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Everything posted by mervin

  1. a woman is in hospital having a labia reduction operation , on coming around from the anesthetic she spots three bouquets of flowers "who are they from ?? " she asks groggily !! "well ones from me !" says the surgeon " it has been one of my finest jobs and i am justifiably proud of it !!" " the other is from your husband who is also over the moon with it !!" " so who's the third bouquet from then ??? " she asks the surgeon replies "oh !! , little johnny on the burns ward says " , "thanks for the new ears !"
  2. Wuz you there last night Leatherat Delbert from the Rd club was there and a load of guys from the Taunton and Bridgewater VJMC
  3. nope no hope without charged battery, come over too http://www.aircooledrdclub.org.uk for the experts on RD,s Merv
  4. you could try http://www.bike-stickers.com/homepage.htm
  5. It can be done Foamy i know done it a few times bit cramped but she cannot get away very far :spin2:
  6. My racing snail seems to have lost a bit of speed lately. After talking to an 'expert' in the pub I was advised to remove its shell to reduce weight so I tried this but it hasn't done any good. If anything it's made it more sluggish
  7. over at the aircooled RD club we have a dating offcer that goes by the name of Paul Dawkins he can help you do this he is able to issue a dating certificate for this purpose go too http://www.aircooledrdclub.org.uk/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=42 you will see all about it there , he also has just started a DT forum
  8. good quality antifreeze mixture no more than 50/50 though , engine oil good quality semi synthetic or fully synth, transmission motul 10w/30 2 stroke transmission oil see opie oils offers
  9. looking good Alex :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  10. mervin

    Ngongo Mwambi

    I know an irishman that looted Argos, if you need any catalogues give me a shout
  11. hi mate i am in North Devon but was born in plimuff
  12. Get in there mate, airbox is only different inside swinger is the same rear engine mount brackets are different. Panuno on the aircooled site is in Hadleigh Suffolk, he recently restored a 350B, as for 250/400 hybrid dont let em worry ya ride it enjoy it Merv
  13. mine came with ciggy plug or clips and a plug to change em i swapped the plug for the same type as my oximiser so can plug the bikes in easily
  14. yes i have 2 in the shed window, they do a god job, so good the rd 250 battery ended up dried out completely last winter when i left it on all the time, but that has no alarm etc, and the battery was on it,s way out anyhow, but this is the one i have solar charger Merv
  15. Well TBH yes i will say come over too the Aircooled rd clubcos there is just too much info on there for me to transfer here, we have people from all over the world with RD,s on there ,on and where do you live ? Paul that link is well out of date the latest is www.aircooledrdclub.org.uk Merv
  16. mervin

    Reed Petals

    dont beleive it, they cause more mess than the steel ones i am told , ask Mr Sheene on the RD forum, they break up get behind the rings and all sorts of nasties, carbon in the big end bearings bearings think about it , metal ones will just mangle and go out of the exhaust port hopefully
  17. mervin

    Reed Petals

    Very good move Nev
  18. mervin

    Reed Petals

    On the RD400.s one reed was thicker than the other i cannot remember which one was top which was bottom now, but keep your eye on those reeds if they break they cause a right mess in the engine, people fit them thinking they are safe from damage if they break, wrong !!!, they make a right mess rebore guaranteed from what i am told ,
  19. 1982 xj 550 maxim manual buggerit thats a riders manual will havea look for the right one though
  20. I reckon OGOB first go is right, the washer stops the cable from going too far into the drive, Merv
  21. mervin

    yamaha tdr

    Does it have a reserve position on the fuel tap ??? use that, i have never had a bike with a fuel gauge or light on it, Merv
  22. Have you checked the adjustment is right, 10/15 mm play at the lever.does it have a adjuster at the bottom end?? check cable route has it got any sharp bends and make sure you have the correct cable , i got a speedo cable for my Z650 recently in spite of being marked Z650 on the bag there was no way it will fit Merv
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