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Everything posted by mervin

  1. 3.Eagles may soar, but weasels do not get sucked into jet engines
  2. Do the direct access NOW, there is a whole raft of new laws coming and you could find you have to do another test for every bigger bike you want to ride, I think there wil be 3 or 4 different groups next and a test between every one
  3. pah he should have just grabbed it and slung it off, It was most probably as shocked as he was .
  4. See if you can beg steal or borrow another CDI to test it, but first check the genny output, my 250TDR destroyed 2 last year and 2 reg recs and blew 2 sets fo bulbs in very short order, summat had gone wrong and it was putting a very high voltage out of the genny, had been fine since i replaced the genny
  5. that frame number refers to a 1988 japanese market FZR400 as far as i can see, most probably first registered here in 1991
  6. Tell ya what i jusy got Analogue man by Joe Walsh, tis quite good especially from a 63 year old eagle , assisted by an retired Beatle , and the ELO front man Jeff Lynne , with Crosby and Nash
  7. I got thrown out of McDonald's this morning. The girl serving me was an absolute stunner and she told me she could make it large for 30p. I replied that she already had, but could she finish me off for a quid.
  8. I took the bike out for a spin today, whilst the weather was looking good and it was while riding along a lane here in deepest, darkest Somerset, I came across a house in the middle of nowhere. Doing a quick u-turn, I rode up the driveway. I knocked on the door and it was opened by a kind faced, elderly woman. "Can I help you?", she smiled." "It's because of people like you, that stamps are so ruddy expensive!", I screamed at her, before getting back on my bike.
  9. is the clutch stuck, or slipping
  10. or a bit of goats dont shave
  11. Difficult to say a favourite
  12. Happy Birthday Alex i hope it is a good un mate
  13. They dfo exist, the one that sat behind me all the time i was filling the truck up[in the service area one night, stayed there for 15 mins while i had a break , then when i was 1/2 a mile on the motorway pulled me in and told me i had a lens missing on a trailer side marker light, Why you may ask did this numpty police offficer risk life and limb pulling me on a motorway hard shoulder to tel me this when he had been sitting behind me for 20 minutes previously, because he wanted to get me to a weighbridge, and it was more than 3 miles from the services . If they take yopu more than 3 miles to a weighbridge and you are not overweight you can claim from them, as turned out we where not over weight, but he went through everything including taking our national insurance numbers to try and find somethoing wrong , but he could not , and he was prepard to risk his and his partners lives and ours on the truck to do this , i have since been told i should have made a formal complaint as he would be on camera in the service area , but I think he just pulled a few to many and did get some complaints because a couple of years later i was told he was removed from Traffic and put bak on the beat
  14. I would have slammed the brakes on and then let them explain why they where too close to me , preferably in front of the chief constable , It has happened, one of South west bikers members was on the M5 once with his missus driving , there was a car tailgating them, he looked around a saw 2 uniforms in an umarked car, as they approached a service area he told his missu pull in to the services and see WTF they are up to if they follow us in, sure enough they tailgated them into the services, he told his missus jam the brakes on , she did they hit em up the ass , result avon and somerset poice paid out for another car for them and the said officers where made to go to their house and personally apologise by the chief constable
  15. mervin

    reg plate

    Basically as long as the letters/numbers are the correct size and spacing and you have a minimum of 11m border around them that is all i can see is required http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/PersonalisedRegAndNumberPlates/DG_181503 Motorcycles and tricycles Motorcycles registered from 1 September 2001 must only display a number plate at the rear of the vehicle. Motorcycles registered before 1 September 2001 can display a number plate at the front, but do not have to. The number plate must be a 'two-line' number plate. Motorcycle number plates should have a: character height - 64 millimetres character width - 44 millimetres (except the figure 1 or letter I) character stroke - 10 millimetres space between characters - 10 millimetres space between groups - 30 millimetres top, bottom and side margins - 11 millimetres (minimum) vertical space between groups - 13 millimetres Tricycles made from motorcycles must meet the number plate requirements for motorcycles. Tricycles made from four-wheeled vehicles, such as saloon cars and quad bikes must meet the same number plate requirements as all other vehicles.
  16. Yes Contact Paul Dawkins on here he is a DVLA aproved dating officer and knows the in and outs of that kind of thing http://yamahaclub.com/forums/user/37425-paul-dawkins/ Merv
  17. One can only assume your neighbour does not like you, as above new pads /linings and clean the disc/drum with brake cleaner
  18. or for that matter is the power valve working at all, can yuo hear it go through it,s cleaning cycle when you switch the key on?
  19. Hapy birthday lads have a good un
  20. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=waterproof+switch&_sacat=14780&_odkw=&_osacat=14780&_pcats=131090&_armrs=1
  21. depends who your local dealer is, as i say above it maybe worth phoning Granby,s of Ilkeston Or for online you maybe able to do it from AJ Suttonms website http://www.yamahamotorcyclespares.co.uk/spares/modelImage.asp?modelID=11135&m=YAMAHA+XT250K+DUAL+PURPOSE&uID=0
  22. The fuhrer is getting his Lederhosen in a knot again
  23. oh where do you live there will be someone not to far from you i am sure
  24. Sam welcome to the forum from another RD400d owner, there could be a mulititude if reasons for this , as you have a spark i assume you have a good battery fully charged, did you get the emulsions tubes out that the main jets screw into? etc etc but i will say one thing for more knowledge of RD,s than you can shake a stick at go to http://www.aircooledrdclub.org.uk/ sign up join the club ofr real to get discounts and access to the members section for the classifieds , and if you are at a loose end on this weekend go along
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