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Everything posted by mervin

  1. that will be in a bike soon i promise ya, millyard built it from scratch
  2. mervin


    gotta get my tdr moted, then go out and slay some giants again
  3. maybe to highly geared? could be worth going down a couple of teeth on the back sprocket
  4. one like this is it someone had it on the VJMC stand at the bristol classic show last month here is their forum http://www.vjmc-tb.co.uk/forum/index.php
  5. umm gpz750 dats a kwak innit http://kawasakiownersclub.com/index/
  6. St Valentine’s Day is a blatant corruption of the much older (though equally ludicrous) pagan festival of “Valentino’s Ptarmigan Buggering Day”. Valentino was a mythical buggerer of game birds. His favoured quarry were the Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) a relative of the Grouse, that were plentiful in both the highlands of Scotland and on the Arctic tundra. He was also known to be partial to buggering the occasional Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) and when necessary even the Red Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) became a target for his lustful sodomy. In pre-Christian times the traditional celebration of Valentino’s Day originally involved the mass buggering of all kinds of game birds (purists insisted on the use of Ptarmigan though they would accept Grouse if Ptarmigan were in short supply). In latter years due to the hardship and dedication involved in catching live game birds in such a way that did not make their arse holes pucker-up to such an extent to make buggering impossible, the stylised celebration of gluing a few feathers to ones genitalia and strutting about like a Peacock with a terminal dose of haemorrhoids became the custom. As Christianity swept through Europe like syphilis through a Preston nightclub, the practice became even more stylised to the point where the ruination of any game (i.e. sexually active) bird (i.e. woman) became acceptable. As the Christian church frowned upon any form of buggery (excepting that involving young boys and members of the clergy) the ‘ruination’ also became stylised into the proposal of marriage (which, if accepted, generally buggers the lives of the celebrant and the recipient). The traditional giving of flowers is also believed to be a stylised remnant of the original face-full of heather and wild flowers encountered when buggering Ptarmigan in their natural habitat. Over recent decades, this has more commonly involved cheap, shitty, tasteless bunches of flowers purchased at the last minute from petrol stations. Many Theologians believe this is indicative of the ever-increasing popular realisation that marriage is no more than an out-dated mode of control of peoples lives operated by both state and church. Happy St Valentines Day! Bugger a bird for Jesus! (14th February 2013 - Old Perv’s Almanac)
  7. We do appreciate a intro in the new membes section , just to say a few details who you are and what bike/s you own, anyway are these what you want http://www.cp-lighting.co.uk/BI-PIN-T1-3-4-14V-80MA
  8. Posh Spice’ Brings Joy To Millions! Talentless caterwauling harpy Victoria Beckham has announced that she is to retire from singing. It is expected that millions of music lovers will be celebrating and dancing in the streets as word of this joyous news spreads throughout the world. Tarquin Quarter-Ponder (Music critic for National Tyres) said: “This is terrific news for the people who do not suffer from impaired hearing or senile dementia!” Elvis Easyjet (Chief of ground staff at Manchester International Airport) was visibly shocked by the news: “I recon we can get another five years of good quality bird-scaring by rotating her back catalogue but then we’re fucked! We’ll be up to our arses in crows and starlings… Our only hope now is that Elaine Page decides to record an album of Dido covers using the Large Hadron Collider as a microphone!” David Beckham (Thick-as-pigshit football bloke and husband of the stick-thin slapper) commented, in a short break from his busy schedule of promoting football as a diversion to stop the people of China from thinking about turning against their oppressive political masters: “Who? Oh yeah, the thin one with the miserable face… Yeah, well, y’know… it’s like… erm… y’know, it’s sort of… yeah! Do you like my new suit? It cost a million quid y’know and I’m wearing underpants made of diamonds... They’re a bit itchy.” Mercedes Farquar-La-De-Dah (High-Society commentator for The Big Issue) commented: “Posh? She’s about as posh as eating rat shit with chopsticks in a spunk-encrusted public shithouse! And she never has any spare change! Cunt!” It is unlikely that Ms Beckham will be in any rush to sign on at her local job-centre. Rumour has it that she is about to launch a new Dental Care range based on selling her shit to be used as toothpaste in third world countries. The product launch is likely to be in the Cardiff branch of Superdrug. O’Bollox News 24/03/2013
  9. spark plugs is a good site, mr solutions is cheapest for ngk
  10. mervin

