "Yeah OK, as long as mine is with your sister" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear kids, Those presents were from your parents, not Santa. Sincerely, Wikileaks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- had my Christmas party last week.everything was going well..they played twist..so i twisted...they played jump...so i jumped...then it was cum on Eileen..i was thrown out shortly after!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. then you can hear everyone say what a Pillock you look
  8. Happy xmas all that drinmk will be in Het Anker bar in *************** Merv
  9. been around a while you need to undestand glaswegian to get what they say though snowball game
  10. Gotta agree with Blam it was purely a public relations thing on the part of Vosa i know someone who was done £200 last week because he miscalculated his break and started 10 mins early then another £200 because he did a 15 hour spread over day and took a 9 hour break which i thought yo whee entitled to do 3 times a week but the copper told him no if you work a full 15 hour spread you have to have 11 off, i am sure they make these laws up as you go along Why dont they just make it totally illegal to drive a truck then that will simplify things, everyone will starve to death No Vosa or police left hoorah
  11. mervin


    Elliot you have just joined the idiots welcome :lol:
  12. If the answer is yes Do not watch this http://www.liveleak.com/mp53/player.swf?config=http://www.liveleak.com/mp53/player_config.php?token=f2d_1284588370%26embed=1
  13. Aha just found the post on yorkshire strokers me understand now Tentpole and him in Pistols film
  14. Tony never said he was in tent pole tudor but I know he knows Ed tent pole, I have known Tony through the net for several years and met him in Brid one sunday afternoon when i was there unloading crabs a few years ago Merv
  15. Yamagod is stil around i had a pm from him the other day when i asked for a PDF workshop manual for the RD400 Daytona
  16. mervin

    Bl%%dy Freezing

    Barkie Passed those landys loads of times back in the nineties/early 2000,s on my way too Oban with the truck, thats how i,know aboot em, Spectacular area that is, i just loved driving that road in the spring on a clear still morning see the lochs like glass and the reflection of the mountains in em, Sadly only go too holland and france with belgium in between now merv
  17. mervin

    world cup

    Hurrah its gone to russia wonder how much they will put up with hooligans, salt mines will have plenty of new workers in 2018 i reckon other thoughts 400 BBC staff have been told there jobs are safe and will be enjoying a free holiday to Russia in 2018 at tax payers expense"..... Hurrah that we don't have another sporting white elephant to pay for. We can't even win a Fifa Bribing competition.
  18. mervin

    Bl%%dy Freezing

    fifthed i always knew i would have a use for one of these oneday a cuthbertson landrover or the roadless one
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