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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Steve you may have more joy finding people to ride with on , http://www.southwestbikers.com/index.php but do not leaves us, we welcome new members here , and will help you in any way we can
  2. If you like i can direct you to a couple of 3 week dead roadkill Badgers they will be nice and gamey now
  3. A mummy coated in chocolate & nuts has been found in Egypt-archaeologists think it might be Pharaoh Rochay. Ill get me coat
  4. Organised by Cheesy from the VJMC , a date for the diary CLASSIC BIKE JAPFEST at Haynes Motor Museum on September 15th 2013. Its a new show on Sunday 15th of September, being co-ordinated by Cheesy of the Taunton & Bridgewater section of the VJMC Free camping for exhibitors on the Saturday night Tickets for the public will include entrance to the Haynes Museum, so will be loads to see This will be the first year of the show, so details are not set; albeit agreed in principle with the VJMC and Haynes Cheesy is hoping that the price will be lower, at £10.00, than the normal price to enter Haynes (which next year will be £11.95, so a good saving plus you get to see the bikes). Entry to the show, Museum, Autojumble and camping is all free for exhibitors. Plus cash prizes for first place in the categories. Haynes is currently undergoing a large expansion which should be finished in the spring, so there should be more to see than in the past
  5. mervin

    new dog

    he is a bit cranky though
  6. mervin

    xmas shopping

    I know I'm quite emotional anyway, so this story especially touched me... A couple were Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve and the whole place was heaving, packed with other last-minute shoppers. Walking through the shopping centre, the surprised wife looked up from a window display and noticed her husband was nowhere to be seen. She knew they had lots still to do and she became very upset. She rummaged in her handbag and found her mobile phoned and then used it to call her husband to ask him where he was. The husband in a calm voice replied: "Darling, you remember the jewellery shop we went into five years ago, where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we could not afford and I told you that one day I would get it for you...?" His wife's eyes filled with tears of emotion and she began to cry softly and stifling a sob she whispered:"Yes, I remember that jewellery shop..." "Well," he said, "I'm in the pub next door to it."
  7. I remember a guy i know getting grief for having no l plates on his 125 once, you should have seen the stupid rozzers face drop when he took out his licence and showed him it was a full licence
  8. mervin

    jewish cabbie

    Jewish Cab Driver A clearly inebriated woman, stark naked, jumped into a taxi in New York City and laid down on the back seat. The cab driver, an old Jewish gentleman, opened his eyes wide and stared at the woman. He made no attempt to start the cab. The woman glared back at him and said, "What's wrong with you, honey? - Haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?" The old Jewish driver answered, "Let me tell you sumsing, lady – I vasn't staring at you like you tink; det vould not be proper vair I come from." The drunk woman giggled and responded, "Well, if you're not staring at my boobs or ass sweetie, what are you doing then?" He paused a moment, then told her..."Vell, M'am, I am looking and I am looking, and I am tinking to myself,'Vair in da hell is dis lady keeping de money to pay for dis ride?
  9. Hmm did think about coming up this year but Clashes with a show i am kinda helping with at Haynes museum,
  10. I find the main problem with riding in wet and warmer conditions is visors and glasses fogging up , i was riding the bike to work back in the summer rain or shine, then one morning had fog and nearly rode into the hedge a couple of times, i went out and spent the money was saving for a Tenere on a fiesta van, good move really, 50/60 mpg and nice and warm,
  11. yes l;ike work,is the curse of the drinking classes
  12. yes the 200 is very simlar to the 125, I beleive the 200 and 125 share the same frame , there are plenty of 250, in the uk , and as i say have a look at the aircooled forum , in hot topics there are posts with the details of most aircooled models on it
  13. http://realitywired.com/morally-repressed-mattel-pulls-vibrating-harry-potter-broomstick/
  14. Nice RD there mate, I quite like thenlook of the us bikes the slightly smaller tank etc join us on http://www.aircooledrdclub.com/smf/index.php for more rd owners from all over the world
  15. You will find the 250 is a heavier and quicker, and less complicated electrics wise, as it does not have the electric start of the 200 , there are a lot of new parts being made for the RD,s now, the 250,s seem to be more popular here than the smaller bikes, also the 400 is the same size bike but bigger engine but they are becoming very expensive, there is a model guide on our aircooled rd forum http://www.aircooledrdclub.com/smf/index.php
  16. Drain it and refill with petrol i did the same to my Honda 650 a couple of years ago , did not realise it until it was a pig to start the next day , just drained the tank and filled with petrol again and rode on no ill effect at all and that was 50/50, If anything i reckon it gave it a decoke , cos i got it started and gave it a thrash up the road before i saw what i had done
  17. The only way to get those pipes is to go and beg Martin to make a set, He lives near Lifton
  18. no mastercylinder top but http://shop.xs650shop.de/front_content.php?idcat=8
  19. TBH I would not entertain LPG in any vehicle, not even happy driving petrol cars nowadays after seeing one go up in Rotherham one day right in front of me (on the opposite side of the road) luckily the occupants realised what was happening as the bonnet went from red to black within seconds of them stopping, and also AFAIK you are not allowed on eurotunnel woith an LPG vehicle, I will stick with diesel as much as possible thanks
  20. Welcome m,ate from another old fart with 2 tdr,s must admit i have not been out on mine for a while , been ridng the RD400 and Z 650 lately
  21. http://yamahaclub.com/forums/user/37425-paul-dawkins/ click that linkfor Paul Dawkins and send him a PM he can issue a Dating certificate for an age related plate
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