    NOS Yam RD250

    unusable would need all new seals etc only fit to sit in a museum or your front room
  11. You have most probably heard about my sons mate Ed March he rode a Honda 90 from Malaysia to the uk for fun, well he is trying to get his filming professionally edited and produced for all to see , he needs to get £7500 to do it he has £5655 but he only has 6 more days, pledges will not be taken if the DVD is not made , £10 ges a download £20 a copy of the DVD, £300 gets you a talk from the man himself anywhere in england http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1898071660/malaysia-to-uk-on-a-honda-c90-the-movie-by-ed-marc
  12. An intro would be nice mate, use the new members section please, as for finding the original colour try yamaha dealer
  13. Pump every time , cleanest petrol engine out there is a 2 stroke when properly setup . ford worked on a 2 stroke fiesta once but it mnever came off In 1992, Ford revealed an experiment to equip the Fiesta with an engine that looked as though it had been consigned, through its inability to meet increasingly demanding emissions regulations, to the dustbin of technology in the 1960s. A 2-stroke was equipped with a compressed air fuel metering system so precise that its emissions were relatively clean. Unburnt hydrocarbons no longer escaped in such profusion and the virtues of fewer moving parts, no valves, springs, camshaft or pushrods, 30% less weight, 12% better economy and 10% more power, persuaded Ford to run a programme running 3-cylinder 1200cc 2-strokes in 50 Fiestas for field trials. They were astonishingly smooth-running with none of the popping and banging associated with old-style two-strokes. A tank under the bonnet supplied oil to the engine for 12500 miles without refilling, but it turned out to be problematical in service and the experiment was concluded. Weight: 870kg Engine: 1.2-litre 3-cyl, 80bhp @ 5500rpm, 90lbft @ 4000rpm. Sarich forced-air 6bar fuel injection system driven by reciprocating pump driven off crankshaft; sealed crankcase, reed valve intakes, engine 100mm lower and 70mm narrower than 4-cyl, roller-bearing forged one-piece crankshaft. Max speed: 104.7mph 0-62mph: 10.7s Average 49.6mpg Read more: http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=127787&page=1#1567581#ixzz2NmkWZrfZ
  14. http://www.aircooledrdclub.com/
  15. Try contacting http://www.tsrvapourblasting.co.uk/ he know of a good shop for rebores in Kent, Stan Stephens would be good but it is just about impossible to get anything done by him nowadays cos he is so busy
  16. Well i have been for some weeks now delivering stone to make roads on solar parks that are being constructed in our area, Solar Panels = Made in China solar panels = delivered by Hungarians , poles , etc etc, jobs being done by Spanish and german companies so spanish and german site agents foremen etc , manual staff are all eastern block or Spanish, just the odd brit digger driver/builder drafted in when a decent job is needed to be done talk about a missed opportunity to get the country going again
  17. join the aircooled rd club http://www.aircooledrdclub.com
  18. All the info you need is here http://www.aircooledrdclub.com/smf/index.php?board=42.0 you can contact Paul there as well merv
  19. Aye Jimmy thats the kinda dealer i like , I buy my cars from a SEAT dealer, they are some way from me but service is brilliant, A family run garage, nothing to much trouble, went to a local Pug dealer one day when i was thinking of changing the car , slimey little snide git in suit comes out all sales pitch talking to me like i was thick and knew nothing, orrible cup of coffee from coffee machine, said thanks very much , walked back into Seat garage, kettle on , mug of tea, what do you fancy then, oh we have one of them out there , I am busy there,s the trade plates and keys go try it , he sold a new car that day, the pug dealer lost out and will not be recommended
  20. Pierrick this will be the closest VJMC group to street they mat know summat http://www.vjmc-tb.co.uk/forum/index.php
  21. well that is 44 seconds of my life wasted,
  22. a good quality motorcycle specific 10w30 or sae30 gear oil , do not use car synthetic oil it can make the clutch slip.it should tell you how much oil is needed on the casting near the filler, I would drain the old oil and fill completely with new
  23. They are out there , i found one for my son recently , very original , matching numbers, engine looked untouched in need of TLC with an exttra motor £950
  24. nope all yamahas have matching numbers, nowt wrong with it though so long as it is straight, the different engine numbers make no difference really
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